Property Abroad
Prices for apartments by the sea for Serbs: Cost of apartments in Montenegro, Croatia, Italy: Lowest prices here

Prices for apartments by the sea for Serbs: Cost of apartments in Montenegro, Croatia, Italy: Lowest prices here

Цены на апартаменты у моря для сербов: Стоимость квартир в Черногории, Хорватии, Италии: Самые низкие цены здесь

Buduchi novinar and copywriter for SEO, istraživao sam drževao u kojim our graђani naјčešћe kupuju nekretnine. Reveal to yourself how many newcomers are needed for the 30 square meters at the changed locations.

Secret on the sea

The secrets on the sea are not in the jeftinje, but Hrvatska and Crna Gora are in the vicinity, which are the locations for which the Srbi will be able to get to when the jelly will be used as a camp on the sea, or for those that are closer. Ipak, iako su price nekretnina skochile unnebo, on some locationsjam josh uvek can sell the station at a lower price it is the case in Beograd.

Crna Gora

In Crnoj Gori, the price of non-cretinin last year was 40% higher than in the previous year. Budva and Tivat are among the most popular and luxurious locations in Budva and Tivat. When we talk about Budva, the price of a two-bed unit can be 110,250 euros, while the price of a 30-square meter unit is 86,000 euros. Luksuzni stanovu u ovom gradu imaju veoma richa ponuda i seriosne price. The price of apartments in Budvi is from 100.000 euros to more than 100.000 euros, depending on the size and location of the apartment. Neki become koshtaju chak and up to 500,000 euros. Kada jed in Kotor, a garsonjera that was recently renovated and set up in the Old Town, the price is 150.000 euros, and the size of the hotel is 32 square meters. A one-bedroom apartment in Kotoru with 77 square meters is for sale for EUR 577.000. The price of a garçonjere of 27 square meters in Kotoru is 45.000 euros. Stan se nalazi u mestu Lastva Grbaљska and has a terrace of 3 square meters.


Hrvatska obala veћ godinama važi za jednu od najskupљikh kada je u pytuњu kupovina nekretnina. Pula, Dubrovnik and Opatija are among the most popular and expensive places. If you want to buy a non-cretan on a new location, you may want to avoid the wear and tear of the newcomer. Kada je u pitaњu Pula, minimalni izdvojite izdvojite bi morali da izdvojite za nekretnina je oko 80.000 euros. For example, the condition of 35 square meters in ovom grad koshta 84.000 euros. Malo veћi stan na istorj locaciji, size 41 square meters, kosta 117.000 euros. Vile se creћu od 625.000 euros and vise.

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Dubrovnik is one of the most popular seaside locations in Hrvatskoje. Istrazhivayem smo openli da su price u ovom degrada dosto veke it u Puli. For example, the standard of 36 square meters in the ovom grad koshta 141.000 euros. The building in the center of Starograd is worth 770,000 euros, and its size is 60 square meters. Opatija is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Percena stana od 50 square meters in ovom grad iznosi 163.000 euros. Veћe nekretine, kao shto su kuћe preko 100 square meters, koshtaju u proseku oko 300.000 to preko 400.000 euros. Stan of 70 square meters in Opatija koshta chak 400.000 euros.


On the site of Immobiliare (, a vodoћe Italian agency for non-cretinie, is available from the pedeset stanova in the wide central zone of the town of Trsta. The price is from 50,000 to 70,000 euros for a single or double bed. Veћina stanova u ponudi bi trebalala da se renovira, iako ima i nekikh u dobrom staњu. For example, dvooban stan of 56 square meters, price 67.000 euros, renovated in 2012. and nalazi se at the Valmaura quarta, where the radnichke breed lived. Odatle to the center requires two minutes by bus. The owners of the building are willing to let it be determined by a modernized plan, with a higher heating level, to obtain an energy certificate and to make it ideal for young couples or as a good investment.


The secrets in the Albanian case of the Jadran Mora are being recognized at a low price, and the Albanian publicity has increased to a pandemic level. U mestu Drach, dvoban stan of 50 square meters koshta 42.000 euros. A small station in Golemu of 39 square meters has the same price as the previous one, which is 39 square meters.

In one of the most popular tourist destinations, Sarandi, a 78-square-meter station is available for 110,900 euros, while a 140-square-meter station is available for 168,000 euros. Kao i svuda, i ovde se can pronaћi vile and kuћe kraj mora koje harme neliko stotina hiљada evra.


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