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Why is working in Sweden attractive for migrants?

Why is working in Sweden attractive for migrants?

Why is working in Sweden attractive for migrants?
  • How does working in Sweden open doors for migrants?
  • How to validate a diploma for work in Sweden and what do you need to know?
  • How to find jobs and internships in Sweden: a practical guide
  • How to obtain a work permit and visa for Sweden?
  • How to properly prepare documents for working in Sweden?
  • How does the legality of employment affect life in Sweden?

Advantages of working in Sweden for migrants

Working in Sweden opens up numerous opportunities for migrants, including legal protection of rights and access to social security. The interaction between employers and trade unions in this country has reached a significant level, positively impacting the stability of payments and the protection of workers' rights, regardless of their gender, religious affiliation, or ethnic group.

Although the wage gap between men and women still exists, the situation is improving, and according to the latest data, Sweden is showing significant progress towards achieving gender equality.

The demand for migrants in the labor market

However, an important question arises: how in demand are foreigners in the Swedish labor market? Statistical data from early 2019 indicates a continuing increase in the number of migrants thriving on Swedish soil. The unemployment rate among this group of the population is decreasing, and by mid-2020, the number of active job seekers arriving from abroad had increased by 50% compared to the same period the previous year.

Factors contributing to the influx of foreign specialists

There are several factors in the Swedish labor market that contribute to the increase in the number of foreign specialists:

  • Despite having a highly developed economy, many companies in Sweden are facing a shortage of skilled personnel.
  • In the lead-up to the 2019-2020 school year, the country experienced a crisis due to a shortage of teachers.
  • A month before the start of the school year, a record volume of temporary job offers was recorded on job search platforms.
  • Engineers and other technical specialists can expect a quick review of their applications – this process has been reduced to 10 days instead of the previous 18 months.

Changes in legislation and the work of foreign migrants

Since 2008, the laws regarding employment for non-EU migrants have been significantly simplified. This has contributed to an increase in labor migration to the country, despite the fact that a significant portion of newcomers choose Sweden for their studies.

The process of obtaining citizenship for foreigners

Nevertheless, the process of obtaining citizenship for foreign nationals can be lengthy. Currently, the average processing time for citizenship applications is about two and a half years. If a migrant is denied permanent residency, they may have to wait up to seven years for the next opportunity to work in Sweden.

In-demand professions in Sweden

Every year, the country's authorities update the list of the most in-demand professions. In 2020, the list of shortage specialties included:

  • builders;
  • medics
  • engineers;
  • specialists in the field of information technology;
  • scientific researchers;
  • workers in the food service industry;
  • social workers;
  • forest management employees.

Thus, the Swedish labor market continues to be open to migrants, providing them with numerous opportunities to realize their professional potential and integrate into society.

Diploma verification for work in Sweden

To find out if you need to validate your diploma to work in Sweden, you can visit the specialized resource Work in Sweden. This website offers extensive information regarding employment and life in this attractive country. There, you can learn about the process of obtaining a work permit, options for job searching, as well as the rules for registering with tax authorities. Additionally, you will find information about various aspects of life in Sweden. The Swedish Council for Higher Education also provides a list of regulated professions and all the requirements for them.

Language skills

When it comes to language skills, the requirements can vary depending on the chosen field. For example, for specialists in information technology or seasonal workers, knowledge of English may be sufficient. However, for a more comfortable life in Sweden, knowledge of the Swedish language is highly desirable and opens up many opportunities for successful employment. In some professions, such as medicine, education, and legal activities, it is necessary to pass a Swedish language exam to confirm one's qualifications.

Studying the Swedish language

If you are interested in learning the basics of the Swedish language, the Russian edition of Swedish Radio developed a free audio course consisting of 12 lessons over three decades ago. This course has been updated over time and now allows you to quickly and effectively master basic language skills.

Obtaining a work permit

The process of obtaining a work permit is a key step for anyone planning to work in Sweden. This document serves as the basis for obtaining a residence permit, which is usually issued about three months after arriving in the country. Approximately half of all permits issued (around 50%) are held by specialists with higher education, among whom engineers and IT professionals stand out. About 15-20% of permits are granted to individuals with vocational education, while the remaining permits go to less qualified workers.

Family relocation

It is important to note that after obtaining a residence permit, you have the opportunity to arrange for your family's relocation. They will be issued residence permits immediately, allowing your loved ones to study, work, start their own business, and receive social benefits in Sweden. Highly qualified specialists may also consider applying for a blue card, which offers additional work opportunities in the country. You can find more information about the blue card in our specialized material.

Job search in Sweden

To search for jobs in Sweden, it is useful to use various resources dedicated to immigration and employment. For example, the immigration service and the EURES portal offer a wealth of information about available vacancies. Additionally, the employment service provides access to a vast database of job openings and offers advice on job searching, obtaining permits, and creating resumes. The website also features job listings posted in both Swedish and English.


For permanent residents, there are resources with useful information in Russian, which significantly eases the process of adapting to a new country.

Why is working in Sweden attractive for migrants?

Swedish Customs Service

The Swedish Customs Service, known as Tullverket, is a key element in the system of trade control and compliance with import and export regulations in Sweden. The importance of ensuring occupational safety cannot be underestimated in the context of work processes, which is why recommendations are provided to help create safe working conditions in enterprises. The Swedish agency responsible for inspecting working conditions actively supports such initiatives, promoting compliance with established standards.

Job search in Sweden

Job searching in Sweden can be effectively done using a variety of online platforms. Some of the most popular websites where you can find job vacancies include:

  • jobbsafari
  • stepstone
  • monster
  • metro job
  • job listing

These platforms offer a variety of job opportunities in different sectors of the economy. Additionally, there are Russian-speaking resources, such as:

  • hh
  • eurabota
  • forum svenska palmen

These websites feature current job openings for Russian-speaking candidates.

Specialized resources

If you are a specialist in a certain field, you can take advantage of specialized job search services. For example:

  • CareerBuilder — for engineers and builders
  • IDG job — for IT specialists
  • Medrek and lakar jobb — for healthcare job vacancies.

Recruiter assistance

If you prefer to leave the job search to professionals, various international and Swedish recruitment companies can help with this, such as:

  • world staff
  • ilc

In addition, Swedish publications such as:

  • today's news
  • Swedish Daily

They regularly post job vacancies. Directly reaching out to the employers you are interested in is also an effective strategy. On the eniro portal, you can easily find contact information for many Swedish companies across various sectors. Don't forget to prepare a quality resume and cover letter when applying to the organizations that interest you.


An internship is a wonderful opportunity for new migrants to adapt to life in Sweden, gaining valuable work experience and getting to know the local job market. Internship programs may be available at both universities and large companies. All the necessary information about internships and participation conditions can be found on platforms such as:

  • the Swedish program
  • iagora

Au-pair program

The au-pair program is another opportunity for people aged 18 to 30. By participating in this program, you will live with a Swedish family, helping with household chores and taking care of children for a year. In return, you will be provided with accommodation and meals, your language courses will be paid for, and you will receive a monthly allowance.€350The cost of participating in the program is€650However, this experience of communicating in the language and immersing myself in Swedish life will be invaluable.

Work permit for citizens of non-EU countries

It is also important to remember that for citizens of countries outside the European Union, a work permit is required to work in Sweden. To obtain this, one must have a specific job offer from an employer, who in turn is required to meet certain conditions, including posting the job vacancy information on the EURES portal.10 daysbefore the start of the process of attracting a foreign worker.

To create suitable working conditions and establish salary levels, employers should take into account the professional standards applicable in the field, as well as the requirements outlined in collective agreements.

After the working conditions have been agreed upon and discussed with the candidate, the employer submits an application to the union. If approved by the union, it is necessary to prepare an official job offer (ett arbetserbjudande) and, if desired, a cover letter explaining why this candidate is important for the company.

Then, the applicant, having gathered all the necessary documents, contacts the Swedish consulate; this can be done either through a personal visit or via the migration agency's website to submit an application online. After receiving the work permit, one can proceed to the visa application process. The waiting time can range from one to three months, although in some cases, the wait may extend up to five months.

Documents for obtaining a work permit

To obtain a work permit in Sweden, the applicant must submit several key documents. First of all, this includes an official application or form.

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Additionally, the following will be required:

  • Valid foreign passport;
  • Copies of passport pages with visas and personal information;
  • Documents from the employer;
  • Two photographs taken in the specified format;
  • Payment of the consular fee, which is approximately 200 euros.

It is important to keep in mind that all submitted documents must be in English or Swedish. Only translations done by certified professionals are accepted.

Terms and conditions

The obtained work permit cannot be valid longer than the passport itself, and most often it allows you to work in the country for18 monthsThe permit is issued for a specific position. If an employee needs to change companies, this is possible, but changing professions is not allowed. In the event of a refusal, the consular fee is non-refundable.

Exceptions to the rules

In addition, there are categories of workers for whom a work permit is not required:

  • Artists;
  • Diplomats;
  • Athletes during competitions;
  • Workers for urgent orders;
  • Truck drivers;
  • Employees of large travel companies.

However, it is important to remember that the validity of these exceptions is limited.three monthsThe complete list of categories of workers who do not need a permit can be found on the official website.

Work in other European countries

If you are looking for a job in other European countries, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with employment information in the UK, Norway, Germany, Finland, and Estonia. For those dreaming of living in warmer countries, it is recommended to consider job openings in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, and Turkey.

Work visa for Sweden

After obtaining a work permit, it is essential to apply for a work visa in Sweden. There are two main types of visas:

  • Short-term visafor seasonal workers, which can be issued for a period of up to three months;
  • Long-term visaopening up more opportunities for work and life in Sweden.

To properly prepare the documents for working in Sweden, you will need a number of key documents. First, you will need to fill out a special application form, provide two color photographs, and obtain a receipt for the payment of the consular fee, which ranges from 35 to 60 euros. It is worth noting that this fee is not charged for minor children (under 18 years old). Among the mandatory documents are also a foreign passport with copies of all its pages, medical insurance, and proof of your financial means, which must amount to at least 44 euros per day. Alternatively, you can provide a guarantee letter from your employer. For most seasonal workers, a work permit is not required.

Long-term work and residence permit

If your plans involve a long stay, that is, more than 90 days, you should apply for a residence permit (uppehållstillståndskort). This card can be valid for up to two years, and the process of obtaining it requires more documents than for short-term permits. In addition to the application form, you will need a passport, photographs, health insurance, a guarantee letter from your employer, as well as a valid work permit. The consular fee for long-term permits is approximately 190 euros.

Moving with family

If you are planning to move with your family, you will need to gather information about each family member, including copies of passports, marriage certificates, and children's birth certificates, as well as pay an additional consular fee.

  • 95 eurosfor adults
  • 46 eurosfor each child under 18 years old

Processing your application may take from one to three months. It should be noted that the residence permit can be extended, and after four years, you will be able to start the procedure for obtaining permanent residency (PR). After another year, you will be able to apply for Swedish citizenship.

Registration in Sweden

Upon arriving in Sweden, you need to register with the Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). It is also important to open a bank account to receive your salary. At the tax office, you will be issued an identification number (personnummer) and an ID card. These documents give you access to all the social benefits available to local residents, including paid sick leave and parental leave.

Rules for family members

It's important to remember that if your work permit is valid for more than six months, your family members are entitled to receive a similar document that will allow them to stay in the country. In case you lose your job, you will have three months to find a new one.

Features of work in Sweden

Now let's take a look at some features of working in Sweden:

  • Working hours.The legislation on working hours (arbetstidslagen) applies to both local citizens and foreign workers. According to this law, the working day consists of 8 hours, and the minimum rest period between shifts cannot be less than 11 hours. The night rest period is from 00:00 to 5:00, and the total number of working hours in a week should not exceed 40 hours.
  • Illegal work.Illegal work, although it does exist, is rare in the country, as most Swedes do not approve of such practices. Working illegally, you will face problems: you will not be able to rent housing or obtain loans. Additionally, you will lose the opportunity to receive support from trade unions and accumulate work experience, which is important for your future career.

Legality of employment activities

If it is established that a person is working without official registration, they will have to pay all the taxes they should have paid for the entire period of employment, as well as a fine of 40% of the total amount. In the future, it will become extremely difficult to find legal employment in this country.

To verify the legality of their status in the labor market, anyone interested can use a special service on the tax authority's website, where they need to enter their identification number to find out the current information about their situation.

Social guarantees in Sweden

Social guarantees in Sweden are a significant part of labor relations. The minimum duration of annual paid leave is at least 25 days. Most Swedes prefer to use their vacation days during the summer months, which consequently leads to a noticeable decrease in the intensity of business operations in June and July.

The period during which parents can take parental leave lasts up to 480 days. If both parents decide to split this time equally, the government provides financial subsidies, which promotes gender equality.

Temporary disability and pension provision

If an employee is temporarily unable to perform their duties, they are entitled to receive 80% of their salary. Regarding retirement, there are no strict rules in Sweden; generally, working people retire at the age of 65, but they can do so at a younger or older age as well.

The size of the pension is based on the length of employment history, and even a minimum of one year of work gives the right to receive pension payments.

Unemployment insurance

Employers, as well as employees, can join the unemployment insurance system known as a-kassa. If an employee loses their job, they can receive up to 80% of their salary for 200 days. After this period, if the person has not found employment (which is their responsibility, including registering with the employment service), the benefit will decrease to 70% for the next 100 days.

Employer's responsibility

The responsibility to ensure workplace safety falls on the employer. They do not have the right to dismiss an employee without a valid reason, and the notice periods for terminating an employment contract are regulated by current legislation.

In-demand professions

Speaking of in-demand professions, in 2019 there was a high demand for specialists in various fields in the Swedish labor market. This list included:

  • Information technology workers
  • Specialists in the construction field, including engineers and specialized workers (roofers, installers, electricians, painters)
  • Medical workers (doctors, nurses, especially in psychiatry)
  • Professions in the field of public catering (chefs and pastry chefs)
  • Teachers, especially for elementary and preschool classes
  • Agricultural workers for harvesting and farm work (from unskilled labor to agronomists and animal husbandry specialists)
  • Transport specialists (drivers, mechanics, crane operators)
  • Social workers for working with troubled teenagers, people with disabilities, the elderly, and orphans.
  • Low-skilled jobs (packers, laborers, loaders)


In concluding our discussion about the opportunities for work and life in Sweden, I want to emphasize that this country truly offers significant advantages for migrants. I noted that the social and legal security provided by the collaboration between trade unions and employers makes the work process predictable and comfortable. Aspects such as reducing the wage gap between men and women and the successful fight against discrimination create more equal conditions for everyone who chooses the path of labor immigration.

With the increasing number of foreigners looking to start a career in Sweden, it is evident that the job market is open and ready for new talents. There is confidence that Swedish companies continue to need skilled professionals, providing opportunities for:

  • teachers,
  • technical specialists,
  • and many others.

However, it is important not to forget about the necessary steps and procedures, such as diploma verification and proficiency in the Swedish language, which can be key factors on the path to success.

The process of obtaining citizenship

At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the process of obtaining citizenship and permanent residency can be lengthy and complicated. It is crucial to be prepared for this and to carefully plan your path to avoid disappointments. Despite the potential challenges, Sweden remains one of the most attractive countries for migration due to its high standard of living and commitment to equality.


In the end, Sweden offers unique opportunities for everyone who wants to work and grow. With a constantly updated list of in-demand professions and active support for labor migrants, you shouldn't miss the chance to become part of this progressive society. I hope the information provided will be useful to you and help you make an informed choice in favor of working and living in Sweden. The main thing is to follow your goals and not be afraid of new challenges, as they can open up new horizons for you.


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