Property Abroad
Italy's real estate market faces a sharp downturn - video from Tgcom24

Italy's real estate market faces a sharp downturn - video from Tgcom24

Italy's real estate market faces a sharp downturn - video from Tgcom24

On October 17, 2023 at 22:05 local time, Guido Cainiello reported on the negative impact of high mortgage interest rates on the real estate market in Italy.

The crisis in the purchase of primary homes is confirmed by a study by the National Board of Notaries: in the first half of 2023, transactions decreased by 8.7% compared to the same period last year. The number of transactions fell from 303,375 to 277,052.

Recommended real estate
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Sale villa in Lecce 887 229,00 $

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Sale flat in Catania 596 759,00 $

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Sale villa in Camajore 4 030 434,00 $

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Sale flat in Boca Raton 6 045 652,00 $

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Sale flat in Sanremo 904 527,00 $

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If this trend continues, notaries predict a 10.5% decrease by the end of the year.


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