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Court battle over Agnelli's inheritance: Ferrari boss vs his mother'.

Court battle over Agnelli's inheritance: Ferrari boss vs his mother'.

Судебная битва за наследство Аньелли: Босс Ferrari против своей матери.

Судебная битва за наследство Аньелли: Босс Ferrari против своей матери.

In Turin, a court is preparing to deliver the first judgment in the Agnelli family inheritance dispute

In Turin, a court is preparing to rule on an inheritance dispute that has divided the Agnelli family, founders of Fiat and one of Italy's most famous business dynasties.

The case involves the inheritance of Gianni Agnelli, a prominent symbol of Italy's post-war economic boom who died twenty years ago.

The dispute involves Margherita, his only surviving daughter, and three of her eight children, including eldest son John Elkann, the current CEO of Exor, the Agnelli family's holding company.

Marguerita fights to overturn agreements and divide inheritance

Sources say Margherita is fighting to cancel the agreements,''which she signed after her father's death to eventually divide the inheritance among her five children from her second marriage.

If the court rules in her favor, Margherita will be able to claim half of her late mother's inheritance and a share in the Elkann family business.

Inheritance agreements and "Genevan pacts "

The dispute has its roots in the inheritance agreement known as the "Genevieve Pacts," which Margherita signed in 2004 after her father's death when Fiat was on the verge of bankruptcy.

In the first pact, Margherita received real estate, artwork and other liquid assets from Agnelli's inheritance but gave up future influence over the company, a key part of the structure''Exor property.

The second pact involved the inheritance of Margherita Marella's mother, who died in 2019.

Marguerite wants to cancel the pacts to award her children by second husband Serge de Palen a share of their grandmother's inheritance, sources say.

Marguerite's claim and her right to a share of her undeclared fortune

Marguerite also claims that an undeclared estate belonging to her father was discovered after his death and that she is entitled to a share of it.

After Marella's death, John Elkann owns a 60% interest in the Dicembre holding, while Lapo and Ginevra each have a 20% interest.

Dicembre is the backbone of a network of companies spanning family investments.

Role Dicembre and Giovanni Agnelli BV


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'is the largest shareholder with a 38% stake in Giovanni Agnelli BV, a group of about 100 shareholders representing about 200 living descendants of Giovanni Agnelli.

Giovanni Agnelli BV in turn has a 53% controlling interest in Exor.

Marguerite's claims and statements of sources close to the Elkann family

Sources close to the Elkann family say there are no legal implications that could change the transfer of shares in Dicembre to Elkannam.

They claim that Margherita's claims are aimed at gaining an undue financial advantage.



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