Property Abroad
Messina Denaro travels to Montenegro for casinos and affairs in fishing in Tunisia: two years in Sicily

Messina Denaro travels to Montenegro for casinos and affairs in fishing in Tunisia: two years in Sicily

Messina Denaro travels to Montenegro for casinos and affairs in fishing in Tunisia: two years in Sicily
Messina Denaro travels to Montenegro for casinos and affairs in fishing in Tunisia: two years in Sicily

The PALERMO 2017 estate turns on microphones that intercept the conversations of a mob boss from Partanna, a town in the province of Trapani. "...says he was in Calabria and came back...", he tells one of his most trusted men. They talk about "Matteo," the same Matteo Messina Denaro who will be arrested in five and a half years. The noise of paper can be heard. They read a note from a fugitive criminal who, on his return from Calabria, planned meetings, "...pass through there, and the Christians will follow us...". Then the mention of "his sister, his sister..... here. The note says. see? He writes that he has decided...".

Messina Denaro, that's why Andrea Bonafede became a spacer for the boss: friendship since childhood, threats and awe-inspiring fear. Yesterday, like today, Calabria's running back Matteo Messina Denaro. The Mafia ringleader, arrested Jan. 16 in Palermo, traveled extensively in Italy and abroad, both for business and pleasure. Documents found in the Campobello di Mazara hideout are being used to reconstruct the life of the Trapani mob boss.


The before and after, the tumor was the tipping point between the cautious and reserved Messina Denaro and Messina Denaro, who had to be treated and starting in 2020 decided to do so in Sicily, lowering the level of protection. The ties between the Trapani mafiosi and the Calabrese 'ndrine are very old. The ties that hold the drug business together. Messina Denaro may have gone to Calabria to develop a drug business that allowed him to make money, and there was a lot of it, which he spent while on the run. In a hideaway in the San Vito alley in Campobello di Mazara is the boss's bookkeeping, which is regularly updated and increased: he spent up to 15,000 euros a month. Dew staff are recovering traces of the presence of the fugitive in Calabria, who may also have traveled abroad.

Spain, Tunisia, Albania and Montenegro were his stops for various reasons.

EUROPETAg trips.

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He could return to Spain for health reasons. He had already been there, in Barcelona, in 1994, to have eye surgery at the Barraquer Clinic. Dew Carabinieri had traveled to Tunisia recently, confident they could catch him. Messina Denaro's secret interests may have been covered by the interests of some entrepreneurs involved in the fishing business. On the other hand, some of the interests of Giuseppe Guttadauro, a doctor and boss from the Brancaccio area, were centered in Africa. In Morocco, in Larak, Guttadauro deals in fresh fish. Giuseppe Guttadauro is the brother of Filippo, one of the fugitive's sons-in-law (he married Rosalia's sister). The company that Guttadauro runs in the province of Palermo employed Maria Mezi, who had previously had a romantic relationship with the fugitive. The woman, along with her brother, is back under investigation after the arrest of Messina Denaro. There are recent contacts with relatives of an already former fugitive that merit more detailed scrutiny.

In addition, several investigations by the prosecutor's office against the Mafia in Palermo have found tons of foreign tobacco arriving in Sicily from North Africa, hidden among the crates of fish carried by fishing boats crossing the Straits of Sicily. The presence in Albania is completely decipherable. Nothing is leaking out, but there is still a trail of drug activity being tracked. In Tirana, Albania, Luca Bellomo, husband of Lorenza Guttadauro, who is not only the niece of the Mafia leader (daughter of sister Rosalia and husband Filippo Guttadauro) but also his lawyer, was intercepted. Messina Denaro, investigators say, sent Luca Bellomo as his envoy and then traveled himself to, they say, make contacts with government and business officials.

The situation in Montenegro is different. There are no business deals or mysteries, only a passion for the game is behind Messina Denaro's trips to put his chips in Montenegrin casinos. Which of the many identities did he use? Not under the name of the surveyor Andrea Bonafede, whom he turned into to treat and perform operations at Mazara del Vallo and Palermo. At one point, Messina Denaro returned home to avoid dealing with a serious illness alone.
