Property Abroad
Spain is advancing and Andalusia is a joke.

Spain is advancing and Andalusia is a joke.

Испания продвигается, а Андалусия - шутка.

After a quick read of the document signed by Yolanda Diaz and Pedro Sánchez to launch the coalition government, the first conclusion is that it does not mention Andalucía, which is the region with the largest number of inhabitants and the worst poverty, social and inequality indicators in the whole of Spain. The first sentence, which claims that "Spain four years ago turned to a new path and resumed the path of progress," gets a lot of attention. Perhaps this is because the couple have not visited any of Spain's eight poorest neighborhoods, which are precisely those in Andalusia. Perhaps that would help them change their minds.

In addition, I am surprised to read that 'there is a modernization of the economy, the labor market and''social welfare without precedent'." Again I repeat, with complete modesty, that I know little about the reality of Andalusia. Perhaps too many perceptions of their success have led them astray. However, I invite them to visit any hospital, school or street in Andalusia to see the endless queues in primary care, the humiliating student numbers in classrooms (in my case, I have 37 students in my 2nd baccalaureate class, which means I can't even spare two minutes for each student in one session), and to visit our streets where you will see the many homeless people whom social welfare services do not have enough resources to serve them as quickly as possible.

In this context, I think that the contemporary' mentioned in the text'welfare is a fantasy because, as I mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is absent in Andalusia. Furthermore, if the modernization of the economy in Andalusia means that most of the jobs are related to low-paid work, mainly in the tertiary sector (tourism and hospitality), then we agree on everything. I doubt that we can achieve a level of employment quality comparable to the European Union.

On housing policy, just two observations: Spain is still the EU country with the lowest percentage of social housing, even after four years of progressive government. Let's see if they take it up. And two, in the case of Andalusia, the combination of housing policy with tourism policy, resulting in locals''forced to move to the region because of unsustainable housing prices within the cities caused by unstable and rampant tourism, I find this a contradiction.

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Something doesn't add up.

There is also mention of using Next Generation funds to improve our entrepreneurial environment and provide funding for all areas and small businesses. In this respect, I hope they don't manage it like the Cohesion funds that were launched in 1992 with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty (more than 30 years ago), which served to increase inequality (between Andalusia and other regions) and never ended up for the poorest families, as a study by researchers from the universities of Mannheim, Aarhus and the Jacques Delors Center in Berlin points out.'''Although Next Generation funds have been around for a long time and inequality continues to reign in Andalusia.

The coveted green industrialization is mentioned in the text, much needed in Andalusia, but for now it's just words. And if we have anything, it is obviously property for a minority.

It's the social economy that matters. Well, the social economy has been around since the last century, and the issue is not quantitative but qualitative growth. Besides, we won't become more social economists just because we have more cooperatives. We will become more social economists if we change the format of entrepreneurship, in which the main variable is not only the economic-financial factor, but also the social, cultural, labor and''environmental sustainability, and other aspects, within the enterprises themselves. In other words, until we create other types of balance sheets, the social economy will always remain a utopia, as is evident.

In short, it is an electoral program containing socio-economic prescriptions, promises and good intentions on paper, but we know how things end up. And especially for Andalusia, it remains the most unequal nation on Spanish territory.

Finally, the coalition government emphasizes pluralism and diversity thanks to the many political forces that were able to draw up this document, which is one of their strong points because they take into account the different sensitivities.

So congratulations to the Welsh, the Catalans,''Valencians, Navarrians and Galicians and others because they have a voice and a vote in the Chamber of Deputies. This will allow them to align their interests with the slogan heroically hailed in the title of the document - MOTION, while Andalusia will always be the subject of ridicule.

The day Andalusians recognize Andalusia as a nation... X revolution of inequality...


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