Property Abroad
A third of asphalt missing from euro-funded Bulgarian highway

A third of asphalt missing from euro-funded Bulgarian highway

Треть асфальта пропала с еврофинансируемой болгарской автострады, заявляет министр.

Bulgarian Regional Development Minister Ivan Shishkov said a third of the asphalt surface on a highway around the capital had simply disappeared. Shishkov inspected the road twice with Ventsislav Angelov, head of the state road construction agency.

On the first inspection, Shishkov said that a third of the asphalt, which should have been 20 centimeters thick, had not been laid. "What you see now is 14 centimeters, part of the road is missing," Shishkov told the media. Angelov, seinerseits, said additional drilling would be done on the section to find out the current state of the road's foundation.

A sample of asphalt pavement was taken from one of the bridges and then the strength of the steel structure was tested.

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Minister''stated that the highway needs major repair works, which should be carried out much earlier than planned at the expense of the state. The construction of the 17-kilometer section of the Northern Expressway around Sofia cost 110 million euros. The funding was provided under the Regional Development Operational Program 2007-2013. On December 30, 2015, then Prime Minister Boiko Borissov inaugurated the 13-kilometer section of the road, and on April 28, 2016, the entire highway section was put into operation.
