Property Abroad
How to adapt to life in Italy after St. Petersburg?

How to adapt to life in Italy after St. Petersburg?

How to adapt to life in Italy after St. Petersburg?
  • What is it like to live in Italy after moving from St. Petersburg?
  • What is life and nature like in the amazing town of Vasto?
  • How do communication features influence the study of the Italian language and Italian culture?
  • How has living in Italy changed my perception of the world and culture?
  • Italian Culture: My Experience and Impressions of Theater and Art
  • How to choose the perfect house in Italy: tips and suggestions
  • Ideal housing in Sant'Angelo and the surrounding areas: what to choose?
  • Real estate in Italy: attractive offers for living and investment

Moving to Italy

- Svetlana, please tell us about what it is like to start a new life in an Italian province after St. Petersburg. How difficult was it for you to adapt?

- Adapting has turned out to be a real challenge. In St. Petersburg, I had a vibrant life: an interesting job, many friends and acquaintances, as well as a wide social circle. In Italy, making true friends has proven to be not so easy, as I was raised in Russian traditions... My husband, with whom I've been together for 11 years, has become a true support for me. We share many interests, and with each passing year, our feelings only grow stronger. Traveling and exploring new cultures is my true passion.

However, the Italians I talk to are generally not very well acquainted with the history of their country. They mostly know only the most famous places and the closest surroundings for weekends. Moving to Italy has opened new horizons for me, as my husband has always found this uninteresting since he is Italian himself... A trip to Anacapri, which is located on the island of Capri in the Campania region, gave me new experiences.

Expectations and reality

– Did you have an idea of the atmosphere you were moving into? Did reality match your expectations?

– My understanding of the situation was quite superficial. Before moving, I had actively traveled around Italy for ten years and seemed to be fairly well-informed about the country. However, my knowledge was limited to just the climate conditions. It is usually said that at the beginning, immigrants experience a surge of emotions, but that didn't happen to me, as I moved at a conscious age—I was 42 years old.

At first, I simply enjoyed being able to sleep in and not rush to work, using public transport. I lived with my husband in a cozy house. But I terribly missed winter and snowfall. I longed for the chance to go outside and make snowballs. It took me a couple of years to overcome that feeling of nostalgia.

Three months after moving in, I felt that I missed the usual noise of the city: the hum of cars and crowded streets. I had lost the rhythm I had been accustomed to all my life. Everything here is more measured, and this sometimes makes me uncomfortable. Even in such big cities asRome andMilan, life is much more relaxed than in St. Petersburg, and even more so in Moscow.

Life in Vasto

Moreover, it's important to remember that you live in a small town by Italian standards. Can you tell us more about it? You must have visited here before your move, right?

I have always been very interested in Vasto: it is an ancient city that is over two thousand years old, even older thanRome! It is located on the coast of a warm sea. The color of the water here can change remarkably. On sunny days, the sea sparkles in various shades of blue. This beauty creates a special atmosphere, and I love spending time on the beach, enjoying the picturesque landscapes and the overall ambiance.

Moreover, life in a small town allows me to exist peacefully, unlike the hectic life in large metropolises, where every day is filled with chaos. This town has gradually become my home, and I am purposefully learning to understand its cultural features and rich history.

I am happy to be able to watch the seasons change. Although I sometimes miss St. Petersburg, I also enjoy discovering the beauty and uniqueness of Italian life. Being able to combine new discoveries with a long-standing passion for traveling is an immense pleasure for me.

The unique nature and life in Vasto

In this amazing corner of nature, harmony and beauty reign all year round. Returning from the northern capital, where the autumn and winter palettes are filled with gray and brown shades, you enter a world of vibrant colors. Here, among the colorful flowerbeds, a remarkable sense of calm and restoration of mental strength can be felt. This place truly has a positive effect on one's psycho-emotional state.

The city in question has a rich history, and its ancient architectural monuments, built as far back as the 15th century, have been wonderfully preserved to this day. This makes it unique, as in Russia, most buildings were made of wood, which deteriorates over time. In Italy, on the other hand, there are many stone structures, and you can see houses built in both the 9th and 11th centuries.

Small, but not boring Vasto

Vasto is an Italian town known for its modest size, with a population of about 42,000 people. However, despite this, life here is full of interesting moments, and there's never a dull moment. Interestingly, the name "Vasto" translates to "wide" in Italian, and the town itself doesn't seem small at all.

I've lived here for eleven years, and even the most basic question of how to get to a medical facility faster has been challenging at times.

The structure of the city and the life of the local residents

The city has an elongated shape: it stretches from the coast to the central areas, with some parts located at a height above sea level, which is quite wide here. Many locals own two houses: one in the very center and another by the sea. This raises the question of why such distances are needed if the journey from the center to the beach takes only 25 minutes, while it takes just 5 minutes to walk from the coastal areas to the beach?

However, it is during the summer, when children are on vacation, that families strive to move closer to the sea to enjoy the summer at the beach.

Summer joys of Vasto

Summer days, especially in July and August, are full of life and fun here. You can enjoy beautiful beach moments or hide from the heat in the shade under the air conditioning, strolling along the sea and feeling the light sea breeze.

By the way, two years ago Vasto was featured in a project, and the local streets made it into their reports!

Studying the Italian language

It's also important to mention the language issue: did you learn Italian? When I moved here, my knowledge of the language was only superficial. I only started to study it in depth after the move. I had a self-study book that I bought in Russia, and I began to study actively.

  • Soon I realized that classical Italian is mainly associated withRome and the Lazio region.
  • In other areas, communication often takes place in local dialects.

So, the more communities there are, the more dialects there are. As a result, when I went out on the street, I often couldn't grasp the essence of the conversations around me. Once, while visiting my husband's friends, I even asked them to speak in standard Italian.

My in-laws didn't use literary Italian in their everyday life at all;They mainly perceived him through the television, while communicating in their local dialect. This created serious obstacles in my language learning.

How to adapt to life in Italy after St. Petersburg?

They continued to use their special dialect in communication. It wasn't an act of disrespect; it was just that over the years, this style of communication had become second nature to them.

Language courses

- Have you considered taking language courses? - No, I immediately dismissed that idea. I'm sure that for quality learning of the Italian language, my teacher must be fluent in both Russian and Italian; otherwise, they won't be able to teach me how to express my thoughts correctly. But where can I find such a specialist? That's why I'm learning the language through communication with various people. In the end, nothing can compare to a real live dialogue. However, for a deeper understanding of grammatical fundamentals, I also watch educational videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for that.

Studying the regions of Italy

It's worth learning more about the northern and southern regions of Italy: what are the living conditions like in different parts of the country? – Vasto is not that big. Have you ever thought about changing your place of residence in Italy? – That thought just came to me recently. Two years ago, before the pandemic began, I visited the Trentino-Alto Adige region for the first time, which is near Austria. During World War I, the Italians reclaimed this territory from the Austrians, but to this day, two-thirds of the local population speaks German. When I first found myself in Trentino, I immediately realized that this is truly Austrian land in every aspect! The lifestyle, order, cleanliness, and manners of communication among people here are significantly different from other regions of Italy. Moreover, the air there is simply fantastic, and the nature is amazing – the majestic Dolomite Alps and lakes with crystal-clear blue water. So, if I were to think about moving, it would only be to Trentino... although the cost of living there is quite high.

Favorite places in Italy

The Dolomite Alps in the northeastern part of Trentino-Alto Adige – if I asked you to name your three favorite places in Italy?

  • The first thing that comes to my mind is.RomeI don't feel love for him, but I have deep respect. Getting to know his history and culture, you realize how rich this place is. There is nothing likeRome anywhere on the planet. However, it is quite dirty. The residents of Rome should recognize their responsibility for the state of the city and start taking action. Despite this, the greatness of Rome is in no way diminished.
  • The second region I would like to highlight is –Campaignespecially its part adjacent to Naples – the famousAmalfi CoastHere, many amazing natural beauties come together with majestic monuments of antiquity.
  • And third place... after all.VeniceSt. Petersburg sometimes reminds me of it with its spirit. However, calling St. Petersburg the "Northern Venice" is not entirely accurate: it's hard to see the Italian city as a southern counterpart to ours.
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Life in Italy: A Journey to New Discoveries

In this article, I would like to share my experience of staying in Italy, a country that opens new horizons and encourages a deeper reflection on the daily lives and cultural habits of the locals. Not long ago, I made the decision to travel to this wonderful country, and this journey became a true revelation for me. Now I have the chance to understand how my life could have unfolded far from my hometown. Ultimately, my heart was given to a small but very cozy town in southern Italy.

The calm atmosphere of a small town

When I made the decision to move, I repeatedly heard the phrase "village, but in the best sense!" from the local people, and it is indeed true. Life here flows in a measured and peaceful way that makes every moment special. After a long time of renting an apartment, I now live in my own home. Our dwelling currently includes three floors that require attention and maintenance. Compared to the 100 square meters I used to live in, now, with 65 square meters, there is more work to be done - keeping the house clean and tidy is a demanding task.

Culinary Revelations

Among my hobbies, culinary art has always been one of my favorites. In Italy, my love for cooking has taken on new shades and diverse recipes. Here, local housewives usually cook very simply: they boil pasta and add peas and parmesan to feed their families. My cooking style, however, is more creative; in Russia, I didn't spend much time in the kitchen, but now I have the desire to try something new every day.

Lunch ritual

Lunch in Italy is not just a meal, but a true ritual. Men usually return home for lunch – there is a tradition of siesta in the country, during which shops and restaurants close from 12:30 to 16:30. This allows for the possibility of returning home during lunchtime for a pleasant family meal together.

Cultural life and leisure

Although I had rarely been to Italy before, when I found myself in the Abruzzo region, I was amazed by the variety of local restaurants. Italians generally love to visit different establishments, and we were no exception, even though restaurants had been closed for the past year and a half, and only this summer did the situation start to improve. However, now a green pass is required to enter establishments, which creates certain restrictions.

When it comes to leisure, the cultural life in a small Italian town is noticeably different from the vibrant and eventful life of St. Petersburg. In our locality, there aren't as many museums as in the cultural capital of Russia, but there are still a few interesting places available:

  • archaeological museum
  • local history museum
  • costume museum

In addition, we have a small theater that seats 300 spectators, which somewhat resembles the Mariinsky Theater, just on a smaller scale.

Inspiration from a local theater

We cannot overlookRome when discussing cultural life. My husband is acquainted with the theater director, the renowned composer Rafael Bellafronte, who also runs the local music academy. His works are performed on the best stages in Italy, bringing inspiration and an understanding of the local culture into our lives.


Thus, life in this beautiful and picturesque corner of the world opens doors to new opportunities, immersing one in an atmosphere of calm and fulfilling existence. Moving to Italy has become a symbol of a new beginning for me, and I watch with awe as my life transforms against the backdrop of inspiring Italian culture and traditions.

A refined intellectual is a person with high manners, always looking impeccable. He brings renowned performers from all corners of the globe to Vasto, and I try not to miss any of their shows. However, the situation with the theater is different. I managed to attend one performance – "Anna Karenina," but it was presented in a shortened format, only excerpts from the original work. After watching this show, I realized that I no longer wish to attend theaters in this city. Italians seem to not fully grasp the essence of Tolstoy. Their interpretation of "Anna Karenina" and the heroine's actions do not reflect the mentality of Russians at all.

Cultural events

“Do you have enough cultural events in general?” you might ask. One cannot help but note the last year and a half: during this time, cultural life was practically paralyzed. But before the pandemic, Italy gave me experiences that I could hardly have had if I had stayed in St. Petersburg. One of the most memorable moments was the opportunity to see the outstanding Baryshnikov on stage in a performance dedicated to Brodsky. My husband and I specifically traveled to Florence to enjoy this. He is a true giant in his field for me, and I am sure that such talent cannot be seen in Russia anymore.

Raphael Exhibition

In 2020, a grand exhibition of Raphael's works took place inRome, showcasing almost all of his famous paintings. To attend this event, one should visit Rome. We booked a hotel, visited the exhibition, and strolled through the picturesque streets of the capital. For those who appreciate culture, Italy becomes a true source of inspiration. This country offers limitless opportunities for cultural enrichment. Although many associate Italy withRome, Florence, andMilan— which are undoubtedly wonderful places—every corner of the country is worth visiting.

Interview with Svetlana

Philip Berezin, the editor, is conducting this first interview with Svetlana, and we have plans to organize several more such meetings. I know her because we worked in the same team and I have a strong respect and affection for her. I am convinced that her life experience and opinions on a wide variety of issues can be very useful for those who intend to move to Italy, for those who are interested in the country, and for anyone who is looking for the opinion of a successful person who has changed her destiny dramatically.

Svetlana's Questions and Blog

If you have any questions for Svetlana, feel free to leave them in the comments – we will do our best to answer them. I also recommend checking out Svetlana's personal blog, where she shares the continuation of her story and openly discusses the expenses of an Italian family.

Real estate in Abruzzo

For example, there are various real estate offers in Abruzzo:

  • A house in Caramanico Terme priced at €130,000.
  • The total area is 220 m².
  • It includes three bedrooms, where there is plenty of space.
  • A decent plot of land located near a thermal spa and ski resorts.
  • The total square footage of the house is 220 squares and the lot is 800 squares.

This is a great opportunity for those looking for something unique in Italy.

A wonderful house in Caramanico.

A wonderful house is for sale in the mountains, located in the charming town of Caramanico. This settlement is close to popular winter sports resorts and just a few steps away from the famous thermal spa.La Reserve CaramanicoThe property is located in the Abruzzo region. The property is offered for sale for the sum of59,000 eurosand is located inPietranicoItaly.

The total area of the house is60 square metersIt includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. This cozy stone cottage is located in the heart of an ancient town, consists of two levels, and offers stunning views of the surrounding nature. The owner's name suggests that the house is sold with furniture, which is a significant advantage for buyers looking to settle quickly in this picturesque region.

Nearby, there are shops, cafes, and other essential amenities, which adds comfort to everyday life.

Townhouse in Tufillo

Additionally, there is an offer for the sale of a townhouse inTufillowith the price68,000 eurosThis spacious apartment has an area of115 square metersIt was previously used as a mini-hotel. It has an excellent location and includes a separate entrance, as well as a spacious terrace with a beautiful view.

Inside the apartment, there are heating radiators installed, but purchasing a boiler is still necessary for the system to function fully. Additionally, there is the possibility of using this property for commercial purposes, which makes this purchase advantageous for investors.

In traditional style in San Buono

For those who wish to consider something less modern and more traditional, a house in...San Buono, which is sold for48,000 eurosThe total area of this house is70 square metersand it includes three rooms, two bathrooms, and a garage.

This house has been extensively renovated and is fully ready to move into. One of the bedrooms has air conditioning, there is also a water tank and the double glazed plastic windows will provide a good level of thermal insulation. On the first floor there is a spacious garage with a small kitchen area and toilet, and on the first floor there are bedrooms.

Cozy two-level townhouse

In addition, inSan BuonoA cozy two-level townhouse is up for sale, priced at55,000 eurosThe area of this housing is80 square metersIt has two bedrooms and one bathroom.

This home was an inspiration to its current owner who wrote a book about it, and you can learn more about the town and its interesting residents, whom she describes with humor. The dwelling has recently undergone renovations and is completely ready for new owners.

An affordable option in San Buono

If you are looking for more affordable housing, it's worth considering a townhouse inSan Buonowith an area55 square meterswhich can be purchased for just11,000 eurosThis house has a fireplace and vaulted ceilings, and it is also located on the main street of the town.

Its condition allows you to move in immediately and it is connected to all necessary communications. All infrastructure is in walking distance, and clean sandy beaches are within easy reachSan Salvojust half an hour's drive.

Spacious apartment in Citta Sant'Angelo

Finally, inCitta-Sant AngeloA spacious two-level apartment is offered for...130,000 eurosThe total area of this housing is220 square metersIt has magnificent panoramic views of the sea, mountains and the historic part of the city.

The property is located in an area with well-developed infrastructure, just a ten-minute drive from the coast, which creates ideal conditions for comfortable living. Choose your perfect home in Italy and enjoy all the benefits of life in this amazing region!

Beautiful apartment in Sant'Angelo

In the picturesque town of Sant'Angelo, known for its historical heritage, there is a wonderful two-level apartment. It stands out due to its abundance of light and spacious layout. This modern building is located in the heart of the medieval settlement, and its price is390,000 euros.

A villa with numerous possibilities

There is also a villa available on the market with an area of490 m²in which are located7 rooms,5 bedroomsand4 bathroomsThis newly built housing is located on a spacious plot in1 hectarein a picturesque area just a 10-minute drive from the ocean and2 kmfrom urban infrastructure.

Description of a modern villa

This modern villa with panoramic windows and large terraces is located approximately intwo kilometersfrom Chieti-Sant'Angelo, which is considered by the American publication Forbes to be the perfect place to live.

Apartment in Silvi Marina

Another interesting option is an apartment in Silvi Marina, which costs154,000 eurosThe total area of this two-level residence is85 square metersit includes:

  • 2 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • A small kitchenfrom the living room

The apartment is located just a three-minute walk from the beach in a green area with well-developed infrastructure in a resort town.

Residential complex

The residential complex where this apartment is located consists of several small buildings and is surrounded by a well-maintained gated area with greenery.

Elite castle in Pescara

In addition, there is an elite castle for sale in Pescara, occupying an impressive area of3200 m²in a prestigious area of the Abruzzo region.

This impressive building is perfect for those who value privacy and an active lifestyle. Not long ago, the villa was completely renovated and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. The interior space of the building features large windows that offer stunning views.

Apartment in Pescara

Another interesting option is an apartment in Pescara, which costs159,000 eurosThe area of this apartment is100 square metersIt has three rooms, one of which is used as a living room. This accommodation features a spacious terrace and is located in the central part of the city, not far from the university, park, and hospital.

Amenities and location

It is important to note that you can reach the beach in10 minuteson foot, and to the airport – just for5 minutesby car. The apartment up for auction is located atfourth floora four-story building without an elevator.

Apartment in Silvi Marina for 187,000 euros

It is also worth paying attention to the apartment in Silvi Marina, which is priced at187,000 euros, and the area –160 m²In this space, there are:

  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms

This accommodation is located in a building with a small number of apartments, not far from the sea. In total, there are...two kilometersFrom the resort, there is an opportunity to enjoy the magnificent natural landscapes.

The perfect solution for comfortable living

The apartment is located aton the second floorand surrounded by a quiet residential area with low-rise buildings. There is green space and parking available, making this apartment an excellent choice for those who are looking forcomfortable housingby the sea.

Beautiful townhouse in Pescara

In the heart of a picturesque corner of Italy, just 30 minutes from the stunning coastline and the nearest airport, a cozy townhouse in Pescara is for sale, covering an area of 107 square meters.

For 60,000 euros, future owners will receive the lower part of a two-family house, which is notable for its three separate entrances. This feature allows for the creation of two independent apartments.

The convenient location is surrounded by stunning nature and is situated in the central part of the village, not far from the national park, which offers picturesque views of the mountains. The main amenities of this accommodation include:

  • A small garden
  • Fireplace
  • Centralized heating system

These features provide comfortable living conditions at any time of the year.

Charming house in Chieti

Another attractive offer is a charming house located in Chieti, available for the price of 40,000 euros. The area of this property is 178 square meters.

The property includes a garage with an area of approximately 38 square meters, as well as a separate two-story stone building with an area of about 130 square meters.

This rural house is located in a picturesque area, away from the noisy city streets, with a distance of 1.5 kilometers to the nearest settlement, making it an ideal place to start an agritourism business.

Real estate in Bizenti

Another interesting option is presented in the Bizenti business center, this property is offered for 90,000 euros. It is an independent part of a residential complex that houses three families, with a total area of 167 square meters.

Inside, there are two living areas:

  • Three-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms (125 square meters)
  • A cozy space of 42 square meters with its own entrance.

This property is perfect for those who appreciate the tranquility and fresh air typical of the countryside.

Apartment in Chieti-Sant'Angelo

The next notable property is an apartment in Citta Sant'Angelo, which is for sale for 65,000 euros. The area of this home is 75 square meters and it is just 15 minutes from the sea.

The internal configuration includes:

  • Three rooms
  • Bathroom
  • A separate kitchen

The apartment is located on the first floor of a three-story building and has been recognized as one of the most attractive cities in Italy according to Forbes.

Luxury hotel in L'Aquila

The concluding sentence refers to a magnificent hotel located in the picturesque region of L'Aquila, known for its medieval monuments and natural beauty. The elite hotel, covering an area of 13,000 square meters, is for sale, with the price available upon request.

It is surrounded by a private park of 1.5 hectares, which includes a swimming pool. This creates the perfect conditions for relaxation with stunning panoramic views, beautifully complementing the concept of comfort and enjoyment.

An ideal place to invest

Therefore, if you are looking for the perfect place to invest or live in Italy, these options definitely deserve your attention. Each of these properties offers a unique atmosphere and numerous opportunities for comfortable living and successful business in the heart of one of the most picturesque regions of Europe.


In conclusion, my experience of living in the Italian countryside after St. Petersburg has been quite challenging for me, but at the same time, it has been an invaluable experience. I faced numerous challenges, starting from the lack of a familiar atmosphere to difficulties in communication. It was a complete upheaval of my life. However, despite all the hardships, I have developed a deep connection with the local culture and, above all, with the nature of this amazing place.

Adaptation takes time.

It is important to note thatAdaptation takes time.. Yes, some aspects of life in Italy were unfamiliar, and the difference in the pace of life was certainly noticeable. But I have learned to appreciate the dimensionality of life here, which has helped me reset and strengthen my relationship with my husband. And although I really missed winter and snow, today I have learned to find beauty in the warm climate and greenery all year round.

City of Vasto

The city of Vasto, which has become my home, has given me unique experiences and opened new horizons. I enjoy the atmosphere of ancient architecture, the vibrant colors of nature, and the rich history that can be felt in every corner. At first, I thought it was a small and closed-off city, but over time I realized that there is a certain breadth here that opens doors to many opportunities.

Language barrier

As for the language, although I initially faced difficulties, including understanding dialects, I am becoming more confident every day. Communicating with the locals, their warmth and friendliness have helped me integrate into society more quickly. This process is not always easy, but it has filled my life with new acquaintances and experiences.


Overall, the Italian province has become not just a new place to live for me, but a true school of life, where every lesson, every interaction, and every journey enriches and fulfills me. I am genuinely happy that I took this step, and I eagerly await what else life has in store for me here. I am confident that many interesting discoveries lie ahead, and perhaps deeper connections with both the locals and the culture that surrounds me.


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