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How does volunteering change lives and open new horizons?

How does volunteering change lives and open new horizons?

How does volunteering change lives and open new horizons?
  • Why is volunteering becoming increasingly popular in Russia?
  • How to participate in volunteer projects: steps and categories
  • How to properly prepare for a volunteer trip abroad?
  • How do volunteer projects change our lives and broaden our horizons?
  • How have unique events enriched our cultural experience in Europe?

Introduction to Volunteering

Yulia Ershova is a content editor who shows a keen interest in volunteering. In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the popularity of voluntary activities in Russia. According to data collected in 2018, the number of volunteers has doubled, reaching 14 million people, which accounts for 10% of the total population of the country.

According to conducted surveys, 34% of Russians want to participate in implementing useful projects, but many of them face difficulties in how to properly direct their efforts. To compare with the situation in the USA, it can be said that one in four Americans participates in volunteer initiatives, and the total number of volunteers there exceeds 62 million. This indicates a significant potential for further development of volunteering in Russia.

Personal experience of volunteering

My personal experiences with volunteer projects span several intense weeks, during which I participated three times in international work camps in Europe and once in Russia. Each of these trips was unique and left unforgettable memories.

This is not just a pastime or simple work in the village at grandma's garden. It's a great opportunity to connect with people from different countries and immerse yourself in a different cultural context. Moreover, such trips allow you to make new acquaintances and significantly improve your English communication skills.

Who can become a volunteer?

Before applying to the organizers, it is crucial to assess whether you are suitable for participating in such initiatives. Let's consider who can become an international volunteer:

  • Age range: from 14 to 99 years. However, most programs are aimed at participants aged 18 to 30.
  • Knowledge of English (and preferably other languages) at a sufficient level.
  • Physical fitness, as volunteer work may require certain efforts.
  • Having a foreign passport and free time — from a week to a year.
  • Willingness to embrace the ideas and principles of the volunteer community.

How to start volunteering?

For those interested in volunteer work, it's useful to know that the database of volunteer projects expands annually from February to March. In winter, recruitment for already planned projects typically begins. However, applications for participation in ongoing projects with available spots are accepted throughout the year.

The first step in this direction is to write a motivational letter to the organizers in English. In this letter, it is important to explain in detail why you chose this particular project and what attracts you to it. A well-crafted and convincing motivational letter can give you an advantage even in the most competitive project, where hundreds of people are applying.

In addition, residents of Russia and the CIS countries will need to find a local organization that can represent their interests to foreign volunteer organizations.

The procedure for participating in volunteer projects

This procedure, although formal in nature, is a necessary step for the opportunity to participate in the project. Photo by: Sirpa Virtanen. Join our Telegram channel, where we discuss current topics related to investments, immigration, and real estate. In this article, we will explore various types of volunteer projects.

Each initiative in the volunteer camp database is divided into categories, and to avoid making mistakes in our selection, let's take a closer look at their names.

Short-term projects

Projects with a short duration, known asworkcampThey usually last from one to three weeks. In such camps, volunteers engage in physical work for four to six hours a day, performing a variety of tasks. These can include activities related to:

  • preparing concerts or festivals;
  • restoration of historical buildings;
  • working with local residents;
  • the protection of potentially endangered species, such as turtles.

In their free time, participants can take part in various entertainment and events.

Long-term projects

Long-term projects, referred to asltvLong-term volunteering programs last from six to twelve months and often require certain skills or experience. To participate in such programs, it is important to have a good level of English proficiency. Participants need to provide:

  • motivation letter;
  • to have an interview via Skype;
  • to answer a series of clarifying questions.

Intermediate projects

There is also an intermediate option calledmtvThe duration of the middle-term volunteering is from two to six months. The requirements for participants are similar to those for long-term projects.

European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) provides volunteering opportunities for young people aged eighteen to thirty. The duration of such initiatives can range from two to twelve months, and participants are offered preliminary training as part of the ESC program before starting. Citizens in the post-Soviet states can apply for such initiatives:

  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Belarus
  • Georgia;
  • Moldova;
  • Ukraine;
  • Russia.

Projects for teenagers and families

There are also projects aimed at teenagers.teen project), language programs (language course), as well as family projects (family project), in which joint activities with loved ones are possible.

Project classification

Volunteer projects can also be classified by their focus areas. I'm interested in nature, so I preferred to participate in projects related to agriculture and ecology.agriculturalandenvironmentalI also have experience working on a building restoration and participation in a language camp (language).

Types of projects related to the cultural sector, such asart,culturalandfestivalspecifically focused on helping with the organization of cultural events and festivals. Directionkidsemphasizes working with children, while social projects for people with disabilitiesdisabilities) and elderly people (elderly) aimed at providing the necessary assistance to these groups.

There are also projects related to manual labor, reconstruction, and archaeological excavations.manual work,renovation,archeology), and fields related to animals (animals), they involve the protection and care of wild and domestic animals.

Formalization of documents

It is also important to pay attention to the key points regarding the preparation of all necessary documents for participation in the project. After selecting a project, finding a representative organization, and receiving confirmation of your application, you can start gathering the documents for the visa. Each participant will receive an invitation from the organization, which will be an essential part of the visa document package.

How does volunteering change lives and open new horizons?

Obtaining a visa for trips related to volunteering usually doesn't pose serious difficulties. However, when applying for a visa for countries like the UK or the USA, certain challenges may arise, especially if it's your first trip and you don't have any previous visas.

Choosing a country for volunteering

It is important to carefully choose the country for your volunteer project, taking into account the time required to prepare all the necessary documents. If the volunteer-related activities take longer than planned, you will need to provide:

  • Confirmation of accommodation booking;
  • Evidence of financial solvency.

Medical insurance

Don't forget about health insurance – having it is a mandatory requirement. If the project involves risky tasks, such as construction or restoration, it's better to choose a more comprehensive insurance package rather than a standard one. This will enhance your safety and protection.

Financial expenses for volunteering

It should be noted that participation in volunteer projects is not free. Each volunteer is required to pay a membership fee to the organization. For short-term programs, this fee ranges from 90 to 100 euros, while for long-term programs it is between 200 and 250 euros. These funds are used to support and develop volunteering in your country. Additionally, expenses for:

  • Round-trip airfare;
  • Obtaining a visa;
  • Medical insurance.

Volunteers also bear this responsibility. For trips to exotic regions, vaccination may be required, for example, against yellow fever. However, there are long-term projects that cover all expenses and provide funds for personal needs. I would recommend having at least100-200 euros.

Organization of volunteer projects

Organizers of volunteer programs typically cover the costs of:

  • Accommodation;
  • Nutrition;
  • Leisure activities;
  • Necessary materials and project guidelines.

As a result, your volunteer trip can turn out to be quite budget-friendly, as it can be done for...90%All expenses are covered by the project organization.

What to take with you

When it comes to what to take with you, it's important to consider the specifics of the particular project. For short volunteer trips, I usually pack:

  • First aid kit
  • Sleeping bag (although sometimes it may not be necessary);
  • Yoga mat;
  • Thermal underwear;
  • Comfortable shoes for long walks in nature.

If you're going to be sleeping outdoors, don't forget to pack insect repellent. It's also important to choose the right trekking shoes, as sneakers or light canvas shoes are unlikely to be suitable for challenging trails.

Expectations and reality

Please keep in mind that your expectations for the trip may not match reality.

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Organizers often promise to create certain conditions, but in practice, it can range from comfortable houses to simple tents by the shore. Sometimes, instead of a shower, you might be offered a swim in a river or lake, and you can only dream of having mobile service or Wi-Fi.

Leisure preparation

Don't forget to plan in advance how to spend your free time: you can bring along:

  • Board games;
  • Musical instruments;
  • Local cuisine products.

This will make your stay more diverse and enjoyable.

Key aspects of volunteer projects

In volunteer projects, organizers usually develop a cultural program, but there is always a bit of free time for participants. The anticipation of new acquaintances and the opportunity to interact with people from different countries is one of the key components of such initiatives.

The atmosphere of team spirit depends on each participant. Showing initiative and organizing engaging leisure activities are great opportunities for everyone. Don't be shy about communicating in a foreign language — even if misunderstandings arise, the situation can always be discussed, or if necessary, you can seek help from the camp leader.

Conflicts and cultural differences

Conflicts can arise from the nuances of cohabitation during a project. It's important to remember that people from different cultures may have different perspectives on the same things. Therefore, one should:

  • Listen to the recommendations of the camp leader.
  • Show respect for the habits and preferences of other participants.

Experience of volunteering abroad

Let's consider volunteer projects abroad. For example, one of the projects took place in Finland. It involved volunteers from Japan, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Russia, and Finland itself. The work site was the village of Viljakala in the west of the country. The main task was to carry out repairs on a community house to create a comfortable environment for new events in the village.

For two weeks, our volunteers worked enthusiastically, dedicating five hours a day to the restoration of the old building. During breaks, we enjoyed the local tradition of drinking coffee; over the course of the project, I managed to drink a total of six cups in one day. The organizers were pleased with the work done, as our help significantly sped up the process. As camp leader Juhani noted, it would have taken the villagers much longer to accomplish this on their own.

The warmth of the local residents

The locals showed friendliness and hospitality, welcoming our team. They invited us:

  • Visit a farm.
  • Have fun at karaoke.
  • To attend music festivals.
  • Teach how to make glass angels.

Additionally, we had daily trips to the sauna, celebrations, boat rides on the lake, and group rowing activities on a 20-person galley. The participants' leisure time was carefully organized and brought joy.

Living conditions and impressions

Our team stayed in a comfortable three-story house with a sauna, a billiard table, and many other amenities. We were provided with bicycles and work clothes necessary for completing our tasks. The only downside was the mosquito bites, but overall, the experience was exceptionally positive — my first experience turned out to be a success.

Volunteering in France

Another project took place in France, where volunteers from Germany, the Czech Republic, Russia, South Korea, and Belarus gathered in the picturesque village of Mens in the southeast of the country. Our mission was to clear forest trails for horseback riding and to trim branches that obstructed the paths. We worked from early morning until noon, although at times it felt like our efforts were not yielding noticeable results.

Our accommodation was arranged in a campsite, where we stayed in a cozy house with a kitchen and a terrace. The surrounding nature and comfortable conditions created an excellent environment for relaxation. This project became a time filled with new experiences and valuable lessons.


In conclusion, such volunteer programs not only provide participants with the opportunity to help others but also offer chances to broaden their horizons, learn new things, and exchange experiences with people from all over the world.

Our leisure and unique events

Our leisure time was filled with delightful moments, and one of the most vivid events happened during a water polo game with elderly ladies from France. These amazing women easily outplayed our team, and I got so caught up in the game that I ended up swallowing a lot of water and decided that swimming wouldn't be for me in the coming year.

Local farmer Noël held a master class for us on horseback riding and interacting with horses. Our French friends took us to picturesque mountain areas and beautiful lakes, but the most popular were the buffets held almost every evening.

A highlight was the performance by the band Mayor, after which we came up with the idea to hitchhike to a music festival in San Sebastián.

Language barriers and communication difficulties

One of the major challenges for us was that many locals did not speak English, and understanding French with our limited knowledge sometimes proved difficult.

Additionally, we encountered reptiles, which created uncomfortable moments, especially when they got stuck in our hair.

Experience in a work camp in Germany

As for our experience in the work camp in Germany, volunteers from many different countries arrived there:

We were in Marburg, in the center of Germany, preparing the culture and recreation park for the new season by planting flowers and trees. The work was relatively simple and accessible.

Our camp leader, an Italian named Bruno, treated us to excellent tiramisu and constantly reminded us of the importance of the German language as the main means of communication in the camp. I had only been studying German for two months, but I decided not to miss the chance to challenge myself.

On the second day, I was able to easily communicate in German with the locals, even with a girl from Belarus, trying to avoid switching to Russian.

Language learning and cultural immersion

In addition to engaging leisure activities and light work, we actively participated in German language classes, immersing ourselves in the culture and traditions of the country. In the evenings, we strolled through bars, and on rainy days, we played board games.

For several days, we had the opportunity to visit nearby cities. Although there were some language barriers, we still managed to communicate.

Problems with dialects and waste sorting

The only problem for me was the dialects. In Germany, I sometimes found it difficult to understand people using local accents. Additionally, one of the serious challenges for me was the separate waste collection.

There were many waste containers, but I was never sure if I was sorting correctly. In our camp, there was a detailed sorting instruction hanging in the kitchen that helped me understand. Meanwhile, in France, the labeling for plastic bottles was done by color:

  • blue
  • green
  • brown
  • white

This added to the confusion, but thanks to clear instructions, we managed to maintain order.


The conclusion of the article is an important stage that provides an opportunity to summarize and express thoughts on the topic at hand. The growing interest of Russians in volunteering and the significant increase in the number of volunteers in the country clearly demonstrate that an active civic stance and the desire to contribute to the development of society are becoming increasingly sought after. As I described in the article, volunteering is not only a way to help others but also a chance to broaden the horizons of one's world, learn about new cultures, and make friends from different countries.

Recent studies show that every third Russian is ready to participate in volunteer projects, which opens up great prospects for the further growth of this movement. The experience I gained during my volunteer trips showed me that this is not just work — it is a journey into new cultures and real changes in people's lives. Each project enriches us, allows us to see the world from a different perspective, and understand how much we can do for society.

Preparation for volunteering

In the article, I also highlighted the importance of preparing for volunteering: from writing motivation letters to choosing the right organizations. This requires effort and genuine desire, but the reward is worth all the effort. Moreover, the variety of volunteer project formats allows everyone to find something they enjoy, regardless of age, experience, or preferences. I hope that my article will inspire many to take active steps and help overcome barriers in finding opportunities to help others.

Important points about volunteering:
  • Volunteering— it's an opportunity to help others and broaden your horizons.
  • Every third Russian citizenI am ready to participate in volunteer projects.
  • Volunteer trips allowto learn about new culturesand make new friends.
  • It's important to choose.suitable organizationsand properly prepare the documents.
  • The variety of projects allowsfind something that resonates with youfor everyone.

It's important to remember that volunteering is not just about helping, but also about growth, gaining experience, and how we can change the world for the better. I believe that every small effort leads to significant changes, and together we can create a brighter future. I urge everyone reading this to think about how you can contribute and become a part of this inspiring movement.


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