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Real estate market struggles, luxury market fails to break even (Coldwell Banker Europa Realty) - MySweetimmo

Real estate market struggles, luxury market fails to break even (Coldwell Banker Europa Realty) - MySweetimmo

Рынок недвижимости переживает трудности, рынок роскоши не может выйти на новый уровень (Coldwell Banker Europa Realty) - MySweetimmo

Home > News > Services > Podcasts > My Property Podcast > "Real estate suffers, luxury market fails to perform," Laurent Demer (Coldwell Banker Europa Realty)

Laurent Demer (Coldwell Banker Europa Realty)

Laurent Demer, president of the Coldwell Banker Europa Realty network of real estate agencies, gives a real estate overview in an interview with Ariana Artinian. Posted by MySweetImmo, December 5, 2023, updated December 1, 2023

In this edition of My Property Podcast, Ariana Artinian meets Laurent Demer, President and CEO of Coldwell Banker for France and Monaco, a global leader in luxury real estate. The chain just opened its 53rd agency in Karkerian, Va. And starting in 2024, two new real estate agencies will appear in Switzerland and Brussels. This demonstrates that luxury real estate is more resilient compared to the conventional real estate market.

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According to Laurent Demer, "price changes are not parallel or proportional," but the luxury market cannot show superiority compared to when ordinary real estate suffers. There are favorable cycles for buyers and sellers here as well. Laurent Demer does not consider it an advance if the luxury market declines by 4-5% in the coming months. And he explains it in this podcast.




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