Property Abroad
A student's shocking confession: a search for an apartment turned into an offer of €1500 with the condition of staying as a guest for two days.

A student's shocking confession: a search for an apartment turned into an offer of €1500 with the condition of staying as a guest for two days.

Шокирующее признание студента: поиск квартиры превратился в предложение за €1500 с условием проживания в гостях в течение двух дней.

A university student in Belgrade urgently required an apartment to live in from November 1 and posted an ad in a well-known apartment rental group. On Messenger she got a message with strange content.

The Blic newspaper - Maybe a day or two passed since my ad and people wrote to me on Messenger, there were many messages and pictures of different apartments being offered to me. One day a guy asked me what neighborhood of Belgrade I was looking for an apartment in, since I didn't specify that information in the ad because I only cared that it was well connected to the rest of the city. I answered him that I needed an apartment for a long term - begins her story M.I. (full name known''editors).

Organizing for a guest for 1,500 euros

She says the guy replied to her that he had a furnished apartment and would check the details, then texted her that he had one request for her. "A guy, a guest, is coming to Belgrade this Saturday. Needs organization, tourist overview of the city, walking, shopping in malls, dinner and music in clubs and restaurants in the evening. The guest stays two days in Belgrade. The daily fee is 1500 euros. Can you see or by recommendation and if you need more details I will write to you. About the apartment I will inform you, of course" is the message M.I. received from this guy.

I started reading the message and I thought maybe it was some kind of job offer because it was a student group and he''introduced the guy who comes as a "guest". However, when I read further and saw the mention of shopping and the sum of 1,500 euros, it was immediately clear to me what it was all about,' explains M.I., who, she adds, was shocked. She wanted to know how far this guy, who may have already sent a message with the same content to an unknown number of addresses to various girls, would go. She was direct and replied succinctly, "What exactly should the fee include and who pays it? "

"The guy to be wired will hand over the envelope with the fee. Everything about the exit can be arranged. Leave a number, I will pass it to him and you can ask anything you need" the Messenger guy told her. - I gave him the office phone number and told him that''The girl's name is Miliana, I made up the name and said she was an acquaintance of mine who works as a promoter and organizes events. That was the first thing that came to my mind. He wrote that he had given the number to this mysterious 'guest' and that he would tell the fictitious Miljana that he had contacted me. Soon I received a message and on Viber - says the interlocutor Telegrafa.

The mysterious "guest" sends messages on Viber

The conversation that took place on October 18 with this guy ends for a while, as he mysterious "guest" contacted her on Viber, and she didn't even hope for it, because she thought it was all some kind of a joke and that this mysterious "guest" doesn't really exist. She continued to correspond on Viber with a new person - a mysterious 'guest' from abroad. -''He didn't have a picture on Viber, just a name.

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The number he texted me from was from abroad,' she says.

"Hi Miliana. I received the number in connection with my arrival in Belgrade. I hope I didn't get the wrong number. Nice to meet you..." - he wrote to her and signed at the end of the message.

VIP service two days and two nights, gift of perfume, bigger fee... Then he wrote her a detailed plan. He told her that he wanted a VIP service for two days and two girls to escort him. They will get a gift of perfume while shopping and a bigger fee is also possible but it all depends on the arrangement. - I felt no fear because he can't do anything to me. I saw where the correspondence was leading to and eventually I can just block him and that's it. I was looking for''an apartment and got an offer of prostitution. The only terrible thing is that in this apartment rental group there are many young, first-year students who have just arrived in Belgrade or are looking for a job, and someone might, who knows, fall for it. The first message was so "nicely packaged" that one doesn't even realize until the end what exactly is required from the girl - says M.I. He asked her to confirm everything today to make arrangements with the girls, and asked if she was satisfied with the payment in euros.

I asked him to text me what the plan was. Where we were meeting, how old he was, whether he had any special dressing requirements. As the correspondence continued, it all became very amusing to me until he asked me to send him pictures of myself. I knew this was definitely going to be the end''correspondence, only a matter of time before he asked for it. Of course, I didn't reply anything. - she says in detail.

When he realized it was a lie - deleted all messages

After a few minutes, the mysterious "guest" realized it was all one big lie. He wrote a short "this is wrong" and then deleted all messages from Viber. - For what reason, I don't know, but he deleted everything. I was then contacted again by that first guy on Messenger, who had passed on the contact. He wrote to me that he was just interested in who was involved in prostitution in Belgrade," she says.

The mysterious "guest" deleted all the messages, but luckily, our interviewee took a photo of everything in time and provided Telegrafa as proof. (Telegrafa)



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