Property Abroad
'Hotel and Mantel Awards: nominees for best bodega'

'Hotel and Mantel Awards: nominees for best bodega'


Премия отель и Мантель: номинанты на лучший винный погребок

Wine doesn't just exist among vineyards. In many cases, of course, it exists there, but it also exists among winemakers and wineries. We firmly believe that there are hotels that deserve their own pilgrimage, which is why the Best Winery category at the Hotel&Mantel Awards was created to recognize the hard work of the sommeliers and experts who make sure that a glass of wine never takes a back seat.

Abadia Retuerta, Sardon de Duero, Valladolid

A 12th-century monastery hides one of the most delicious wine-tourism destinations in Spain. Because Abadia Retuerta is not only a gorgeous five-star hotel with a Michelin-starred restaurant, but also a winery itself.''Surrounded by vineyards, this property not only produces one of the most award-winning wines, but also has one of the most luxurious private collections in Spain: 8,500 bottles, including all vintage years (the first dates back to 1995), as well as other wine brands from friendly wineries. There is no better place to enjoy LeDomaine Blanco de Guarda, Pago Negralada 2017 or Pago Garduña 2013.

Arts Barcelona, Barcelona

If the hotel's restaurant is called Enoteca, imagine its wine list... Renowned Catalan chef Paco Perez heads up Arts Barcelona, a restaurant of purely Mediterranean essence, awarded two Michelin stars, where Mediterranean produce reigns supreme, with a special emphasis on fresh seafood. The importance of their wine' cannot be overlooked'cellar, which contains more than 700 items.

Atrio, Caceres

Tono and Jose.

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Jose and Tono. The story of Atrio is almost the story of a miracle in the hotel business in Spain. An oasis of good taste and excellence in medieval Caceres, where all you want to do is stay to live in one of their 14 rooms. A love of art is another thing a wine lover knows: their wine cellar has been called the "Sistine Chapel" of wine. And not only because of their magnificent sanctuary architecture created by Tugnon and Mansilla, pilgrimage also happens because the wine cellar of this Caceresque hotel always tops the most prestigious lists in the world.

Finca Cortesin, Casares, MalagaAG/h3>

A mix of palazzo and Andalusian manor surrounded by one of the''the best golf courses in Europe and winner of several awards, Finca Cortesin is the epitome of exclusivity. This is why their wine cellar is always stocked with the best brands. Their love for Jerez wines deserves a special mention.

