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Options for insulating filters: sales and more! | Real estate from SeLoger

Options for insulating filters: sales and more! | Real estate from SeLoger

Варианты использования теплоизоляционных фильтров: продажа и другие возможности! | Недвижимость от SeLoger

Are you the owner of an energy sieve that you are considering selling due to climate law restrictions? However, with the many renovation programs available to you, selling may not be the best option. Explained.

The gradual prohibition of leasing of energy sits

The 2021 Climate Act, which aims to combat climate change and build resilience against its negative impacts, affects many economic sectors, including real estate. The rental sector is directly affected, with a host of measures aimed specifically at leased energy sieves. Thus, starting in August 2022, rents for dwellings classified as F and G in the Diagnostic Power Efficiency (DPE) system are frozen, and G+ dwellings are excluded from the rental market altogether starting in 2023. These are the most energy-intensive facilities, whose energy consumption, expressed in final energy consumption per square meter of living space and per year, exceeds 450 kWh. But that's not all! The ban on renting applies to housing classified as G in the DPE system starting in 2025, and to housing classified as F starting in 2028. Housing classified as E, which now accounts for 22% of the total number of permanent dwellings in France, will also be excluded from the rental market from 2034. In France in 2023, 15.7% of the main residential properties are energy sieves.

Renovating a sieve instead of selling it is a good solution?

The restrictions concerning the rental of energy sieves have made many owners of such housing decide to sell it. According to an Opinionway-SeLoger survey conducted a few months ago, 39% of owner-landlords have decided to sell their energy sieves. However, selling a low DPE property is not always the best option at this time. With rising energy costs, housing classified as F and G is not appealing to those looking to purchase their permanent homes.

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At the same time, investors are sometimes put off by the need for significant renovations to continue renting such properties in the short to medium term. Buyer reluctance is also affecting energy sieve prices, which are on average 3.9% lower than homes with better grades. Prices are also more likely to be discounted, as the average discount for energy sieves is 5.6%, compared to 3.7% for other facilities. The owners of energy sieves seem to accept this not-so-favorable situation: 57% of them are willing to reduce the price of their properties due to low DPE valuations.

Many financial aids for renovating energy sits.

As we have just seen, rushing to sell your energy sieve is not always a good option. This is especially true if your home is a Class F property, as you are not subject to the rental ban until 2028. You have time to research possible renovations to your co-op, the cost of the work and the benefits you can expect to receive to bring your home into compliance. In fact, various energy renovation allowances are available to owner-landlords, including the popular MaPrimeRénov' program. To take advantage of this program, your home must have been built more than 15 years ago, and you must commit to renting it out for at least 5 years after the work is done. The amount of the benefit depends on your income and the type of work you do. It should be noted that MaPrimeRénov' can be accumulated with other allowances for energy renovation, such as Energy Saving Certificates (CEE), as well as allowances from local collectives and Action logement companies. MaPrimeRénov' can also be accumulated with an ecological renovation loan (eco-PTZ) with a maximum amount of €30,000 to finance energy renovation costs not covered by MaPrimeRénov'. Finally, the works are subject to a reduced VAT rate of 5.5%. Hellio offers you full support from initial investigation to post-renovation monitoring of your energy sieve. Estimate the value of your property for free in 2 minutes.



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