Property Abroad
An attractive new offer from an Italian village in Sardinia: free housing for certain professions

An attractive new offer from an Italian village in Sardinia: free housing for certain professions

Was looking for a place that is not touristy but at the same time surrounded by nature, fresh air, mountains, beaches, a place where I can find peace and a more relaxed pace of life,' she said. Ollolai suggested just that. It's far enough away from the well-known Sardinian coast, yet close enough to be reached relatively quickly.

What everyone particularly praises, including the American programmer, is of course the food, she says she delights in "buying fresh truffles and cooking testovine and gnocchi with different kinds of sauces." While it's a great choice for digital nomads, Ollolai is one of the villages that has suffered a sad fate that manifests itself in rural deforestation.''Thus, the number of inhabitants has fallen from 2,250 to 1,300 in the last hundred years, which is a huge difference.

You probably already know from our articles about how Italy has dealt with this problem in recent years by incentivizing a lot of people to move to rural areas and, under certain conditions, buy a house for literally one euro. The same village offered such an "action" and, according to the mayor, it was successful, writes Pun kufer.

Since this program proved successful, they have now decided to invest in something else and become a hub for digital nomads. The program called 'Jobs from Ollolai' will take workers from all over the world for the next two years and offer them free accommodation for up to three months.

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Anyone interested in participating in''this program must apply by the end of the year.

When it comes to socialization, there are no problems here because experience tells us that the locals are quite open and welcoming. Of course, while everything in nature sounds free, there is one little catch. Everyone who applies for the program must leave a concrete trace of their stay, be it an essay, research paper or work related to life in Ollolai. (Euronews / Pun kufer)

