Property Abroad
Event: Join the giddy hour with colorful planners from GGWash.

Event: Join the giddy hour with colorful planners from GGWash.

Event: Join the giddy hour with colorful planners from GGWash.

Join the Planners of Color Evening of Joy: Meet many diverse representatives of local planners and advocates, and meet other people who are interested in achieving equity in housing, transportation, and land use at our Evening of Joy at Shanklin Hall. This event is for planners and planning-related professionals who identify as representatives of people of color. If you feel you belong in this space, then you do belong, and we welcome you. Find out more and confirm your participation zdesk.

Explore public transportation models of different cities''world:

The DC Transit Enthusiasts host a variety of transportation-related events that include presentations, debates, and visits to transportation facilities. This Tuesday, they are organizing a meeting on various aspects of public transportation systems around the world. From Miami to Copenhagen, you will learn about the differences in systems through informal presentations by other public transportation enthusiasts. There will also be time to discuss plans for the group's future events and their new project to improve metro station names. Find out more and confirm your attendance zdesk.

Participate in a webinar on the transportation financial crisis:

In connection with''s level of demand for public transport services, stabilized below pre-pandemic levels, and the lack of additional funds to compensate, transport companies across the country are being forced to cut service. With a lack of reliable and efficient service, public transportation accessibility is becoming an issue for many. This Wednesday, TransitCenter is hosting a discussion with transportation experts on what actions can be taken to stop the cycle of financial crises. WMATA CEO and Executive Director Randy Clark will also give open remarks about financial reality and WMATA's vision for securing funding. Learn more and confirm your attendance zdesk.

Participate in''Dialogue on underutilized federal real estate:

The Georgetown Global Cities Initiative is hosting a panel event to discuss how the underutilization of federal real estate affects local communities. The Georgetown Global Cities Initiative focuses on research on social equity, rapid urbanization, urban governance frameworks, and more. The initiative aims to create dialogue and align scholars and practitioners to engage in urban research. The panel discussion will include planning experts and former government officials.

Recommended real estate
Buy in Spain for 575000€

Sale house in Philadelphia 643 750,00 $

6 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

180 м²

Buy in Spain for 389000€

Sale house in Philadelphia 435 510,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

60 м²

Buy in Turkey for 135145£

Sale other properties in Side 182 151,00 $

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

85 м²

Buy in Spain for 575000€

Sale house in Philadelphia 643 750,00 $

6 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

168 м²

Buy in Spain for 288000€

Sale house in Philadelphia 322 434,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

65 м²

This event is open to all. Learn more and confirm your participation sdtag/a>.

Look at urban public spaces through a Spanish lens:

To better understand how the U.S. can improve its cities, it's important to have a good understanding of what other countries are doing. This Saturday, a revised version of the Polis exhibition will take place in Washington, DC. This exhibit features 25 projects aimed at improving public spaces in Spanish cities. These projects focus on Spain's best achievements in intervening in public spaces over the last twenty years. The exhibition also looks at global common challenges and future solutions to create more democratic cities. The event will feature short films made in Barcelona and its''neighborhoods. This event is organized by CCCB and commissioned by the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy in Washington, DC. Learn more and confirm your attendance zdesk.

Discuss the future of the American Legion Bridge in Maryland:

Maryland is currently seeking federal funding to alleviate congestion and provide alternatives to privately managed sections of I-495. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) will hold three public consultations in November to discuss the future of the American Legion Bridge and the 270 Corridor Program. MDOT is seeking feedback to help officials determine the public's priorities for these programs. Learn more and confirm your participation tAG/a>.

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