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Hell House LLC creator's hope for future installments: more budget, no found footage.

Hell House LLC creator's hope for future installments: more budget, no found footage.

Надежда создателя Hell House LLC на будущие части: больше бюджета, без найденных материалов.

Director Stephen Cognetti is hoping to get a bigger budget and abandon the found footage approach for future Hell House LLC films. Stephen Cognetti has written and directed all of the films in the Hell House LLC franchise, which began in 2015 and currently consists of Hell House LLC, Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel, Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire and the recently released Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor.

At the press tour for The Carmichael Manor, Cognetti spoke to Bloody Disgusting about his hopes for future installments, saying that he has ideas that will require bigger budgets and that he would like to move away from the found footage style in which all of the films have been shot so far.

Cognetti said: "I mention this event in several movies, including this one, as well as the third one, which happened on''Rockland County Fair, back in the day. That's what I always talk about, but I never do it..... Maybe one day I'll be able to do it, but for now I just keep referring to it. I'd like to know what happened there at Rockland County Fair, why it closed.... That's where I'd like to get to.

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But once you include something with as many moving parts and extras as the fair, you go beyond the low-budget genre with found footage, and you need a budget that we don't have yet. If I shoot another Hell House, especially in this timeline we're moving in now, I want to move away from found footage as well. I want to move to a narrative format. Again, budget is important here. "

"I'm not usually a fan of the style s''So they can continue with a higher budget and no style with found footage? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
