Property Abroad
Police bust a criminal organization exploiting immigrant labor

Police bust a criminal organization exploiting immigrant labor

need and illegal status in Spain.

The investigation was launched earlier this year after several joint inspections at agricultural sites as part of the fight against illegal employment and social security fraud.

There were several foreigners recruited by the group who were exploited, and six people were arrested suspected of forging documents.

The first phase of Operation Oslo.

In this first phase, 27 people were arrested, including several members of the organization's top and middle management, described as subordinates or confidants of the main suspect.

He was an intermediary and the main supplier of illegal labor on demand'. 'An agricultural entrepreneur from the Ebro bank region in Navarre and Zaragoza, who has been identified as the leader of the criminal organization.

In the course of the investigation, police were able to establish that members of the organization recruit foreign nationals, mainly from Senegal, and when they arrive, they live in residential houses in different communities along the Ebro coast in Navarre and Zaragoza.

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In these houses, most of which belong to the leader of the organization, the migrants live in cramped conditions and without minimal hygiene or comfort.

In addition, they are imposed abusive working conditions in a semi-skilled manner, being forced to work in fields designated by the organization all seven days a week, with working hours of eight to ten''hours.

The pay was seven euros an hour without a labor contract and proper registration with the social security system, so much so that if they went for a half-hour lunch, they were taken off the bill.

One of the practices that the head of the organization imposed on the workers was to have documents proving the right to work in Spain issued by a third party to verify their identity in case of a work check.

With such employees, entrepreneurs had the economic benefit of working without a contract and proper registration with the social security system, which created a strong structure of sustainable demand for illegal labor and hence their belonging to the''criminal organization.

Five searches were conducted in households in Ribaforada (Navarra) and Alfaro (La Rioja), where documents for false labor contracts, false foreigner identification cards, vehicles for transporting workers and 6,000 euros in cash were seized.

Police checks were also conducted in fields along the banks of the Ebro in Navarra and Zaragoza with corresponding provincial labor checks.

The two arrested, the main leaders of the organization, aged 37 and 53, were presented to a court of the same rank, which decided to take them into custody.

The second phase of the investigation

In the second phase, agents arrested ten more people, including several agricultural''entrepreneurs from Navarra, as well as several subordinates of the main suspect in prison.

So far, five victims of human trafficking linked to the criminal organization have been identified and questioned.

The investigation is ongoing, so further arrests cannot be ruled out.


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