Property Abroad
The largest Italian art historian presents contemporary Italian art at Bikaner House, Delhi.

The largest Italian art historian presents contemporary Italian art at Bikaner House, Delhi.

The largest Italian art historian presents contemporary Italian art at Bikaner House, Delhi.

InRome, tourists lack architectural wonders to visit, so it's understandable that several cultural attractions between the Colosseum and St. Peter's Basilica may not make it into most travel guides.

One of these often overlooked treasures is the Palazzo della Farnesina - a nine-story granite marvel that houses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, as well as one of the most impressive collections of contemporary Italian art.

The Farnesina Collection, originally created in 1999 by former Secretary-General Umberto Vattani and formalized as a collection in 2000, includes sculpture, mosaic, painting, photography, and installations.

This year, for the first time, a selection of 72 works of art curated by the most outstanding Italian art critic Achille Bonito Oliva has arrived at our Bikaner House in New Delhi.

The exhibition "The Great Italian Vision"

The exhibition "The Great Italian Vision" will introduce visitors to the most significant artistic movements in Italy in the 20th century, starting with Futurism, briefly mentioning Dadaism and Surrealism, and moving on to Metaphysical Art, Informalism, Pop Art, Kinetic and Conceptual Art, Arte Povera, and Transavantgarde, culminating in a showcase of experiments in digital art.

Oliva describes the exhibition as "a grand journey through the relentless creativity of our country, which has always celebrated the continuous pursuit of new forms."

From the futurism of Umberto Boccioni to the algorithmic art of Grazia Varisco, including the sound installations of Daniele Puppi, the collection not only documents the history of Italian art but also makes predictions about its future.

“The exhibition aims to introduce the public to Italian artistic identity through works selected from the Farnesina Collection in a thematic, but not chronological, approach,” shares Oliva. “Visions that encompass history and geography, the consciousness of the twentieth century, the quest for modernity, introspection and confrontation, ecological issues, migrations and new forms of poverty, as well as dialogue and encounter.”

Palazzo della Farnesina: a symbol of Italy in the world

However, as a building that regularly hosts diplomats and distinguished individuals from around the world, the Palazzo della Farnesina is not just a government office; it is a symbol of Italy's place in the world.

And if there is something that Italians are most proud of, it is the influence they have had on the global landscape of art and design.

So in 1999, Wattani decided to do something revolutionary: he brought the works of living artists into historical halls.

“When people think of Italy, many believe in the cliché that the past is especially important to us because it has left us the most magnificent masterpieces of all time,” says Wattani.

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“Because of this, they ignore the wealth of Italian contemporary art. That’s why I decided to organize some events to give visibility to our masters of the 20th century.”

The goal of the exhibition "The Great Italian Vision"

The main goal of the exhibition "The Great Italian Vision" is to promote a new idea of Italy around the world, but also to make contemporary art a tool of cultural diplomacy.

This is an initiative that emphasizes artistic expression as a valuable national resource.

When contemporary artists share the same space with their world-renowned predecessors, a dialogue emerges about legacy, identity, and the world we are building now.

Oliva believes that this dialogue has a significance that extends far beyond the realm of art.

“In fact, art questions the world and is the result of a dialogue with its time,” he concludes.

The exhibition "The Great Italian Vision" will be held at Bikaner House in New Delhi until June 22, 2023.
