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Why people put bay leaf under their pillow as a healing remedy

Why people put bay leaf under their pillow as a healing remedy

Почему люди кладут лавровый лист под подушку как лечебное средство

The laurel is a perennial plant of the laurel family originating from the Mediterranean Sea, and its leaves have been used in Spain for thousands of years as a spice for cooking and as a natural remedy for many ailments.

Although there are many varieties of laurel, they all have many health benefits. Perhaps one of the most well-known benefits of laurel is its digestive effects. Laurel leaves contain certain volatile compounds that help stimulate gastric secretions, improve digestion and fight bloating or windburn.

But not only is laurel a natural remedy for stomach problems, it is also a powerful antioxidant that''Protects the body's cells and fights premature aging.

Now that we have learned a little more about the many benefits of laurel, many people wonder why it is used under the pillow as a natural remedy. One of the longest lasting natural remedies is to put bay leaves under your pillow to improve your sleep. This is because laurel essential oils are released throughout the night, and naturally inhaling these oils helps you sleep for more hours.

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So, while it may seem crazy, putting laurel under your pillow has a positive effect on our bodies.

Another reason why laurel is a great natural remedy is its proven effectiveness against coughs, bronchitis and''other respiratory problems. This plant contains a number of compounds with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties that help clear the airways and reduce symptoms such as stuffiness.

We can't forget that laurel has traditionally been used to improve skin and hair health. Laurel leaves contain a number of substances such as fatty acids and vitamins that are beneficial in preventing premature aging of the skin and hair loss. And if we experience itchy or dry scalp, using laurel oil on it can help fight these symptoms.



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