Property Abroad
Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Helloour dear readers.

Imagine that you have finally decided to buy a property in Turkey. Then you ask yourself the sacramental question "Where?". When you want to run away without looking back to the sea, but not to be met by crowds of tourists. When you want that very authentic measured Turkish life, unhurried and sweet, like honey with Turkish cream kaymak. It would be nice to add to it more picturesque mountains, ancient Ottoman architecture, against the background of a fairly modern life ... Then you should pay attention to Muğla.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

So, Mugla!

It is the nameof both the province and the city of which it is the administrative center. The entireprovince is spread along the Turkish coast of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, by the way, it has the longest coastline (1100 kilometers) of any other the way, it has the longest coastline (as much as 1100 kilometers) of all the otherof all the other provinces in Turkey. It will be interestingto know that although the population of the whole province is more than 938,000 people, in thethe city of Muğla it does not reach 100 thousand. The province of Muğla includes suchresort towns such as Marmaris, Bodrum, Fethiye. But the administrative center itselfis not considered a resort, because from the city to the Aegean coast 27 km. And only55 km to the nearest resort Marmaris.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Once upon a time, this area was called Karie. It didn't playof geopolitical importance, it was a small settlement,which later became part of the Ottoman Empire.

Mugla, for all its authenticity, is more secular,than an eastern city, with a good standard of living. There are many universities,hotels, cafes, restaurants, green parks for walking, shopping centers, etc.It is worth noting that the prices here are much lower than in the resort areas.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Mugla grows olives, citrus fruits and produces a significant portion of honey products

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.


A local landmark in Mughla is Mount Asar. It is quitecan be climbed on foot, the road to the mountain starts at Saburkhaneh. The panorama fromthe panorama from the mountain is breathtaking! From there you can also see the hills withthe ruins of the Hittite period. The top of the mountain is quite flat, which is the reason whyanother Turkish name for it, “Masa Dağı” - a mountain like a table.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Attractions from the Ottoman Empire can includeare the old mosques. The Lead Mosque on Kurshunlu Street was builtback in the 15th century, after restoration it is valuable as a historical monument. Earlieralmost everything was built of wood, there are two such wooden mosques in the Jamikebir neighborhood and in the Old City.two such wooden mosques.

On the grounds of the former prison there is the Turlian Park . Here in thearchaeological museum has artifacts over 7 million years old,various animal and plant remains from that period. Most of them were foundduring construction work on Mount Kaklıcatepe. It's true that in Turkey, if you pokeany stone and it can turn out to be a historical exhibit or aa landmark surrounded by secrets and legends.

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Most of the legends here surround the neighborhood of Saburhane orOld Town. There are few residential buildings here, but even they are ofhistorical value. And then there's the historic Saatli Tower.Walking around the old town it is worth visiting the carpet fair.You will be amazed by the assortment and handmade products.

Is the climate of Mugla suitable for you?

There's hardly any real snow here. It's extremely rare.The weather is warm by our standards from the end of April to the end of October. The realhot summer starts in May and June, often quite hot August. If in summerrains are rather an exception, then winters, as in many cities of Turkeyrainy.

Approximate values for temperature are given in the table:

Mugla is where the REAL Turkey is. Real Estate Review.

Mugla Real Estate Review:

Apartment inThe center of Mugla for 3 bedrooms, 130 m2 with a large balcony, all infrastructure in thewalking distance. Price : 55 000USD

Nice 2 bedroom apartment, 110 m2, close to the public hospital.Price : 150 000 USD

Veryspacious 3 bedroom apartment, 150 m2 in the center of Mugla. Price: 72 000USD

Apartment in the centeron 3 bedrooms, 115 m2, very clean with new bathroom and kitchen. Price: 65 000USD

Villa inThe city limits of Mugla (not a suburb). 5 bedrooms,1 common room. 180 м2. Price: 200 000UDS

*prices arefor January 2020

There issome remark on the really swanky villas, most of themare in the suburb of Mugla on the road to the Aegean Sea. There, in the smallvillages, they stand at a considerable distance from each other, surrounded by parks andgardens. And the nature here would make any master painter envious. Thesevillas are designed for wealthy people, the mandatory presence of a car and the desire to live like in American movies -desire to live like in American movies - in the lap of nature in complete privacy.

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I wish youto buy your dream home in hospitable Turkey, have a nice day. See you soonon Hata Matata.


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