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'A product with probiotics and antioxidants, a bridge for Spaniards.'

'A product with probiotics and antioxidants, a bridge for Spaniards.'


Продукт с пробиотиками и антиоксидантами, мост для испанцев.
Продукт с пробиотиками и антиоксидантами, мост для испанцев.

Caring for the microbiota is a fundamental part of our health and the basis for regulating our intestinal transit and strengthening our immune system. So, the gut microbiota or intestinal flora is an ecosystem of microorganisms living in the digestive system. It is responsible for regulating our immune system and when these microorganisms are disrupted, the risk of immune diseases increases. This is why extra help is needed in the form of a proper diet and probiotic allies such as yogurt, kefir or in this case an ingredient with probiotic properties, popular in Spain, which can also be beneficial for your intestinal flora.

This food'. 'The substance is also linked to emotional well-being and improved mood, also known for its antioxidant content, which can have very positive effects on cardiovascular and brain health. As for its probiotic power, a study conducted by several Korean institutions and published in Science Direct links its consumption to improved gut flora. We'll tell you which ingredient we're talking about and what benefits it can bring to women's health.

So, when we talk about probiotics...

We mean beneficial live microorganisms (bacteria) that live in the gut and help improve our health in the right amounts. In this case, you are probably''You'll think of probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented foods, but you probably haven't thought of chocolate. Yes, you read that correctly. Chocolate, and more specifically dark chocolate, has been investigated by various studies that link cacao to its positive effects on intestinal flora. Studies show that cocoa, in addition to being an ally in improving mood, has a favorable prebiotic effect on our body's bacteria.

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However, it must be dark chocolate, and the purer the better.

How dark chocolate affects the intestinal flora

According to a study conducted by experts from Korea's''The Institute of Nutritional Research, eating this type of chocolate alters the intestinal microflora and at the same time helps to improve mood. In the study, a group of participants were given 30 grams of dark chocolate with 85% cocoa content for three weeks each. After this period, a significant increase in the levels of a bacterium called Blautia obeum was found. This bacteria has probiotic properties, which means it is particularly beneficial to health.

On the other hand, several studies emphasize its importance in the formation of intestinal microflora in children, recovery from certain infections and regulation of intestinal health, among other aspects. Therefore, it is believed that this bacterium may be''therapeutic goal to achieve balance in the gut flora and also to establish a link between the microbiome (bacteria in the gut) and the brain in mental health disorders. These beneficial bacteria can play a role in digestion and overall gut health. However, it is important to remember that it is always advisable to consume dark chocolate in moderation and as part of a balanced diet to reap these benefits. Consuming it with moderation as part of a balanced diet is key to enjoying its positive effects on mood without overindulging.

How chocolate can improve mood

Dark chocolate is commonly associated with mood enhancement, which is usually attributed to several key''factors:

  • Endorphins:Black chocolate can stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, which are known as 'happy hormones'. Endorphins can induce feelings of well-being and pleasure.
  • Serotonin: Chocolate can also increase the release of serotonin in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter associated with mood and emotional regulation. Increased serotonin levels may have a positive effect on feelings of happiness and well-being.
  • Antioxidants:Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which may help reduce oxidative stress in the body. This, in turn, can have a positive effect on mental and emotional health.
  • Taste and''pleasure: The flavor and texture of chocolate can give pleasure, which is often associated with mood elevation and feelings of fulfillment.


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