Property Abroad
Shared ownership: a profitable way to buy real estate abroad?

Shared ownership: a profitable way to buy real estate abroad?

Shared ownership: a profitable way to buy real estate abroad?
  • Shared ownership of real estate: new opportunities for investors?
  • How to choose and purchase fractional real estate in Europe and North America?
  • What are the prospects and risks of shared real estate in the current conditions?

A brief overview of the concept of fractional ownership of real estate abroad opens up new horizons for potential investors. This approach, known as fractional ownership, involves multiple investors becoming co-owners of one or more real estate units. A key aspect of this scheme is that all management and maintenance operations are carried out by a specialized management company. The appealing nature of this model also conceals certain risks, which can be mitigated through well-thought-out investment strategies.

Variety of offers

Institutions or investment funds offering fractional ownership of real estate typically have a wide variety of options in their catalog. These can range from luxurious villas on the colorful shores of the Caribbean to stylish apartments in the central districts of European cities. In the United States, this model is most common for properties located in picturesque mountain areas or by the ocean, making it particularly popular among various groups of investors.

The main advantages of shared ownership

  • The opportunity to spend up to a month a year at a luxurious resort;
  • Accessibility for people with limited financial means;
  • Low initial investments starting from 250,000 euros;
  • The opportunity to profit from the sale of assets against the backdrop of rising market value;
  • Joint sharing of financial expenses for taxes and maintenance.

Moreover, the participants in this process can share the financial costs for taxes and ongoing maintenance, which is a significant advantage. By entrusting all management functions to professional companies, owners are relieved of many concerns that would otherwise arise when managing real estate.

History of system development

The origins of this system date back to the 1990s, when some entrepreneurs began co-owning yachts and private jets. Over time, this model was adapted for the real estate market. Today, fractional ownership has become extremely popular among average investors, as the returns from traditional savings accounts often do not meet expectations, while investments in liquid real estate can provide stable income upon subsequent sale.

Difference from a timeshare

It should be noted that fractional ownership is fundamentally different from the concept of timeshare. In the former case, ownership rights remain fully with the investors, and profits from further sales are divided according to the number of shares. Typically, such properties are resold within seven to ten years. When acquiring fractional ownership of real estate associated with a network of luxury hotels, investors often receive additional privileges, such as access to resorts in various countries.


Thus, the appeal of fractional ownership in real estate is evident, especially for those investors looking for alternative ways to invest their funds and eager to take advantage of rising property prices. This form of partnership not only helps to mitigate potential risks but also opens up new opportunities for leisure and income generation from owning quality real estate assets.

Popular destinations for buying real estate in Europe

In European countries, buyers generally prefer real estate in major cities like Berlin, Paris, andMilan, or they choose villas on the warm coasts of France and Spain. This choice is largely influenced by convenient transportation access and developed infrastructure, which create comfortable living and vacation conditions.

Fractional ownership in North America

In turn, in North America, there are establishments that offershared ownershipThey often belong to well-known international hotel brands such as Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton. This approach allows resource owners to enjoy vacations at the resorts of these chains, which span various countries; for example, one can spend part of their holiday in Miami and the other part relaxing in the Caribbean.

Stages of purchasing real estate through shared ownership

To purchase real estate through a shared participation scheme, it is important to follow certain steps:

  • Preparation of a financial plan and identification of funding sources.
  • Researching funds and their offerings.
  • Request for a lawyer to conduct a legal due diligence review.
  • Checking the contract for all important terms.

Development of a financial plan

First of all, it's important to think through your financial plan and identify potential sources of funding. It's worth noting that obtaining a loan in the United States is generally faster and easier compared to Europe.

Research of funds

It is recommended to conduct a thorough research of the funds and their offerings. At this stage, it is important to familiarize yourself with the fund's reputation, the terms of its operations, and the available assets, as well as to clarify the details of the investment programs, including information on income, maintenance costs, and taxation.

Legal review

To reduce risk, it is advisable to consult a lawyer who can assist in the due diligence process. This will ensure confidence that the property is free of any encumbrances and that there is permission for the subsequent sale of the share, should it become necessary.

Contract review

Next, it will be necessary to carefully review the contract to ensure that all important aspects, such as taxes, insurance, property maintenance, and the procedure for compensation in case of damages, are clearly outlined.

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In most cases, the funds take care of document processing and organizational matters.

Ways to acquire a share in real estate

Acquiring a share in real estate can be done in two ways:

  • All owners are listed in the certificate of ownership.
  • The deal is being processed through a legal entity, which can provide tax advantages.

The latest option can provide owners with tax benefits that vary depending on the region and type of property, and it also simplifies the process of transferring or selling a share in the future.

Example of calculating income and expenses

Let's consider the situation regarding the income and expenses calculation for an investor who has decided to participate in a co-ownership program. Suppose the investor decides to invest 250,000 euros in a portfolio of six properties, each valued at 1.5 million euros. As a result, he is given the opportunity to stay in one of the properties for 28 days a year.

Taxes and maintenance costs for properties are distributed among the owners, which leads to a significant reduction in expenses—from 30,000 to 5,000 euros per year for each property. This system makes real estate investments more accessible and attractive to many investors looking to optimize their costs and enjoy a comfortable vacation in places that interest them.

Shared ownership: a profitable way to buy real estate abroad?

Increase in real estate prices

Over seven years, the value of real estate assets can increase by about 15%, provided that the annual growth is at least 2%. When the investor completes the sale of their share, their income will amount to 287,500 euros, which means a profit of 37,500 euros. Meanwhile, vacation expenses will average around 8,400 euros per year, considering that one week of vacation costs 300 euros per person and the duration of the vacation is approximately 28 days.

Thus, over seven years, the total amount spent on leisure will be approximately 58,800 euros if a more cautious approach to forecasting is taken.

Dynamics of prices for luxury real estate

According to information from Knight Frank, in 2015, luxury real estate showed an average price increase of 3%. However, when purchasing property in joint ownership, it is also important to consider potential risks.

As in any other area of real estate, acquiring shared ownership comes with certain risks that should be carefully examined before choosing a specific property and its location in order to develop the most advantageous investment strategy.

Risks of purchasing shared ownership

There are a number of risks associated with purchasing shared housing:

  • Risk of investment loss:The decline in market prices or financial instability can negatively impact demand and, consequently, the value of assets. One method to address this issue could be to postpone the sale of one's share until the market situation improves.
  • Difficulties in implementing the share:The co-ownership scheme may not be very popular, and the demand for such shares can be limited. In some cases, there may be restrictions that prevent the sale of a share except to another owner. In such a situation, it is worth actively seeking buyers and offering discounts to sell your share before the contract expires.
  • Lack of funding:Loans for purchasing shared real estate are offered less frequently compared to regular mortgages. In the USA, it is easier to obtain a loan secured by existing property, while in European countries, it is necessary for the fund to have established connections with financial institutions.

Factors influencing investments

In addition to financial risks, there are many factors that can influence investments in equity ownership. For example, organizing vacations during the busiest seasons, such as summer holidays, can be significantly more challenging than during quieter times of the year.

Owners sometimes forget that they are not full owners of the property, but merely co-owners, which limits their options for remodeling, decorating, and renovating the home.

Prospects of the equity market

Currently, interest in shared ownership has significantly increased. Companies and funds involved in the sale of such real estate are actively developing, implementing new strategies aimed at enhancing investment returns. This indicates that the shared ownership segment has promising prospects for the future.

Exploring new approaches and methods of doing business will help attract more investors and make equity ownership more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.


In conclusion, I would like to note that fractional ownership of real estate abroad represents an attractive opportunity for investors looking to access high-quality properties without exceeding their budget.

This scheme allows for the combination of personal benefits—such as the opportunity to spend time at elite resorts—with an investment component, providing potential income from the appreciation of properties in the future. However, like any investment process, careful preparation and risk analysis are essential.

Advantages of fractional ownership

  • The opportunity to enjoy elite real estate without significant expenses.
  • Access to a variety of objects around the world.
  • Relieving the burden of hotel management by professional management companies.

Maintaining and servicing real estate can be challenging and expensive, but with the help of professional management companies, this burden is lifted from the owners' shoulders, allowing them to focus on enjoying their investment. A particular point of interest is the difference between fractional ownership and timeshare:full ownershipThe portion that remains with the investors makes participation in this scheme more attractive and profitable.

Diversity of objects

Given the variety of properties available for fractional ownership — from luxurious villas in Southern Europe to stylish apartments in major cities — everyone can find the perfect option for themselves. This type of ownership is becoming particularly relevant in the context of the growing interest in foreignreal estate, as traditional and reliable investment methods, such as bank deposits, sometimes do not yield sufficient returns.

Key steps to successful investing

I want to remind you that choosing the right management company and thoroughly checking all necessary documents are key steps to successful investing in shared ownership. A comprehensive approach, including funding sources and legal verification, will ensure your confidence in the future.

Ultimately, fractional ownership is not just a financial investment, but also an opportunity to enjoy life at beautiful resorts, making our lives richer and more vibrant.


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