Property Abroad
I moved to Argentina: my experience of emigrating for studies

I moved to Argentina: my experience of emigrating for studies

I moved to Argentina: my experience of emigrating for studies
  • My Move to Argentina: History and Experiences
  • Preparation for studying in Argentina: key aspects
  • Options for finding work and housing in Argentina
  • Stories of moving abroad
  • A Russian perspective on life in Argentina
  • Argentina is a country of hospitality and freedom

My Move to Argentina: History and Experiences

I was born in St. Petersburg and lived there until April 2019. Emigration had never been part of my plans before, but I have always been open to new opportunities. Thoughts of living in Italy or Spain had been brewing in my mind when suddenly I decided to go to Argentina—a country I knew little about.

My first trip to Buenos Aires lasted only two weeks, but during that time I fell in love with this country and decided to stay. I took a risk, quit my job, gathered the necessary amount of money, transitioned my students to online learning, collected all the required documents, and returned to Argentina in mid-April 2019 with the intention of starting a new life here.

The process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Argentina

In Argentina, there are several grounds for a temporary residence permit. This can be official employment, marriage, or studying at a local university. I chose the last option and enrolled in a university. For this, I had to prepare my passport, legalize and apostille my birth certificate, provide a certificate of no criminal record, and submit my educational diplomas. I had to send some documents after moving, asking my mom to help with that.

Changes in my life after moving to Argentina

My decision to move to Argentina has made me incredibly happy. This country not only inspired me, but also completely changed my worldview. I realized that if interesting opportunities arise, you should seize them, leaving no room for regrets about not having made the move sooner.

Training in Argentina: preparation and procedures

Getting an education in Argentina is a responsible process that requires thorough preparation. Before starting your studies, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the list of requirements on the official government website. One of the key points is the revalidation of diplomas from Russia so that they are legally recognized in the country. This requires the apostille of documents in the country of issuance and a translation by a professional specialist into Spanish, followed by certification by a translation association.

Requirements for admission to the university

The process of enrolling in a local university also includes taking additional subjects, such as geography and history of Argentina. The total time for this is about a year from the moment of enrollment. In addition to the main studies and specialized exams, students must successfully complete these additional courses.

Preliminary steps before studying abroad

When preparing for studying abroad, it's important to analyze a multitude of factors. Some institutions offer free education, and an interest in details and analysis of the international real estate market can be very beneficial. Working in Argentina can be an amazing opportunity - whether it's teaching Spanish or in another field.

Adjustment to a new life and employment

Adapting to a new life involves not only language immersion but also adjusting to local dialects and customs. A deep understanding of the local culture helps to interact better with the locals. Working in a new country can broaden horizons and open up new opportunities. Finding remote work or building a financial cushion is an important step when moving. A key to success is clearly defining goals and pursuing quality professional development.

I moved to Argentina: my experience of emigrating for studies

In Argentina, where the unemployment rate is quite high, it is rather difficult for locals and newcomers to find suitable jobs. Without education and hope for luck in the job search, it is worth looking for alternatives. Specialists, especially technical ones like programmers, are highly valued here.

You can use popular portals such as zonajobs, clarín and bumeran to search for local jobs. Here you can not only find vacancies with employers, but also offer your services. There are also analogues to employment services, such as agencias de trabajo (e.g. gestión laboral or adecco argentina), where specialists can help you find a suitable job.

The practice of personal visits to companies for job searching is quite common. You can walk into an office and offer your services, bringing your resume with you. Many companies post job advertisements at the entrance. In general, in Argentina, it is customary to hire friends and relatives, and many prefer employees with recommendations.

When choosing housing in Argentina, everyone can find a place that suits their individual preferences. Some prefer central areas, such as Palermo and Recoleta, but prices here are quite high. Recoleta is considered a safe neighborhood and attracts tourists.

Palermo is divided into several areas - Palermo Soho (shops and boutiques), Palermo Hollywood (bars and clubs), and Palermo Viejo (the historical part). San Telmo and La Boca are not very suitable for permanent living due to high tourist activity. The central district of Constitución is known for its high crime rate.

In my opinion, the best neighborhoods to live in are located in the northern part of the city. For example, Vicente López is a picturesque, peaceful area surrounded by greenery. You can find housing options on the zonaprop website, which offers both buying and renting properties.

Stories about moving abroad

This article discusses three different relocations. Each of them took place in different countries and was accompanied by unique events and adventures.

Moving to Greece

Once, I accidentally bought an apartment in Greece and decided to move there permanently.

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In this country, I found my home and enjoy the atmosphere of warmth and hospitality.

Moving to Italy

When I moved to Italy, I found myself in an environment of village culture. Here I was surrounded by beautiful scenery and a real Italian charm. Life here goes on in a measured way, in accordance with national traditions and customs.

Moving to Argentina

A digital nomad from Russia moved to Argentina to start a new life. In this country, he not only found love but also got to know the local culture and the mentality of its people.

Life in Argentina

Argentina is a country with a distinctive mentality and a special value placed on family and friends, rather than on money.

First steps in Argentina

A digital nomad from Russia who traveled to Argentina met his young man Pablo through the Internet and quickly met him in real life. He turned out to be very gallant and attentive. Many Argentine men are like that - respectful and well-mannered.

Feminism in Buenos Aires

Feminism is spreading in Buenos Aires, so men try not to show any signs of affection. Just living together without getting married is quite common in Argentina.

Friendship in Argentina

Friendship is very important for Argentines, they help each other in everything and trust their friends one hundred percent. At the same time, they are sociable and friendly, often getting to know each other in clubs and festivals.

How to fit in in Argentina?

Just be sincere and respect people and their culture. Following this simple recipe will allow you to quickly integrate into the life of the country and win the hearts of the locals.

Life in Argentina is an experience that will change you forever and allow you to see the world from a new, broader perspective.

Don't be upset if someone found out your secret.

This is not a bad thing, but simply a desire to share with others. I am fascinated by the openness of Argentines, their willingness to help everyone without exception. In stores, people politely let each other pass without competing for a place in line, and on public transportation they give a seat to the elderly.

Life in Argentina

The pace is slow: no one is in a hurry, and even the craftsmen come weeks after being called. Patriotism is felt in the air here, many residents follow religious beliefs and regularly attend church. I haven't encountered any bias - Argentinians are interested in talking to me, wanting to learn about Russia and hear my opinion about their country.

Integration of Russians in Argentina

It is important to note that in Argentina, Russians are integrating into the local society without seeking to create isolated communities. They are adapting to Argentine culture and living alongside the locals, without forming separate neighborhoods or districts just for themselves.

The store "Mamushka"

Famous for its sweets, although many Argentines do not know that the Russian matryoshka doll has another official name. It was this store that made the Mamushka brand so popular that even the Russian dolls themselves began to be called by the same name.

Argentina as a "European" country in Latin America

It stands out as the most "European" country in Latin America, welcoming to newcomers and diverse. Here, everyone feels comfortable, even phenomena like a television channel host who is a transgender person do not cause shock or condemnation.

Freedom of speech in Argentina

It has special significance: here, everyone has the right to express their opinion on any topic without the fear of being judged. This makes this country unique among other Latin American states.

Argentina is a country of hospitality and freedom

Argentina is an amazing country with an atmosphere of freedom and civic activism. Peaceful demonstrations in defense of citizens' rights can be found here every day, which makes this country truly unique. Argentina is welcoming to foreigners and is an ideal destination for those who value culture and education.

The cultural capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires.

The capital of the country, Buenos Aires, impresses with its white architecture and European charm. A high percentage of the European population makes this city one of the most "European" in Latin America. Buenos Aires is home to many creative individuals, which truly makes it the cultural capital of Argentina.

Freedom of speech and civic activism

One of the key features of this country is the high level of freedom of speech. Rallies and demonstrations are held regularly, allowing everyone to express their opinions on a wide range of topics. Even the largest events take place peacefully and without any signs of aggression.

Security in Argentina

Safety in Argentina is also at a high level. Surveillance cameras are installed throughout the city, and the streets are patrolled by police. If necessary, the police can be quickly called using a special number. However, despite this, it is always wise to exercise caution, especially at night, to avoid potential issues.

Argentina is the perfect place for an active vacation.

Argentina attracts people who value culture, freedom, and an active lifestyle. Here, everyone can find something special thanks to the unique atmosphere and friendly attitude towards foreigners. This country is filled with vibrant colors and interesting events, where everyone can feel like a part of local life.


Argentina is a tourist country with a warm climate, a unique atmosphere, and a rich culture. Here, you can not only have a great time but also broaden your horizons by visiting numerous theaters, museums, and bookstores. So, if you appreciate new experiences and want to immerse yourself in the unique world of Argentina, you will definitely enjoy it here.

Moving to Argentina: my experience

To my surprise, moving to Argentina turned out to be not just a temporary adventure, but a real challenge and a change in my life. Even though I knew nothing about this country, I managed to immerse myself in its unique atmosphere during a short vacation. I was struck by the diversity of culture, life, and people here, and I realized that this is where I want to stay.

Preparation for moving

I approached the preparations for the move with complete seriousness – I quit my job, prepared the necessary documents for studying at the university, and returned to Buenos Aires with confidence in my choice. My second trip to Argentina was completely different – it was a move for permanent residence.

Training and work in Argentina

Right now, I am working as a teacher of Spanish and Russian, enjoying my profession and life here. I believe that the key to a successful move lies in thorough preparation, a clear vision of your future here, and a passion for what you do. Argentina is not a place for quick profits; you need to be ready for challenges and willing to showcase your skills and abilities. After all, each of us is building our own path, and for me, this path has led me to the amazing and welcoming country called Argentina.

Tips for those considering moving to Argentina

  • Carefully review all necessary documents and requirements.
  • Look for remote work or create a financial safety net.
  • Be prepared for challenges and don't be afraid to showcase your skills and abilities.

In the end, moving to another country is not just a new chapter in life, but a real challenge. However, if you are ready for difficulties and looking for new opportunities, Argentina could be a great place to make your dreams come true.


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