Property Abroad
"Day of Spain's loss of ruler PP - Diario16plus""

"Day of Spain's loss of ruler PP - Diario16plus""

"Day of Spain's loss of ruler PP - Diario16plus""

In the PP party, starting from the times of the Alliance of Peoples, they considered themselves the guardians of Spain's immortal entities. It is enough to say that they thought Spain belonged only to them. Anyone who wanted to talk about Spain, about the future of Spain, about the meaning of Spain, about Spain itself, had to pass under the football table on Henova street to be recognized as their own. This was the case with the Civil Party, which was the first to steal Spain from them. Felipe Gonzalez never needed this, because he explained Spain better than they did. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero did not understand (and does not understand) Spain and is too focused on self-identification due to a misunderstanding of the Frankfurt School. The same thing happened with Vox, the second to steal Spain from them. The difference between the Civil Party and Vox is that the latter, at least, tried to explain what Spain means to them. Whether they like this explanation or not, the Civil Party, Vox, and PP have a clear idea of Spain. PP members have considered Spain their own since the time of José María Aznar and did not have to explain what Spain is and what they want for Spain.

Spain is my property, and I maintain it by hanging Spanish flags in all the cities we govern (maybe it's worth investigating who sells all these flags). Spain is about flags. It's about wearing a flag on your wrist. It's about listening to this or that musician (as if art can have a nationality). This is what comes to mind for those in power. Perhaps it didn't work with Mariano Rajoy, partly because no one knew when he was rising and when he was falling. Mostly, for the PP, Spain is a statement that they are very Spanish, even though their actions may be harmful to Spain.

Yesterday, they organized a rally against amnesty and in favor of "their" Spain. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Madrid to express their discontent with a possible measure in favor of Spanish separatists, fugitives from Spanish justice, and the resigned president Pedro Sánchez. Alberto Núñez Feijóo spoke there, struggling with his usual speech issues; Aznar, Rajoy, and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who it’s unclear whether was there due to the merits of the former or to undermine him (how quickly his press secretaries rushed out to say that she expressed strong support for her leader!). The fact is that there were members of the PP at a PP event, which they are trying to present as an act of patriots of all kinds. The media, which receive funding from blue autonomous regions, need to explain this.

On October 8, a similar rally will take place in Barcelona, organized by the Catalan Civil Society. This is a social organization that can be called whatever you want, because freedom of speech still exists, and it is not affiliated with any party. They may gather fewer participants, or they may gather many more. But it will definitely be a rally of Spaniards, not just a part of Spaniards.

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People from Vox, the Citizens' Party, PP, PSOE (I remind you that according to polls, almost 50% of socialist voters do not want amnesty), PSC, no party, and all parties may come to defend the idea that amnesty is impossible in front of a group of fraudsters who, besides seizing a large share and staging a coup, dragged Catalans into a war they did not deserve and did not want.

The PP organized a party event (hundreds of buses were rented to fill Felipe II) because they still believe that Spain belongs only to them. But it was precisely because of this event that they lost their ownership (acquired like Vikings or some old nobles) of the country they love so much. Their haste became their downfall. Aznar has always been careless with his feet on the table. They didn't want to share the country with others. And so it happened that millions of people who could have supported what was being defended there did not show up. The social appeal made by a political party ultimately alienates those who do not see themselves in that party. This has always happened with communist parties that spoke on behalf of the entire proletariat, and they were not given their votes. Now this is happening with the PP.

Considering themselves the owners of Spain or the only legitimate representatives addressing it (with their ISO and all that), they ultimately ensure that no one follows them. If PSOE attempts (especially if they unite with Sumar and other parties) to initiate an action in favor of consensus in Spain (which is a euphemism for amnesty), they are likely to gather as many people as PP. This is not a quantitative issue, as the party's sycophants like to believe, but a qualitative one. When there are ethical, historical, and social considerations that go beyond mere political ones, participation always increases, unless someone is trying to gain personal benefit from it. How many Vox voters stayed away due to party considerations? How many PSOE voters (remember that polls show nearly 50% of socialist voters do not support amnesty)? How many Spaniards did not show up at all because they do not want to mix justice with personal interests?

They turned to the Spaniards again, thinking that the only way to see Spain was their way (which is also not very clear). And thus it became clear that it is not their property. They failed because they always prioritized party interests over patriotic ones. And gathering support, not from the party but from one of the thousands of associations defending civil society, was not that difficult. They could have won in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, they made the defense of Justice—namely, the refusal of amnesty for coup plotters and embezzlers—look dull. They could even have repulsed many people who might share the same principles. They are clumsy to the point of absurdity, all because Aznar and Ayuso are two life-hungry individuals. And thirst is never a good companion for a journey...
