Property Abroad
Stunning Mahmutlar.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

Mahmutlar is a neighborhood in Alanya, Antalya Province in Turkey. The neighborhood stretches between the districts of Kestel and Kargıcak. From the center of Alanya Mahumutlar is at a distance of 10 km. Among Russian speakers - it is one of the most popular places in Turkey. But apart from ours, Europeans are happy to settle here.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

The area lies between the sea and the mountains in the north. Almostall houses in Mahmutlar are located in close proximity to the sea. That is why thisplace is so attractive for foreign real estate investors. Unlikein contrast to the old Turkish cities and districts, the streets here are built quite logically: threemain streets - the seafront (first shoreline), 100 meters from the seafrontthe central street of the district - Barbarossa Street and Ataturk Street. Perpendicularlythese three main streets are the streets leading to the sea. On Barbarossa StreetBarbarossa Street has all the main stores, cafes and restaurants. The neighborhood itself is very green, there are even banana plantations.

Mahmutlar became a district of Alanya.Mahmutlar has been called Mahmutlar since 2014, when the area began to be developed,which continues to this day. It is currently the most densely populateddistrict of Antalya. Recently, the neighborhoodbegan to develop completely separate and independent from the center. Because of the developedinfrastructure - abundance of stores, hospitals, cafes and restaurants, furniture stores,banks and other things, there is no need to go to another neighborhood.neighborhood. Everything can be found and bought locally.

But if you want to get toto other areas, it's no problem. There are buses leaving Mahmutlar every five minutes.from Mahmutlar every five minutes.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

It's a great place to have fun, there are a lot of cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, discos.cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, discos. Quite a large number of suchare opened by foreigners living here. In addition to the stores, you can alsoyou can also shop at the market, which twice a week supplies produce from all the surrounding farms.from all the surrounding farms.

Recommended real estate
Купить flat в Turkey 75000€

Sale flat in Alanya with city view 80 965,00 $

1 Bedroom

50 м²

Купить flat в Turkey 145000€

Sale flat in Mahmutlar with park view 156 534,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

110 м²

Купить flat в Turkey 304200€

Sale flat in Istanbul 328 397,00 $

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

48 м²

Купить cottage в Turkey 299000€

Sale cottage in Tepe with sea view 322 784,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

125 м²

Купить other properties в Turkey 149169£

Sale other properties in Istanbul 189 851,00 $

1 Bedroom

1 Bathroom

71 м²

Купить hotels в Turkey 1950000€

Sale hotels in Konyaalt with sea view 2 105 113,00 $

24 Bedrooms

24 Bathrooms

650 м²

Perhaps that's why the prices for fruit and vegetables are so low.low.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

For many people moving to Turkey for permanent residence, including those moving to Mahmutlar.Mahmutlar, compatriots have a question - where will their children study? SoWell, in Russian-speaking Mahumtlar there are a lot of kindergartens, schoolsteaching in Turkish, in Russian and Turkish, only in Russian or English.English. And also there are private clinics with Russian-speaking doctors.

The most important thing in Mahmutlar is of course the sea. Here move here precisely because of the proximity to the sea and beaches, the length of which by the way is about 5 km. It is important that the beaches are sandy, the entrance to the sea is gentle not sharp, but not everywhere. There are some places with a rocky bottom.

Stunning Mahmutlar.


Several economic sectors are developed in Mahmutlar. These are tourism, agriculture and construction. Many local companies exclusively live and thrive on the construction of new residential complexes. In addition, Mahmutlar is a leader in real estate sales to foreigners. The business is so developed that you can find housing for every taste and purse. At the moment in Mahmutlar the lowest prices for economy class housing among the entire Mediterranean coast. In addition, every year new projects are started, budget and elite. The main active developments are going on Ataturk Street, where closer to the mountains there are vacant plots of land. Here you can buy apartments in finished houses and in advance in the still under construction.
If you are interested in luxury apartments and villas on the Mediterranean coast, your eyes should again be drawn to Mahmutlar. Luxury housing here is really with huge territories and developed infrastructure. In addition, such housing can be rented out quite easily in the summer season.

Apartments on the first shoreline are of particular interest, the most tidbit for buyers. The development here has been so active that there are practically no empty plots left. Prices for existing housing never decrease, and every year only increases.

Stunning Mahmutlar.

In conclusion, we would like to note that despite the large selection of real estate with each year is already felt some shortage of supply, so we strongly recommend not to postpone the decision to buy housing in Mahmutlar.

See you all again on Hata Matata.


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