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Spain needs to wake up to the constant distraction of the left - Alex Rosal'.

Spain needs to wake up to the constant distraction of the left - Alex Rosal'.

ended up in a Cuban prison, and in "Western prisons", the invisible places where the "culture war", also invisible (though increasingly manifest), imprisons society.

"Wake up and go into battle against the barbarians who are destroying your life" (LibrosLibres, 2023)

-this is what St. Crispin's discourse from Enrique V XXI might sound like against an enemy that threatens everything we love and that sustains us. This is not poetry, but straightforward, concise, modern prose, even with QR codes to access real examples of what is being told and warned about.

This is a guide that almost opens our eyes like the hero of A Clockwork Orange, but in this case with the urgent purpose of making sure we don't fall into complacency and self-satisfaction before the imminent and real''in front of the TVs, and you'll be a social pariah. Civically you will be dead. The globalizing barbarians are represented by Soros and Bill Gates, who want people to be weak, subservient and dependent, and they support family molestation to do so.

Can you explain who Soros is? Maybe some sort of barbarian leader?

There are three types of barbarians who support each other. The first are barbarians reactionaries from the left and nationalist supremacists who seek to destroy society in order to create a new one. And to do that they need a docile and distracted population. The second are the globalization barbarians represented by Soros and Bill Gates, they want people to become increasingly weak, subservient and dependent,''and to do so, they support the destruction of the family by promoting its disintegration and separation. They want to make good economic profit from a population in need of consumption and with a limited capacity for self-organization. Finally, there are the barbara cowards who cannot bear to live outside the collective and would not even consider supporting any cause that might put them at risk in the eyes of the decisions made by the new clergy.

In this respect, the main furies of the reactionary left in Spain have appreciated the advantages of applying the principle of "strategic distraction" which has had such effective results in China, and which consists of introducing into discussion topics, often superficial or silly, that make''interlocutor to stop talking about Puigdemont, Amnesty or Pedro Sanchez's support for Hamas terrorists.

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And they are learning from the Communist Party of China by leaps and bounds and from the so-called Army of Fifty Cents, which is probably the largest propaganda organization in the world. The barbarians who rule us are calm, very calm, knowing that their plan will be accomplished.

Our way of life is at stake, to be destroyed and replaced by the promise of a fictional Paradise that will only lead us to hell on earth. We need to wake up from this constant distraction we are in and fight the barbarians who want to take away what we love most. It's time to wake up and turn our usual micro-cruelties into micro-heroisms''But it's happening. And the barbarians who control us are calm, very calm, knowing that their plan will be accomplished because they have virtually no one in front of them to put up a spirit wall. They know we are harmless. We complain a lot, protest, criticize, and even threaten to do something we don't intend to do..... but in the end we transfer our battle tension to others. We don't resist and they have an open door to spread evil. It's time to wake up and turn our usual micro-cruelties into micro-heroisms to change this situation.

It's interesting that the book is called "Wake Up," which sounds like the same thing the enemy did, this "wake up," "woke." Your "Wake up" is a "protest wake up" you mean so we don't get taken away all we''love...

For Chesterton, "the true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." We need to wake up from this constant distraction we are in and fight the barbarians who want to take away what we love most. At stake is our way of life, which will be destroyed and replaced with the promise of a fictional Paradise that will only lead us to hell on earth.


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