Property Abroad
What should you do in the event of an illegal party on your property?

What should you do in the event of an illegal party on your property?

Что делать в случае незаконной вечеринки на вашей собственности?
Что делать в случае незаконной вечеринки на вашей собственности?

Renting your home is a significant source of income that will certainly improve your economic situation. Like everything, though, it has its pros and cons. One issue that you may be concerned about is the possibility of damage to your property if you rent it out to certain people, which could result in additional costs to you as a property owner.

In this article, we will look at the steps you should take if there is a party at your property, what steps you should take, and what resources or services you can use to prevent it.

The steps you should take to manage the situation

The first thing you should know is that it is crucial to act quickly and appropriately as soon as you discover the breach. The quickest way to resolve this situation would be the following approach:

  • Confirm the situation:Be sure of what is happening before taking any action. This can be done through your neighbors or through the security systems you have installed.
  • Contact your tenants: Once you confirm this violation, contact your tenants by phone (this is usually the fastest way) and let them know that you are aware of the situation and that they must stop the party immediately.
  • Contact law enforcement: If your tenants do not take action and want to continue violating the rules, call the appropriate law enforcement agencies depending on the location of your housing (local police, civil guard, etc.). etc.).
  • Document the situation: Take photographs or video recordings as evidence of what happened. Also keep a record of the conversation you have with your tenants.
  • Evaluate the damage: When the party is over, you have access to your property and everything is under control, check the damage your property has suffered and decide how much of the deposit (or the entire amount) you should keep to cover the cost of repairs.
  • Update your rules or house rules: The important thing now is to prevent this situation from happening again. To do this, reinforce a document that outlines the allowed and prohibited activities in your rental property and, if you haven't already done so, indicate on all sites where you list your home what the rules are during short-term rentals.

Noise law: what every property manager needs to know

If you manage a tourist attraction, you'll be interested in this. You should know that the noise law in Spain is a topic that cannot be ignored if you are running a tourist attraction.

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This is a law that was passed in 2003 and regulates the levels of noise allowed in different zones and at different times - which can vary greatly depending on the municipality you're in. The penalties that can be imposed range from fines from 750 to 3,000 euros. It is very important to realize that if noise levels are exceeded, it is the person who creates the noise who is responsible. In other words, if your tenants make too much noise, they will be held accountable to the law, not you as the landlord.

How do you avoid conflict and maintain a good reputation?

To avoid legal problems and tensions in your housing community of neighbors, it is highly recommended that you establish clear and specific rules regarding permitted noise levels in your short-term rental housing. Inform your guests of the legal decibel levels and times that noise is allowed in your house rules.

Preventative measures and how technology can help you.

Preventative measures are key to preventing illegal parties from taking place in your home. Here are some technologies that can help you avoid such situations:

  • Install security systems: Place video cameras in strategic locations to deter possible bad tenant behavior. It will also help you to have proof if an illegal party occurs.
  • Use property management services:If your role is only as an owner and you don't live in the same location as the property, consider hiring a property management company that can work with tenants and handle problem situations on your behalf, arriving at the same time they occur.
  • Implement a tenant evaluation system: Use short-term rental apps and platforms that allow you, as an owner or property manager, to evaluate tenants before accepting a reservation.

If you want to avoid these situations, Airbnb protection insurance (AirCover) can help you do just that. If you're not already familiar with it, it's a free service that protects all bookings made through this platform, and which has recently been improved: with an increase in the number of cases it covers and the amount of reimbursement.

If you want to learn about what Airbnb protection insurance includes, we suggest you watch this video where we take a closer look at this new service.
