Property Abroad
The consequences of housing legislation: instability, falling rents and vulnerability to migrants.

The consequences of housing legislation: instability, falling rents and vulnerability to migrants.

Последствия жилищного законодательства: нестабильность, снижение арендной платы и уязвимость перед мигрантами.

The General Council of Spain's official real estate colleges has analyzed the consequences of the new housing law once it is finally approved by the Senate. The president of the organization, Gerard Duelo, and several advisors highlighted the legal uncertainty that this legislation causes to current owners and future investors, as well as its interference in private property and violation of autonomous powers, which will lead to an appeal of the text to the Constitutional Court, as already announced by the PP.

The president of the real estate organization insisted that the application of the law on the right to housing will have the opposite effect of what it pursues.

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"It creates confusion in our system of law by creating an image of weakness and''uncertainty, which is detrimental to protected rights,' said Dueleau.

The law 'contains legal concepts that contradict other laws, as well as being complex and subject to different interpretations' because it is not clear which measures may be the exclusive competence of the state and which may be regional issues.

' according to Gérard Duelot.



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