Do all roads lead to Rome? The path to an Italian residence permit.
- How to obtain a residence permit in Italy: steps and tips for foreigners
- How to properly choose the option for obtaining a visa for living and studying in Italy?
- What is the reality of labor immigration to Italy?
- How to obtain a residence permit in Italy: tips and recommendations
- How to obtain a residence permit in Italy with restrictions on employment?
- How to obtain a visa for investors and family reunification in Italy?
Do all roads lead to Rome? Foreign citizens can obtain a residence permit (Italian: permesso di soggiorno) for a number of reasons. This can be for education, employment, family reunification, or, less commonly, relocation for religious beliefs - this path is most often chosen by clergy. In some cases, the reason for obtaining a residence permit is the search for political asylum. However, as a rule, the main motivation is the desire to stay in Italy for more than 90 days within a six-month period.
Types of residence permits and their features
Each type of residence permit has its own requirements, restrictions, list of necessary documents, and possible ways to change the existing permit to another depending on the circumstances. In Italy, a residence permit is issued for a period ranging from six months to two years. If an extension is needed, it is necessary to start preparing the documents 1-3 months before the current "permesso" expires, by contacting the local police station.
The process of obtaining a residence permit
The process of obtaining a residence permit in Italy is a multi-step procedure. First, you need to gather all the necessary documents, some of which are usually processed directly in Italy. Next, you must visit the Italian consulate in your place of residence to apply for a long-term visa type D. After that, you will cross the border into Italy. Within eight days of entering the country, you should send the documents for obtaining the "permesso" to the local police department, known as the questura. On the designated day, you will need to appear at the questura for the identification procedure. Once you are notified that your card is ready, you can collect it: the established timeframe is 60 days from the date of submission, although in practice, the process may take longer.
The main steps to obtaining a residence permit
It should be noted that the timelines and procedures may vary depending on specific circumstances, but the main stages are often the same:
- reason for moving;
- document collection;
- visa application
- entry into the country;
- obtaining a residence permit.
Useful resources for obtaining information
To learn more about the existing types of residence permits, it is helpful to refer to official resources, such as the website of the Italian police department. It is important to carefully verify the accuracy and relevance of the information, even if it is published on official platforms.
Florence as an attractive place to live
Florence, renowned for its magnificent landscapes and cultural heritage, attracts many foreigners dreaming of long-term residence in Italy. In order to legally stay in the country, foreign citizens must have serious grounds. Each situation is unique, so it is essential to consider the possible restrictions that may be associated with each residency option. Additionally, economic factors are also an important aspect of immigration:
- The most suitable path may turn out to be the most convenient for one category of people;
- Significant investments in the Italian economy may not meet the expectations of others.
Despite the fact that the costs associated with the immigration process are relatively low, the overall standard of living in Italy is such that many people without a stable and sufficient income cannot afford to immigrate, especially for long-term residence.", emphasizes immigration specialist Vadim.
Life in Italy is unimaginable without understanding the level of expenses that need to be taken into account here. Although the overall standard of living in this country is not as high compared to several other European states, the costs of everyday goods and services are quite significant and often exceed similar prices in Russia. To live comfortably here, it is important to have sufficient financial resources, and even working on Italian soil can become a real challenge. Therefore, many of our clients choose to earn money in Russia while staying in Italy. An important aspect of this process is the correct choice of grounds for obtaining a residence permit, which should align with their financial capabilities and life goals.
Education and employment in Florence
Florence, with its famous Ponte Vecchio bridge, has become particularly attractive to young people. Students and schoolchildren can obtain a type D student visa for the duration of their studies. This visa allows them to work while studying, but with a limit of no more than 20 hours per week. This creates opportunities for finding suitable work alongside their studies or leads to full employment after completing their educational program, as well as preparing new documents to extend their status based on employment.
Transition to a work visa
Students have the opportunity to switch from a student visa to a work visa, whether it issubordinate workfor hired workers orself-employmentFor those who prefer to engage in individual activities. Education can take place in both public and private institutions. In addition, there are long-term training courses; however, a type D visa for studying the Italian language is generally not granted. The status of the educational institution is important, as it directly affects the possibility of changing the visa, and this is related to the quotas for obtaining various types of residence permits.
Maternity leave and opportunities for students
Every year, a new decree is introduced.flow decree), which regulates how many students will be able to obtain statusself-employmentIf the educational institution is accredited and offers courses that meet established standards, it significantly increases the likelihood of obtaining a document outside the established quota.
Changes in immigration policy
As Vadim Romanchuk, the head of the immigration agency "Permesso," notes, many people choose the path of immigration through education with the prospect of later changing their status to a work visa, but quite often, preference is given to self-employment. The reason for this lies in the fact that overall expenses, including tuition fees, are usually comparable to or even lower than the costs of hired labor. It is also worth mentioning that registering as a self-employed specialist in Italy does not involve any fees.
Previously, obtaining a type D visa for participating in language courses was a relatively straightforward process. The conditions for working asself-employmentThey were more lenient, and many could easily open their small businesses or engage in individual entrepreneurial practices. However, recently the Italian government has changed its position, and the requirements for quotas and various regulations have become stricter compared to previous years. As a result, it has become critically important for students and entrepreneurs to keep an eye on changes in immigration policy and adjust their plans accordingly to the new conditions.
General information about labor immigration to Italy
In Italy, it is common to encounter situations where official rules differ from actual practice, and officials have their own interpretations. For example, in Genoa, there are specific regulations regarding scooter parking in the city center, but their enforcement usually differs from what is stated in the legislation.
The process of obtaining a residence permit based on an employment contract
In the context of the process of obtaining a residence permit in Italy based on an employment contract, a foreign applicant must find an employer willing to take on certain obligations.
- Submit the application in a timely manner to the sole immigration office (sui – sportello unico per l’immigrazione) at the prefecture;
- Provide the foreigner with a salary of at least 8,263.31 euros per year;
- Provide a workspace and housing for the newly hired employee;
- To bear responsibility for expenses in the event of his subsequent deportation;
- Inform the local authorities of any changes to the employment contract.
If all of the above conditions are met, the employer will receive a conclusion regarding the possibility of objectionThe consideration of such an application takes about 40 days. After a decision is made, the applicant will have six months to submit a visa application and move to Italy.
Challenges of job searching in Italy
Given the current unemployment rate, which stands at 8.8% as of June 2020, finding an employer has become quite a challenging task, and it's not always possible to instantly find a suitable job. It's interesting to note that even in the event of job loss, a foreigner does not lose their residence permit until it expires.
Low-paying job vacancies and ways to find work
Although there are job openings with low pay, living under such conditions may not be the most optimal. Some foreigners find good opportunities, showcase their professional skills, establish useful contacts, and secure contracts. However, it is important to remember that the number of work visas is strictly limited:
- All types of work visas, except for certain cases such as project work, visiting university professors, branch managers, and company representatives, as well as holders of blue EU card), provided in accordance with the established annual quota;
- This information is outlined in the decree on work visas.flow decree).
Self-employment as a way of immigration
If we talk about the possibilities of obtaining a visa based on self-employmentself-employmentFor entrepreneurs and freelancers, this is considered one of the most convenient routes for moving to Italy. There are many options for obtaining such a visa:
- Launch a startup;
- To take a leadership position or perform auditing functions in an Italian business;
- Work as a freelancer;
- To be invited as an athlete or artist;
- To head the branch of a foreign company in Italy.
Qualified translators can also apply for a visa based on their independent activities. Interestingly, a number of specialists have the opportunity to obtain a work permit outside of the established quotas.
License for independent work and its features
Visa for self-employment (permeso autonomoIt is granted for a period of up to two years with the possibility of unlimited extension, which makes this method of moving to Italy very attractive for many professionals seeking mobility in their careers.
Obtaining a residence permit in Italy
Obtaining a residence permit (VNH) in Italy has its own peculiarities that are worth keeping in mind. To start the visa application process, a foreigner must have an annual income that exceeds a certain amount.€8,263.31To extend the visa, an income of no less than is required.€5,977.79.
Translation of the family
There is a possibility to move the family, but it is important to consider that each family member increases the minimum income requirements, adding about€3,000per person per year. A mandatory condition is the presence of a rental or purchase agreement for housing in Italy.
Entrepreneurial activity
If the visa application is submitted to start a business, then the entrepreneur will need to provide information about the investments. Specifically, to obtain a visa for the purpose of conducting business, it will be necessary to:
- Create an investment plan that involves an investment of no less than€500,000.
- Create at least three jobs.
Freelance professions
There are programs aimed at professionals working in freelance.freelancerThis category pertains to individuals who are engaged in regulated professions.regulated professions), such as:
- Medical workers
- Lawyers
- Accountants
- Engineers
- Architects
This also includes specialists who are part of professional associations operating at the national level in Italy.
Those who are self-employed can also obtain a residence permit if they offer their services to both local and foreign companies. If a foreigner plans to take a managerial position in an Italian firm, they must consider the requirements regarding the company's duration of operation and its organizational structure.
Opening a startup
Another way to obtain a residence permit is by starting a startup in Italy. Russians are actively applying in this area, but the rejection rate remains high — in 2019, about40%Not all applications were approved.
To successfully launch the project, it is necessary to have funds that confirm financial stability, amounting to at least€50,000It is also important to meet innovative requirements and present a clear business plan. If the project is approved by the committeeItaly Startup Visa, a visa can be obtained for no more thanfive peopleIn some cases, if team expansion is necessary, the number of participants may increase totenHowever, it is extremely difficult to justify such a decision.
To extend a residence permit, it is necessary to have income from other sources, even if the startup did not succeed, which helps avoid deportation until the visa expires.
Expert opinion
Vadim Romanchuk, head of the immigration agency "Permesso," believes that the startup visa is one of the most accessible ways to move to Italy. He emphasizes that having an innovative idea and meeting all the requirements significantly increases the chances of receiving a positive decision from the committee.
The entry threshold for participating in this program is conditional, as it requires confirmation of the willingness to invest at least €50,000 in the project. However, there is no obligation for the candidate to actually contribute this amount. We have assisted in the implementation of many different initiatives, such as an app that serves as an interactive guide to cities in Italy; a platform for learning languages through comics; and a support system for people with disabilities based on brain signals. It is worth noting that attachment to a specific country is not of primary importance. Innovative concepts do not necessarily have to be related to Italy or its cultural heritage.
Advantages of the program
One of the significant advantages of this program is the ability to retain residency status even if the project fails. There is no strict oversight of the startup's performance, and the qualification for residency is not lost in the event of a setback. If the project does not meet expectations, the applicant has the right to continue working for someone else or to start their own small business.
Obtaining a residence permit
As for cities like Venice and other regions, there are options for obtaining a residence permit based on residency (residenza elettiva). This type of permit is intended for individuals with a high level of financial independence, which implies an income of at least €31,000 per year. However, for such applicants, remote work with a salary from a Russian employer is not recognized. Acceptable sources of income include:
- interest from bank savings;
- dividends;
- income from stocks;
- rental
- pensions.
One of the main conditions is the need to rent or purchase residential property in Italy for a long term.
Restrictions on employment activities
Working in Italy with this type of residence permit is not allowed. However, it is possible to bring family members if the consul deems the applicant's income sufficient. The minimum required amount must be increased by:
- 20% off for a spouse.
- 5% for each child.
It is important to emphasize that transitioning from this category of residence permit to another can be quite complicated, and the status of tax residency is automatically established upon registration at the place of residence for a period of 183 days or more within a year.
Expert opinion
According to Vadim Romanchuk, this type of residence permit is an excellent option for those who are seriously planning to move to another country and are ready to spend a significant amount of time there. It is ideal for:
- pensioners;
- mothers who do not work and take care of children;
- people with the ability to work remotely.
Foreigners should keep in mind some negative aspects:
- Not everyone is able to confirm a stable legal income that meets the established criteria unrelated to employment.
- The consul's subjective assessment of the situation can significantly influence the final decision.
- Not everyone will be able to come to terms with the restrictions on employment in Italy and the inability to switch to another type of residence permit.
Victor Emmanuel II Gallery in Milan
The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, located in Milan, is an outstanding architectural masterpiece and holds significant cultural value. One of the common ways to immigrate to Italy is by obtaining a family reunification permit or starting a business, known as the permesso di soggiorno per investitori.
On obtaining a visa for investors
This type of visa is based on financial indicators and official consent for making investments, which in turn contributes to the economic progress of the country. To obtain such a visa, it is necessary to invest significant funds into the Italian economy within three months of arrival.
- Investors who obtain the status of "golden resident" have the opportunity to enjoy pension benefits for fifteen years by paying a fixed tax of one hundred thousand euros annually on income earned outside the country.
- Initially, the visa is issued for a period of two years, after which it can be extended for up to three years, provided that the investments are maintained.
- Despite the high cost, the "golden visa" remains one of the most sought-after ways to move to Italy.
Changes in requirements
In accordance with the revival decree adopted in May 2020, more lenient visa requirements were introduced, significantly easing the process for many applicants.
- The new investment thresholds are as follows:
- For startups, the minimum amount has decreased from half a million to two hundred and fifty thousand euros.
- For entrepreneurial activities — from one million to five hundred thousand.
- There is an amount of two million left for investment in government bonds.
- The threshold for charitable donations has been lowered from one million to the same mark.
These changes open up opportunities for more investors looking to settle in sunny Italy.
Family reunification
As for family reunification, this process can be divided into several categories. In one case, a foreigner moves to Italy to reunite with family members. In other scenarios, it may involve supporting relatives who are in the country or getting married.
Visa application process
- To obtain a type D visa for spouses, children, or parents, it is important to consider that sometimes the process can take several months, as the response from the prefecture may be delayed.
- However, there is a positive aspect: all family members can travel at the same time, which creates comfortable conditions for moving.
Reunion with permission
The second option involves family reunification with prior approval. Here, the migrant first obtains a visa, and then their relatives can apply for a visa based on that visa.
- Nevertheless, such a process also requires time and careful preparation.
- It is necessary to provide evidence of sufficient income in Italy — at least nine thousand euros for a family of two.
Obtaining a residence permit on-site
The third option is the possibility of obtaining a residence permit directly in Italy. Family members can enter the country on any legal basis, including a tourist visa.
- The main applicant receives a residence permit and gathers the necessary documents to confirm their financial capabilities in the country.
- It should be emphasized that even if the visa expires, the family has the right to apply for a residence permit.
Marriage as a means of migration
When it comes to Russian brides and the possibility of marriage as a means of migration, it is important to note that although this method may seem straightforward, it has its own complexities. Finding an Italian man willing to register a marriage at the initial stage of acquaintance can be challenging and requires either time or serious intentions.
Each case is unique, and it is essential to consider all the nuances of the process for successfully obtaining a residence permit in Italy.
In conclusion of my review on the process of obtaining a residence permit in Italy, I want to emphasize the importance of having a clear understanding of all the stages and nuances of this process. Whether you choose the route through study, work, or other reasons,The key factor is the availability of reliable information.and the willingness to go through the procedure step by step.
Italy, with its rich culture and high living standards, attracts many foreigners, which in turn makes the immigration services market quite competitive. We must remember that each case is unique and requires an individual approach. It is important to research all possible options in advance, assess your financial capabilities, and prepare the appropriate set of documents. As we have seen, the process involves not only gathering the necessary paperwork and obtaining a visa but also proper interaction with local authorities.
Cost of living analysis
I would like to pay special attention to the analysis of the cost of living in Italy, which plays a significant role in the decision-making process for long-term residency. Having a stable income is the key to a comfortable life in this country. Therefore, many take the opportunity to earn in their home countries while still remaining residents of Italy.A reliable financial foundation will ease a new country and will help cope with any surprises.
- Plan ahead and explore all available options.
- Get up-to-date information on procedures and requirements.
- Consult professionals in the field of immigration for advice.
- Evaluate your financial capabilities before moving.
No matter what your path to obtaining residency is, don't forget thatPlanning is your best friend.I hope my article has helped you better understand the immigration processes in Italy and inspired you to take further steps in this direction. Always keep up-to-date information at hand and don't hesitate to seek advice from immigration professionals to make your journey towards your dream of living in beautiful and sunny Italy as smooth as possible.
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