Property Abroad
Why Sicily is the perfect place to buy real estate.

Why Sicily is the perfect place to buy real estate.

Почему Сицилия - идеальное место для покупки недвижимости.

Sicily has been at the center of international market attention. According to the analysis of Century 21 Italia, our island region is one of the most popular among foreign investors to buy real estate. According to this monster of American real estate, Sicily stands out in Italy in terms of sales transactions and has seen rental prices rise due to the strong interest shown in the Trinacria real estate market. Prices in Sicily remain more attractive compared to other regions of Italy.

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"Sicily is one of the most sought-after destinations for international clients, and this is for several reasons,", "Marco Tilesi, CEO and co-founder of Century 21 Italia, comments. - First of all, it is the unique beauty of the place.And also because in Sicily the recovery in the sale and purchase market is slower than in the rest of Italy, while rental prices are rising, making renting for real estate buyers a very profitable investment. "

Actually, while sale transaction prices in the rest of Italy rose by 2.3% in the last year, in Sicily property sale prices rose by only 0.9%, while rental prices, especially in Sicily, rose by 8%, a higher rate than in the rest of Italy, leading to an average residential property yield of 8.5% (the highest in the last 10 years).

- "In addition, Sicily is an area that responds very well to new real estate opportunities. "

The provinces performing best include Siracusa and Trapani, as well as individual cities with their own market, such as Noto.


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