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Reading the Bible according to the plan - chronologically - New Testament

Reading the Bible according to the plan - chronologically - New Testament

Чтение Библии по плану - хронологически - Новый Завет

The decision to go to Italy by ship was made. Paul and several other prisoners were given a centurion named Julius, belonging to the Imperial Regiment. We boarded the ship and set sail.

With us was Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica. The next day we landed at Sidon, and Julius allowed Paul to visit his friends so they could take care of his needs. Then we sailed again and rounded Cyprus, as the winds were against us. After passing through Cilicia and Pamphylia, we landed at Myra of Lycia. There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship and we boarded it.

We continued to make slow progress and had trouble, even though we planned to reach Cnidus. Due to the short journey we set off towards Crete, but the wind prevented us from holding our course and we continued on to Lead Beach. We traveled with difficulty along the coast and arrived at a place called Blago's Wharf, near the town of Lasea. It had already been a long time and the voyage had become dangerous due to the onset of the initiation period.

Paul warned everyone that our voyage would turn disastrous and cause damage to the ship, the cargo, and our lives. The centurion, however, without heeding Paul's advice, followed the advice of the captain and the owner of the ship. Their solution was to continue on their way and hope to reach Phoenix where they could spend the winter.

When a gentle south wind began to blow, they decided to seize the opportunity and took up the oars to sail along the coast of Crete. But they soon encountered hurricane-force winds known as northeast winds.

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The ship was caught in a storm and could not withstand the wind. They let him go and let him drift to avoid running aground in the Sirtis Banks area. As a result of the terrible storm, they had to throw their cargo overboard and then abandon all rigging.

The storm continued for many days and they lost all hope of rescue. After many days without food, Paul stood up in front of everyone and asked them to eat, explaining that they had been in a constant state of anxiety and had not eaten. Paul warned that the voyage would turn disastrous, but appealed to the centurion and the soldiers, asking them not to abandon ship to save themselves.

So, they cut the ropes that held the lifeboat together to save it from the storm. Finally, under certain conditions, they were able to reach the shore and escape to Malta. There they were warmly welcomed by the locals, who along with them showed extraordinary kindness. Paul was accidentally bitten by a snake, but it turned out to be harmless and he was not hurt. This astonished the islanders and they began to think of him as a god.

In Malta, Paul also healed a sick man and treated other sick people on the island. After three months, they traveled to Rome, where Paul was allowed to live separately while under the guard of a soldier. Three days later he called the local Jewish leaders together and began preaching about the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. Some began to believe, but others did not accept his teachings. Paul proclaimed that salvation from God had been sent to the Gentiles, and they received his words with gratitude.

Paul lived for two years in Rome, where he received all who came to him and preached about the kingdom of God boldly and without hindrance.


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