Property Abroad
Cheap neighborhoods for rentals in major Italian cities.

Cheap neighborhoods for rentals in major Italian cities.

Cheap neighborhoods for rentals in major Italian cities.

It's a challenging time for those looking for a home to rent. On the one hand, inflation, and on the other hand, the decreasing supply on the rental housing market, make the search for an affordable rental property a real challenge. Therefore, idealista/news has analyzed which areas of major Italian cities have the lowest rents per square meter for those looking for rental housing. Let's take a look at the situation as it stands.

Rent trend over the last year (Situation in the neighborhoods of large Italian cities in October 2023 - Average rent/m2 - Annual change)

Areas with the lowest rents. Rental prices in Italy fell by 2.2% in October compared to the previous month to 12.7 euro/m2. But this figure can be misleading if not compared to the annual average trend, which shows that average values in the whole country rose by 12.3% compared to the same period in 2022.

However, of course, the situation is not the same throughout the country and varies depending on the city and areas of the real estate market (Bologna, Bari, Palermo, Naples, Florence, Rome, Milan, Turin).

All the districts of Palermo are at the top of the list of areas with the lowest rents in the major Italian capitals: Oreto-Falsomiele-Villagrazia (6,45 €/m2), Altarello-Calatafimi-Montegrappa (6,92 €/m2) and Uditore-Noce-Zisa (7,06 €/m2).

Recommended real estate
Buy in Italy for 920000€

Sale villa in Orizare 966 000,00 $

5 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

360 м²

Rent in Italy for 6500€

Rent penthouse in Rome 6 825,00 $

3 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

250 м²

Buy in Italy for 2456400€

Sale flat in Naples 2 579 220,00 $

3 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

191 м²

Buy in Italy for 2144769£

Sale flat in Florence 2 702 408,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

75 м²

Buy in Italy for 862078£

Sale flat in Naples 1 086 218,00 $

1 Bedroom

1 Bathroom

139.91 м²

Buy in Italy for 1219000€

Sale land in Catania 1 279 950,00 $

3 Bedrooms

4 Bathrooms

420 м²

Rental prices also do not exceed 8 €/m2 in the areas Cruillas-Resuttana-San Lorenzo (also in the Sicilian capital) and Barriera di Milano-Regio Parco-Rebaudengo (Turin).

In Naples, the area with the lowest average rent is Chiaiano-Zona Ospedaliera-Scampia (8.75 €/m2), and inRome, Roma est-Autostrade (10 €/m2). In Bari, on the other hand, those who want to save on monthly rent should look for a house for rent in the Picone-Poggiofranco area (10,69 €/m2).

The most affordable neighborhood in Florence is Rifredi, where the average value is 14.95 €/m2. InMilan, those looking for the most affordable neighborhood in the city should pay attention to the listings for houses for rent in Baggio (15 €/m2). Inquiries in Bologna are more expensive, and the most inexpensive area of the city is Costa Saragozza (15.69 €/m2).

Dynamics of rental prices

There are only four neighborhoods in major Italian cities that recorded negative changes compared to the same period a year ago. These are Trigoria-Castel di Leva inRome (-7.8%), Cavoretto-Borgo Po in Turin (-6.1%), San Vitale-Massarenti in Bologna (-3%) and Lido di Ostia (-0.2%).
