Property Abroad
Italy's greenest cities for the urban environment of 2023

Italy's greenest cities for the urban environment of 2023

Italy's greenest cities for the urban environment of 2023

Trento, Mantua and Pordenone are the most environmentally friendly cities in Italy. The worst cities for environmental conditions are Caltanissetta, Catania and Palermo. The ranking of the thirty-third annual Urban Ecosystem exhibition, organized by Legambiente and Ambiente Italia, is the result of a study that celebrates the North-East of Italy, which is paradoxically one of the most polluted areas in Europe. It is this circumstance that prompts reflection on urban, environmental and sustainable policies that can generally make a difference and improve the living conditions of citizens.

City Ecosystem, Results 2023 Again, the Urban Ecosystem ranking in its thirteenth version becomes an accurate indicator of the urban and environmental policies implemented by the government and local administrations. The figures gathered in the study by Legambiente and Ambiente Italia question the image of a green and sunny Southern Italy and a gray and uninhabitable North. Of course, the factor of environment and nature as well as microclimates and territories are structural elements in the White Country, rich in diversity and biodiversity everywhere. But in planning for the future and the quality of life, politics and the hand of man play a major role. That's why Italy's northeast is leading the way with some of its major cities in the 2023 Urban Ecosystem ranking.

Ranking of Italy's greenest cities

From the usual study by Legambiente and Ambiente Italia, the greenest cities in the 2023 ranking take the first three places: Trento, Mantua and Pordenone. All of them are concentrated in the Northeast, an area that in the past has undergone profound transformation of the territory for the needs of industrial production. Today, they are examples of cities for a greener and more sustainable society.

On the other hand, Rome, a city that is the historical heritage of mankind, that for centuries has set styles and urban choices for the progress of civilization, where parks are in short supply, ranks only 89th.

At the end of the list are the cities of one of the most famous regions in the world for its natural landscapes and world historical and cultural heritage: Caltanissetta, Catania and Palermo, ranked 103rd and 105th respectively.

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Why does the North beat the South?

When compiling the Urban Ecosystem rankings, observers analyze various environmental and urban parameters. For example, Reggio Emilia and Forlì are in the top 10. We are in the Padana Plain itself, which is now considered one of the most polluted areas, but it is here that the improvement of public transportation and pedestrian areas is noticeable. Other cities have made huge strides in waste management and waste sorting. Overall, however, as Legambient notes, "despite small improvements," chronic urban problems remain: smog, cars, transportation, and grid leaks. That's whyMilan, symbol of the North and engine of the future, is struggling to climb from 42nd place in 2022 to 38th place this year. Other major centers such as Genoa and Florence are sinking lower than in previous years. It seems that medium and small center cities are improving, perhaps they are easier to manage and less chaotic for compatible well-being with new lifestyles. In any case, the North-South gap seems to be explained precisely by local policy choices, the effectiveness of citizen services, and habits and outdated behavioral patterns. It's no coincidence that Legambiente talks about "too disconnected actions." "What is needed is a strategy and a national governing body including government, mayors and local communities, as well as sufficient resources for long-term and innovative measures that can no longer be postponed," the environmental association urges.

Read more: How to be greener at home and in the city

