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Weight loss product is being mistaken for a weed in Spain

Weight loss product is being mistaken for a weed in Spain

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Health and well-being.

Although it is little known in Spain, this vegetable is rich in omega-3, great for detoxification and will be your ally in the fight against aging.

April 12, 2023, 17:06

The Mediterranian Spanish diet is one of the most highly rated for those who want to eat healthy and prevent a host of chronic diseases. A diet full of lots of fancy ingredients with lots of phytonutrients and antioxidants, dubbed super healthy foods. But the truth is that in recent years, new names keep being added to this long list of superfoods.

There's the thing about a specific superfood, little known in Spain butwhich has ancient roots, namely from the Middle East. We are talking about greens, a vegetable that in some countries is considered a weed, but thanks to its properties has become one of the most valuable and useful medicinal plants for women.

What are greens and what is their origin? Before we talk about its great properties for the body, it is important to know a little more about the origin and history of this plant from the family Portulaceae. Originating from the Middle East, India and southern Europe, this plant has spread to many other regions around the world over time and due to its benefits.

A plant that, because of its unfamiliarity in some countries, such as Spain, and its easy breeding, can sometimes be identified as aas a weed, but can be distinguished by its distinctive yellow flowers with five petals that appear in spring.

Why is it one of the most valuable vegetables? It is a medicinal plant that disappeared in ancient times, thriving in warm seasons in many parts of the world, especially at the edge of fields and roads.

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It is one of the richest vegetables in omega-3's, all combined with its variety of nutrients and medicinal properties such as vitamins, beta-carotenes, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

  • Diuretic properties
  • Removal of toxins from the body
  • Fighting urinary tract infections
  • Possible use for weight loss
  • Lowering of blood pressure

The benefits of greens in weight loss and for women It is this diuretic effect of greens, and therefore its ability to help remove and prevent fluid retention, that makes it an excellent ally for weight loss in overweight or obese people. Provided it is combined with a balanced diet, exercise and the advice of a doctor or professional nutritionist. By enhancing fluid retention, this herb also becomes an excellent remedy to combat the swelling that usually accompanies hormonal changes, menstruation and pregnancy in women.

Other outstanding benefits of greens:
  • Diuretic action
  • Aids in the elimination of skin problems
  • Easeheadaches and inflammations
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties
  • Cleansing and laxative properties
  • Improves the health of hair
  • Improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol

How do you incorporate greens into your meals? You can eat the stems, leaves, flowers and seeds of greens, so you can make choices like including them in fresh salads or steaming or roasting them in other dishes. Another good option is to add it to your healthy smoothies by blending it in a blender or as a starter and infusion. Whether you choose to use it fresh or dried, the plant will retain all of its properties.


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