Property Abroad
Azores: A new market for investment or a trip to the past?

Azores: A new market for investment or a trip to the past?

Azores: A new market for investment or a trip to the past?
  • How do the Azores inspire new projects and ideas?
  • Azores: hidden opportunities for investment and business development

Reflections of Piotr Andruszewicz on the Azores

Piotr Andruszewicz, while in the picturesque Azores, was deep in thought about his new projects. One of the reasons for his visit was the lack of people from his circle who had experience traveling to this remote region. Many acquaintances knew that the Azores were close to Madeira, but most of them had no idea about the impressive nature of this corner, which remains virtually untouched by civilization. Reading about the Azores, Peter felt a strong desire to return to his roots and enjoy the genuine tranquility that seemed to envelope these islands.

The road to the Azores

These islands are a destination worth traveling to for a specific purpose. It wouldn't be right to just stop by the Azores while traveling through Lisbon, as the nearest island is only accessible after two and a half hours of air travel. In addition, traveling between the islands themselves will also require about an hour and a half of travel time.

Professional ambitions

Apart from personal interest, Peter also had professional ambitions - he was keen to explore the region in terms of its attractiveness for business and construction. With his extensive experience, he had the opportunity to see things that he had not seen in Spain:

  • the market is not divided;
  • high level of demand;
  • land remained available;
  • requirements for construction projects have proven to be less stringent.

Foreign investors are beginning to realize the importance of proximity to the sea and an abundance of green space.

Azores and agriculture

The Azores are primarily an agricultural region. Landscapes of striking beauty are the main source of income for the locals. Just recently, an acquaintance of mine decided to buy three plots of land for development on different islands in the archipelago. I supported him in all stages - from the development of project documentation to the completion of construction.

Building plans

At first we planned to create exclusively hotel complexes, but over time we began to consider a variety of ideas:

  • on one of the islands will be a regular hotel;
  • the other is an apartment hotel;
  • on the third - a series of small villas, united by a common reception and swimming pool.

Unique location

A flight to Europe and America from the Azores takes only a few hours. As an attractive destination for tourism, the Azores are a unique ecosystem free from dangerous predators. The underwater world in these waters is amazingly diverse, and giant whales can be found here. In the past, the area was known as a whaling center, but nowadays hunting these majestic animals is prohibited.

Natural beauty

The Azores islands are a delight to the eye with their extraordinary nature: vast green areas and the mystery of the volcanic activity that occurred in the 20th century create an inexpressible atmosphere. This region attracts investors and travelers not only for its abundance of natural resources, but also for its environmental and economic development opportunities, which makes it even more attractive.

Azorov's Introduction to Life

Azores is a magnificent group of volcanic islands, where you can see active manifestations of lava almost at the very border of the ocean. These places are famous for their unique craters filled with absolutely transparent water, as well as amazing waterfalls that attract the attention of travelers.

Geographical location and attractiveness

The archipelago is located between Europe and North America, so the travel time to the United States is not much different than traveling to the European Union. This makes Azores attractive for cruise companies, yachtsmen and various business travelers, creating convenient conditions for large ships to call.

Investment and support from the EU

Nevertheless, despite its strategic location, Azores deserves the title of one of the most isolated and inconspicuous parts of the European Union.

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In recent years, investors have become interested in the region, with EU support opening up new horizons for entrepreneurship. For example, business owners have the opportunity to receive subsidies of up to 50% for hotel construction and infrastructure development, with no need to repay the allocated funds.

Architecture and construction

At the same time, there are no high-rise buildings on the islands - all buildings are low, and modern objects, such as, for example, libraries, are made in the tradition of European architecture.

Local population and investment opportunities

Investments from Europe in the development of Azores are clearly visible, but the locals are not yet very aware of how to competently use the available opportunities. Take my colleague, for example:

  • He is in the process of restoring an old town library on one of the islands.
  • Plans to turn this historic building into a boutique hotel.

The locals take a keen interest in it, but you can catch a bit of distrust in their gaze - they are not ready for such a large-scale transformation. This is reminiscent of the situation in Spanish Torrevieja in the 70s, when Swedish investors started opening entertainment venues and building hotels.

Comparison with Spanish regions

If we draw analogies with Spain, we can pay attention to the province of Almeria, which is located to the south of Alicante. This region is mainly focused on agriculture and does not have a developed tourist infrastructure, but the processes in Almeria are developing in a similar way as in the Azores.

It should be emphasized that competition in the Azores market is much lower than in Spain, which creates excellent opportunities for investors:

  • With a few million euros, you can become a respected partner among local authorities and businessmen.

Real estate market and local life

Returning to the Azores after traveling around Spain feels like traveling back in time. The local real estate market is extremely limited - the number of new offers does not exceed six properties on the main island, and construction is quite rare.

On some islands the population does not exceed 3-5 thousand people, among whom are mainly farmers and fishermen. The emergence of large cities and developed civilizations cannot be seen here and is not foreseen.

Negotiations and personal communication

Azores real estate is still quite open to negotiation, and many issues can be resolved through personal interaction. Personal interaction is particularly important, as even business matters are often discussed in informal settings, such as over dinner with local mayors and entrepreneurs.


Obviously, the realization of any project on these islands requires a special approach, as this remote region can be a niche commodity. However, with the right focus on the interests of foreign clients, three key categories of potential buyers can be identified.

Azores: A new market for investment or a trip to the past?


As a result of my thoughts on the Azores project, I can confidently say that these islands represent a unique opportunity for investors and businessmen wishing to carve out a niche for themselves in an untapped market. Inspiring nature, relatively low land prices and support from Europe create favorable conditions for the implementation of interesting ideas and projects.

Comparative analysis

Comparisons with Spanish regions such as Almeria emphasize that Azores is a place with great potential, where it is easy to make a name for oneself amidst almost no competition. I have watched the locals embrace innovation with caution and curiosity as they try to adapt to a rapidly changing world. This is similar to the era when the Spanish market was starting to develop and the first foreign investors were just beginning to introduce the idea of resort real estate to the local population.

Market potential

As I continued to research these islands, I had a clear understanding that this market is now at a stage where any projects can be realized with great success if they are properly tailored to the tastes of the foreign buyer. I see three key groups of potential clients who will appreciate the unique nature and affordability offered by the Azores:

  • Family travelers
  • Seekers of tranquility
  • Entrepreneurs focused on business development


In conclusion, I believe that Azores is not just a beautiful place on the map; it is an ideal platform for economic growth, where new ideas can find life in harmony with nature. By breaking out of routine, we can regain a sense of novelty and exploration, which makes this journey back in time both interesting and promising. The Azores awaits its investors and visionaries, ready to unlock its potential and create unique projects that will serve as a bridge between cultures and businesses.


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