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An unknown high protein vegetarian product in Spain, superior to chickpeas.

An unknown high protein vegetarian product in Spain, superior to chickpeas.

Неизвестный вегетарианский продукт с высоким содержанием белка в Испании, превосходящий нут.

Superfoods are becoming increasingly popular in our diets, which is not surprising given that they contain a plethora of nutrients and are highly beneficial to health. Therefore, those who aim to lead a healthy lifestyle should include them in their diet.

In this case, we will focus on one of the vegetables that contains more protein than chickpeas and helps regulate cholesterol without fat. You may have never heard of it, as it is not as popular in Spain as it is in Asia, but it would be a good idea to start including azuki in your diet, recommended by experts who advise consuming it two to four times a week.

This is a typical red string bean crop of eastern countries that is valued for its richness in nutrients as well as for its special flavor, which is ideal for sweet and savory recipes. Like most legumes, azuki needs to be soaked before cooking, so it is recommended to do this overnight or for at least twelve hours. To enjoy all its benefits, you can add it to salads, stew it in a stew or make hummus, puree or soup along with vegetables. Azuki is also ideal for making healthy desserts, as it is used to fill the famous Japanese dorayaki.

The health benefits of azuki.

Azuki, also known as red beans, is an ideal addition to weight loss diets because of its high satiating power due to its high amount of protein, which is 21% of the total content, surpassing the 19% in chickpeas. This makes it a great source of vegetarian protein. In addition, these legumes are almost fat-free (1.6 g per 100 g) and contain enough fiber to fight constipation. In addition, this superfood is recommended for diabetics because it contains slowly digestible carbohydrates, which helps stabilize blood glucose levels and prevents sugar spikes.

All of the above should be added that azuki contains high amounts of iron and is beneficial for bones due to its magnesium and calcium content. In addition, it also contains folic acid and vitamins, especially B vitamins. This superfood also helps take care of cardiovascular health as beans are very low in unsaturated fat and high in fiber, which helps regulate cholesterol by lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol and raising beneficial cholesterol (HDL). Plus, azuki beans are the only beans that are alkaline.

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So in cases where the blood is too acidic, such as when you eat a lot of sugar or meat, they can be helpful in preventing problems such as osteoporosis. In addition, it has other beneficial properties such as tonic effect on the heart, kidneys and urinary tract, it is a good diuretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and useful in combating lumbar pain, diarrhea, edema and jaundice, among others.

Tips for cooking azuki

When cooking azuki, there are a few tips to help you achieve the best results. First of all, you need to take soaking into account: approximately 12 hours in water is required for easier preparation. This way, you get starches and proteins that are ready to be digested. The water should be as pure as possible, with no salt added, as it will slow the softening and affect the flavor. Also, remember that the beans increase in size, so place them in a fairly wide bowl and pour in three times the amount of water, and before cooking, they should be strained and rinsed in cold water to remove the soluble sugars. It is also recommended to add seaweed to the cooking water. When the azuki are cleaned, soaked and drained, they are placed on a fire with cold water or broth without salt so that the skins do not become tough. You can also add the rest of the ingredients as well as some of that seaweed to make them more digestible. Salt should be added at the last moment. Finally, it's important to remember that azuki should always be cooked over low heat. If you are using a regular pot, they should simmer over high heat without a lid for the first 10 minutes and then continue cooking over low and constant heat so as not to tear the skins.



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