Property Abroad
'A revolutionary form of club ownership, allowing fans to become shareholders for the price of a couple of cups of coffee, is coming to Spain.'

'A revolutionary form of club ownership, allowing fans to become shareholders for the price of a couple of cups of coffee, is coming to Spain.'


Революционная форма владения клубом, позволяющая болельщикам стать акционерами по цене пары чашек кофе, прибывает в Испанию.

Image of the archive of fans of the team Rayo Vallecano (EFE).

What if you have shares in the team you root for? There has been a lively debate about the ownership model in sports clubs in Spain for several years now. The emergence of joint stock companies in sport has put the power of the fans in the hands of big businessmen. However, F2o Sports has emerged to change this and give more power to the fans. "We are going to change the way sports, especially sports clubs, function and are owned," explains Stefano Angeli, co-founder of the company that emerged in the heart of Silicon Valley, in an interview with Infobae España.

"To understand the situation, I always use the example from the movie '\''Gladiator'\'," says'Angeli.

"In the movie we see the Colosseum, the people partying, buying, spending money, getting drunk, and in the middle are gladiators killing each other to determine who will survive and win. The same thing happens in sports: a very few have ownership, and a lot of fans are around, having fun but getting nothing but emotional satisfaction. They spend a lot of money to go to the stadium and support the team, buy jerseys, travel....

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And in the middle are the players who struggle to succeed," Angeli explains.

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The idea originated on the athletic fields of Stanford University, where a group of people decided to 'decentralize,''' 'Digitalize' and 'globalize' sports club ownership so that every fan can become an owner.

The goal of F20 Sports is to change the situation where fans are at the bottom of the organizational pyramid of sports. "To do this we have launched a crowdfunding campaign so that anyone can join. For the price of a couple coffees, you can become a shareholder in the company and be a part of that. But not some empty membership, but a real share. We aim to give everyone the opportunity to do this," states Stefano Angeli, co-founder of F20 Sports. (F20 Sports).

"The second aspect is digitalization.

Sports is still heavily focused on watching on TV, going to the stadium, reading the news or listening to the radio. We want''provide fans with

