Property Abroad
'October - supply of homes increases, demand decreases'

'October - supply of homes increases, demand decreases'


Октябрь - возрастает предложение домов, спрос снижается

The real estate market in October 2023 is moving at different speeds. Demand and supply are moving in opposite directions: while both were on the rise in September, demand is down this month (albeit with regional differences), while supply continues to grow, albeit with a slight slowdown. Prices are largely stable. This follows from Insights, a monthly observational report of the Italian residential real estate market on the purchase and sale of properties in October 2023.

The supply of houses for sale continues to grow in October

The supply of houses for sale continues to grow in October, following a trend that started back in September, albeit with a slowdown compared to the previous month. While September saw an increase of 9.1% (from'In October the growth stopped at the level of 2.5% (the national average). This time the offer market is pushed by the North-East with the value of 3.9%. The South is also performing well with a 2.8% increase, while the center is up 2.2%. The lowest performance is in the islands, which stopped at 1.7%. There are no significant differences between large cities and small towns: in both cases the growth in offers is more than two percent compared to the previous month.

In examining the supply of real estate in the individual regional capitals, the situation changes

The differences between the main Italian cities are significant. The most significant increase is in Naples, which is up 6.5% on September (but -5.8% on''compared to October 2022). Supply is also increasing in Catanzaro, Bologna, Trieste, Rome, Genoa, Milan, Ancona, Campobasso, Bari, Cagliari, Palermo, Florence, Trento and Perugia. However, the level of offers decreased in Liaquilla, Potenza, Turin, Aosta and Venice.

  • Region: Abruzzo, Capital: Liaquilla, Monthly Offer Change: -1.3%

  • Region: Basilicata, Capital: Potenza, Monthly Offer Change: -3.4%

  • Region: Calabria, Capital: Catanzaro, Monthly supply change: 4.1%

  • Region: Campania, Capital: Naples, Monthly supply change: 6.5%

  • Region: Emilia-Romagna, Capital: Bologna, Monthly Offer Change: 5.6%

  • Region:''Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Capital: Trieste, Monthly Offer Change: 3.2%

  • Region: Lazio, Capital: Rome, Monthly Offer Change: 2.9%

  • Region: Liguria, Capital: Genoa, Monthly Offer Change: 3.5%

  • Region: Lombardy, Capital: Milan, Monthly Offer Change: 3.2%

  • Region: Marche, Capital: Ancona, Monthly Offer Change: 3.8%

  • Region: Molise, Capital: Campobasso, Monthly Offer Change: 0.6%

  • Region: Piedmont, Capital: Turin, Monthly Offer Change: -2.0%

  • Region: Puglia, Capital: Bari, Monthly Offer Change: 5.6%

  • Region: Sardinia, Capital: Cagliari, Monthly Offer Change:''5.3%

  • Region: Sicily, Capital: Palermo, Monthly Offer Change: 5.4%

  • Region: Tuscany, Capital: Florence, Monthly Offer Change: 4.8%

  • Region: Trentino-Alto Adige, Capital: Trento, Monthly Offer Change: 2.3%

  • Region: Umbria, Capital: Perugia, Monthly Offer Change: 3.3%

  • Region: Aosta Valley, Capital: Aosta, Monthly Offer Change: -2.1%

  • Region: Veneto, Capital: Venice, Monthly Offer Change: -1.7%

Offerings in Naples: neighborhood overview

Looking in more detail at the real estate market in Naples (as we have already mentioned, it is the capital of the region, where the most significant growth has occurred''supply), we are faced with a diverse situation.

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The average value for the city, equal to +6.5% compared to September 2023, is the result of districts where supply has increased by 25.8% (e.g. Ciano and Pisinola), districts where supply has remained virtually unchanged (e.g. Rione Alto, Camaldoli, Poggioreale) and districts where supply has decreased by a few percentage points (-9.1% in Posillipo and Marechiaro).

  • Regions: Barra, Ponticelli, San Giovanni a Teduccio, Monthly supply change: 4.8%

    • Regions: Center, Monthly supply change: 9.2%

    • Regions: Chiaiaia, Mergellina, Monthly Offer Change: 11.5%

    • Regions: Chiaiano, Pisinola, Monthly Offer Change:''25.8%

    • Regions: Colli Aminei, Capodimonte, Ponti Rossi, Monthly Offer Change: 2.1%

    • Regions: Fuorigrotta, Bagnoli, Monthly Offer Change: 17.9%

    • Regions: Materdei, Museo, Monthly supply change: 1.8%

    • Regions: Pianura, Soccavo, Traiano, Monthly supply change: 11.1%

    • Regions: Posillipo, Marechiaro, Monthly Offer Change: -9.1%

    • Regions: Rione Alto, Camaldoli, Monthly Offer Change: 0.3%

    • Regions: San Carlo Al Arena, Sanita, Monthly Offer Change: 2.8%

    • Regions: Scampia, Secondigliano, Capodichino, Monthly Offer Change: -5.1%

    • Regions: Vomero, Arenella,''Supply change for the month: 10.6%

    • Districts: Zona Industriale, Central Office, Poggiorale, Supply change for the month: 0.5%

    Now let's move on to demand

    which, as already mentioned, fell slightly at the national level: -1.0%. The only positive value (albeit insignificant) is observed in the Center with a value of +0.8%. The level of demand decreased particularly strongly in the Islands (-2.9%), in the South and in the Northeast region (-2.3%).

    • Region: Northwest, Capital Region: -, Change in demand for the month: -1.2%

      • Region: Northeast, Capital Region: -, Change in demand for the month: -2.3%

      • Region: Center, Capital: -, Change in demand for the month: 0.8%

      • Region: South, Capital: -,''Month-on-month change in demand: -2.3%

      • Region: Islands, Capital: -, Month-on-month change in demand: -2.9%

      • Region: ITALY, Capital: -, Month-on-month change in demand: -1.0%

      Average prices per square meter

      The price per square meter of housing in Italy was virtually unchanged, with a monthly change of +0.2% (the same value as in September). The average price ranges from 2,390 euros per square meter in the Center to 1,338 euros per square meter in the islands, the national average is 2,127 euros per square meter (September was 2,122).

      • Region: North-West, Average price per square meter: €2,279

      • Region: North-East, Average price per square meter: €2,197

      • Region: Center, Average''Price per square meter: €2,390

      • Region: South, Average price per square meter: €1,553

      • Region: Islands, Average price per square meter: €1,338ТАG/p>

      • Region: ITALY, Average price per square meter: 2,127 euros

      The most expensive cities to buy a home

      The price per square meter of housing in Milan continues to rise steadily: after surpassing 5,300 euros in September, it reached 5,318 euros per square meter in October (+0.3%). The most expensive area is the Center (10,316 euros per square meter, +0.6%), followed by Garibaldi Moscova-Porta Nuova (9,899 euros per square meter, -1.3%) and Arco della Pace Arena-Pagano (9,306 euros per square meter, +1.0%). To find more affordable housing, you have to move to''Suburbs: the cheapest area remains Biceglie-Baggio Olmi with a value of 2,773 euros per square meter (unchanged compared to September). Among the most expensive cities in Italy are also Florence (4,129 euros per square meter, +0.1%) and Bologna (3,410 euros per square meter, but with a slight decrease of -0.1%).

