Property Abroad
British woman selling stolen goods got keys to a house in Spain from an agency in Benidorm

British woman selling stolen goods got keys to a house in Spain from an agency in Benidorm

British woman selling stolen goods got keys to a house in Spain from an agency in Benidorm

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Five people have been arrested in the Benidorm area on charges of stealing from several rented houses. It turns out that a realtor provided the criminals with keys and also allowed them to use a company car with her company's logo.

According to the Civil Guard, a Russian woman who ran an agency in Benidorm passed information about her clients to robbers, and one of the criminals' accomplices, a 42-year-old British woman, was involved in selling the stolen goods.

The court has ordered the arrest of three men - an Algerian, a Moldovan, and a Romanian - all around 50 years old. A total of six houses in Finestrat and Villajoyosa were affected, which were rented by wealthy clients from Europe.

During the searches, the Civil Guard discovered cash amounting to 30,000 euros, as well as money from various countries, and a significant quantity of jewelry and other valuables. Most of the money was already packed and ready to be taken out of Spain.

During one of the searches, one of the criminals threw a bag of stolen jewelry out of the window to avoid detection. Most of the stolen items have already been returned to their rightful owners, but an investigation is also underway regarding other items related to the thefts.

Here is the answer in the requested format:

Five people have been arrested in the Benidorm area on charges of stealing from several rented houses.

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It turns out that a realtor provided the criminals with keys and also allowed them to use a company car with her company's logo.

According to the Civil Guard, a Russian woman who ran an agency in Benidorm passed information about her clients to robbers, and one of the criminals' accomplices, a 42-year-old British woman, was involved in selling the stolen goods.

The court has ordered the arrest of three men - an Algerian, a Moldovan, and a Romanian - all around 50 years old. A total of six houses in Finestrat and Villajoyosa were affected, which were rented by wealthy clients from Europe.

During the searches, the Civil Guard discovered cash amounting to 30,000 euros, as well as money from various countries, and a significant quantity of jewelry and other valuables. Most of the money was already packed and ready to be taken out of Spain.

During one of the searches, one of the criminals threw a bag of stolen jewelry out of the window to avoid detection. Most of the stolen items have already been returned to their rightful owners, but an investigation is also underway regarding other items related to the thefts.

