Property Abroad
'After moving from expensive San Francisco to Spain, they bought a beautiful home for $50,000 - that's how they did it.'

'After moving from expensive San Francisco to Spain, they bought a beautiful home for $50,000 - that's how they did it.'

'There was already a European heritage. John is part Mexican, which creates a connection to Spain, and he is fluent in Spanish. The closest thing to the Californian lifestyle in Europe is in Spain, so the choice was obvious to us. "

Americans are moving to Spain en masse for work and retirement.

Leitz and Flores aren't the only ones. More Americans have been moving to Europe for work and retirement in recent years, and Spain has become one of the popular destinations, according to a report by migration consulting agency Global Citizen Solutions. Part of the appeal likely lies in its mild year-round climate and relaxed lifestyle, combined with relatively low prices for essential goods, including''s many challenges when moving. Buying and selling real estate in Europe is different from such processes in the United States. The whole process is more formal, including notaries, land registries and ambitious translators. There are also language barriers and culture shocks. As retirees, Flores and Leitz didn't have to worry about schools and education - an important aspect if moving to Europe with children. Given their professions, they had plenty of vacation time and used it to explore Spain and other European countries before moving.

Selecting Château and buying a house

Spain is a huge country with different regions, from the snowy mountains in the north to the beaches and islands of the Mediterranean. There are rural valleys, small romantic''villages and big cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Málaga. Flores and Leitz spent a lot of time traveling around the country to appreciate cultural changes, such as Spain's long siestas, numerous public holidays and the fact that stores are not open on Sundays. After choosing Spain and since retirement was still distant, they began preparing for the move by refreshing their knowledge of Spanish, which they were already familiar with from living in California. As they began looking for a home, their first stop was Valencia, a beautiful city and port on Spain's Mediterranean coast. Valencia - known for its oranges, national dish of paiaia, architecture, ceramics and culture - became their home for three years while they rented. However, prices in''town were beyond their retirement budget when it came to buying property. They were also looking for something more rural, preferably a home in need of renovation that they could own and restore to their liking. "Our hobbies are history and art, and we wanted a place where they were present, as well as nature and woods," Flores says. "Another important prerequisite was public transportation and good train or bus connections to other parts of Spain." After exploring the suburbs of Valencia, they finally decided on the ancient town of Châtiva, which has an impressive castle and lookout tower, as well as museums, art galleries, bars and restaurants. Critical was the availability of a fast train that connected Chativa to Valencia and''other towns.

Recommended real estate
Купить flat в Spain 141000€

Sale flat in Benidorm 152 611,00 $

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

50 м²

Купить house в Spain 320000€

Sale house in Williamartin 346 352,00 $

3 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

106 м²

Арендовать flat в Spain 880000€

Rent flat in Menton 952 470,00 $

4 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

150 м²

Купить house в Spain 331157£

Sale house in Manakor 420 764,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

120 м²

Купить townhouse в Spain 149995€

Sale townhouse in Comerio 162 347,00 $

1 Bedroom

1 Bathroom

56 м²

Купить villa в Spain 4850000€

Sale villa in Karimate 5 249 411,00 $

6 Bedrooms

8 Bathrooms

850 м²

The couple says they were attracted to the narrow streets, where there were many old houses that needed restoration - from the very run-down to those that were in reasonably good condition. They also got to know the friendly residents - locals and other immigrants - who were already happily settled in Shativa. They said they felt a sense of community, which was very appealing.

Deciding where to live, they still needed to find suitable and affordable housing. Instead of going to a realtor, they turned to one of the most popular real estate websites in Spain, Idealista, and almost immediately found something that suited them. It was a three-storey stone building, quite spacious and reasonably priced. They said,''see the sky,'" Leitz says. "But you have to listen to the locals, who know best. They strongly advised us not to open the patio because sometimes there are heavy downpours and the house could flood. Now it is covered with a transparent roof that lets in a lot of sunlight." Not only did they get a patio, but also a terrace with many potted plants. To satisfy their artistic interests, they set up a studio in the attic. Leitz says he loves to paint, while Flores creates colorful ceramics. Their work is displayed throughout the house. The furniture consists of pieces shipped from the U.S. and local acquisitions. "Some things we brought from California, among them a Persian rug that has been in the family for years, some we bought at Ikea, but our''problems, except for finding the best place to install the air conditioning units'.

The work was completed in the summer of 2022, and they have moved in and say they have fully integrated into the local community. They have made many friends, both locals and other foreigners, and say they love the way everyone greets each other on the street. "Even our cat, who came with us from California, is happy," Flores says. They've also gotten used to living in a small, quiet town where everything closes from 2 to 5 p.m. "As we get older, the quiet life suits us. We don't need nightclubs and bars, although sometimes we miss concerts and theaters. But then, Valencia is not that far away.".

