Property Abroad
Search for real estate cadastral number on the internet

Search for real estate cadastral number on the internet

Поиск кадастрового номера недвижимости в интернете

In this guide, I will tell you everything you need to know about the process of obtaining a cadastral reference for a property. The cadastre provides information about each property (an image created by artificial intelligence). In this guide, I will explain how to find the cadastral reference of a property. I will show you all the steps you need to follow from your cell phone (you can also do it from your computer) to find this information about any apartment, house or plot in Spain. I will also provide a list of cases in which you may need this identifier, especially if this is your permanent residence.

How to find out the cadastral reference of a property in''Spain

To find the cadastral reference, you need to consult the electronic real estate catalog. This is a completely free page and you won't need a digital certificate. This is because the information you are looking for is completely public and can be viewed by anyone. So you don't need to prove your identity to get a link to your properties.

With this in mind, the steps you need to follow are very simple. First, go to the Cadastre website using the link I provided earlier. This is a website that adapts well for small screens. With that in mind, let's continue the steps from a cell phone. On the home page of the electronic property directory, click on'' Real Estate Search and Map Viewer.

This gives you direct access to the Cadastre's graphical view.

This will take you to the advanced search engine.

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Here you can select the Street/Number option to provide the exact address of the property. First select the province and then enter the relevant data. Cadastre has an autocomplete feature to help you enter the street name correctly.

When you are done, click "Data." This will take you to the property card. If you prefer to search directly on the map, scroll down and click "Cartography".

If you have chosen to search on the map, get as close as possible to where the property is located and click on it. Exterior''uniquely identifies the property to government agencies and the state.

In addition to this method, if you are a user of the Mi Carpeta Ciudadana app, you can view a summary of your properties directly in the app.

Why is the data for properties in Basque Country and Navarre not displayed?

The Basque Country and Navarra have an agreement with the state, and one of its provisions is that they have delegated powers in the formation and maintenance of the Real Estate Cadastre. My purpose is not to delve into this issue, but simply to point out that you will not be able to view cadastral references following the above procedure if your dwelling is in one of these''regions.

The following are the relevant inventory links for each department:

  • Catastro de Bizkaia
  • Catastro de Gipuzkoa
  • Catastro de Araba
  • Catastro de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra

In contrast to the national level electronic real estate catalog, the viewers provided by the deputations do not work well on small screens. My advice is to use them from a computer for greater comfort.

Why do you need a cadastral reference for your home?

Knowing the cadastral reference for a property is important in a variety of situations. Primarily, it helps to ensure that the property is properly identified and managed. Here is a list of instances where it is useful to know the cadastral reference to


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