Property Abroad
'Ultimmo introduces exclusive services for customers (Franck Le Tander, Avive, France)'

'Ultimmo introduces exclusive services for customers (Franck Le Tander, Avive, France)'


Ultimmo вводит эксклюзивные услуги для клиентов (Франк Ле Тандер, Avive, Франция)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 | Sponsored Content - Sites for Professionals

Since real estate professionals have been facing a serious market downturn for months, they need more than ever to increase their visibility among buyers and sellers. To better support them in this context, AVIV Group is expanding its Ultimmo service. Let's review the news with Franck Le Tendre, vice president of operations at Aviv France.

Please remind us what the Ultimmo service is all about?

Ultimmo is the result of the work of the product, technology, data and marketing teams of the AVIV Group. It is a unique solution that is based on combining all the capabilities of the brands SeLoger, Logic-Immo and''Meilleurs Agents to provide real estate professionals with the best potential buyers and sellers. 3 sales out of 4 are started on SeLoger, Meilleurs Agents or Logic-Immo. This is a significant advantage considering that with 1.5 million daily visits and 3 sales out of 4 starting on SeLoger, Meilleurs Agents or Logic-Immo, AVIV Group's platforms have become key steps in the digital real estate journey.

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Ultimmo thus provides real estate agents with a complete and efficient digital communication solution to meet their needs to attract clients and increase visibility among future buyers.

How does Ultimmo meet the current needs of real estate professionals?

According to the Immopinion 2022 survey, 89% of surveyed professionals''now prioritize finding sellers and 79% are looking to stand out among buyers. Professionals no longer just need contracts, but are also looking to become more and more visible among buyers. So with Ultimmo's global offering, we enable real estate professionals to be visible to all potential clients and take advantage of all opportunities: sellers and buyers alike.

To increase visibility among buyers

In this regard, Ultimmo's offer provides the opportunity to use innovative tools such as digital showcases to be visible among 630,000 identified sellers, the ability to advertise their listings at the top of the list to increase visibility or a tool''Inventory to assess property and allocate its expertise.

What innovations have been made to the Ultimmo service?

To better accompany real estate professionals in overcoming this crisis, we decided to enrich our Ultimmo offer with new exclusive services, including Plato, an automated online appointment tool. Freeing real estate agents from chronic tasks

This is a true market breakthrough that allows professionals to get rid of chronic tasks and focus on their real work and increase customer satisfaction for buyers, sellers and renters. An ad on SeLoger offering the opportunity to book an appointment thanks to Plato attracts 28%''more interaction requests than a normal ad.

