Navigation through the tax system of Italy: overview of taxes in the country
Types of taxes in Italy
The income tax is the main source of revenue for the Italian government, accounting for about43% of total income in2020. Income tax is levied on income from employment, self-employment, investments, and pensions. The rate varies from23% to43% depending on the income level.
** Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax applied to goods and services at each stage of production or distribution chain.
Tax rates in Italy
Income tax rates: individuals earning up to15000 euros are subject to a flat income tax rate of23%, while individuals earning more than15000 euros pay a progressive income tax ranging from27% (for15001-28000 euros) to43% (for over75000 euros).).
Value added tax rates: for most goods and services, the standard VAT rate in Italy is22%. There are reduced rates:10% for essential goods such as food or books,4% for certain medical goods or pharmaceutical products, and0% for exports outside the EU.
Other taxes in Italy
The Italian government also levies a number of other taxes, including property tax (imposta sul valore degli immobili), wealth tax (imposta sulla fortuna), social security contributions (contributi previdenziali), consumption tax (tasse di consumo), wealth transfer tax (imposte sui trasferimenti di patrimonio), inheritance/gift tax (imposta di successione o donazione). They vary depending on the region/municipality, but usually range from2% to20%.%.
Navigating the complex tax system of Italy may not be easy, but understanding its various components can help you maximize your own financial well-being, while also contributing your fair share to the provision of state services..
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