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From Asanya to Sanchez

From Asanya to Sanchez

From Asanya to Sanchez

Days go by, and the lack of a narrative justifying the amnesty, aside from the need for votes that Pedro Sánchez is missing, turns the measure of pardon into a source of political disagreement.

The People's Party (PP) is also trying to mobilize the streets to say "no to amnesty," which it is calling for at every rally, last Sunday in Toledo, next Sunday in Malaga, and the following one in Valencia.

The socialist negotiators on amnesty are silent, and the acting president prefers to talk about reconciliation, but sooner rather than later, he will have to provide more detailed explanations, even before he does so in Congress.

Without a story, there is no paradise. For a long time now, the war of stories has replaced the debate of ideas. The story is the key to everything.

During this period of silence from the socialists, we only heard the voice of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, most recently on Onda Cero, who reminded us of the precedent set by Manuel Azaña, who was at the forefront of the amnesty for Luis Companys after the victory of the People's Front in 1936, driven by "how much he loved Spain."

The President of Catalonia was imprisoned along with his government after the events in October when the Catalan state was proclaimed. Zapatero cited the amnesty of 1936 to defend the measure of clemency, which sparked a heated debate. Among the most critical was Felipe Gonzalez, who criticized the argument. Among the most relentless was Pedro J., who reminded that at least it was part of the program back then.

In any case, it must be acknowledged that Zapatero initiated an intellectual debate in the black hole we find ourselves in.

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After his release, Compañis told the Madrid press: "The guards stand before me in submission, whereas they used to detain me, and people look at me with curiosity or admiration. I need to make sure I'm not dreaming. Just a few days ago, I was a prisoner!" Among the journalists listening to him was Manuel Chaves Nogales. In his chronicle, he emphasized how quickly one can go from prisoner to ruler, but he warned that what is concerning is not this transition, but whether he and those around him will be able to fulfill their new roles. Good luck.

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