Property Abroad
'Does Miguel Bose associate with the Bourbons?'

'Does Miguel Bose associate with the Bourbons?'


Связывает ли Мигель Босе с Бурбонами?

The Los Dominguin-Bose family spent many years of their childhood on the Villa Paz estate in the province of Cuenca. This estate belonged to one of the daughters of Isabella II of Bourbon, the Spanish queen who was forced into exile after the Glorioso Revolution in 1868. Miguel often observed fun evenings in this house, where his famous parents, along with Sophia Loren, Ava Gardner, and the Marquis de Villaverde, would party together. It used to be a retreat and vacation spot for the Baviera-Bourbon family.

Isabella II, whom Galdós nicknamed "a woman of unhappy fate," had four daughters who were Spanish infantries, as well as a son, Alfonso XII. The third of the daughters was Paz, who was born at the Royal Palace in Madrid in 1862, and in 1883, when she was 21''year, she married Louis Fernando of Bavaria, prince of the Wittelsbach dynasty (cousin of Louis II and Empress Sissi). Paz studied medicine at Heidelberg and worked in a small clinic in Munich. She was an interesting personality. She and her sister Eulalia, the youngest of the daughters of the deposed queen, inherited some Neapolitan cultivation land near Saelises from their grandmother Maria Christina. They sued for several years with their half-cousins, descendants of the relationship the regent had with her second husband, Fernando Muñoz, Duke of Rianzares. Part of this property went to the Infanta Paz, the humblest but kindest and best educated of the sisters. The other part, Los Castillejos, went to Infanta Eulalia, who, having an unhappy private life, had barely''Was able to keep it profitable for several decades. The two estates were separated by the Siguela River and its Roman bridge.

Pas, Luis Fernando and their children Fernando, Adalberto and Pilar spent long periods of time at this modest rural estate in Luján.

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Although they lived in the Nymphenburg Palace, from where Paz tried to maintain cultural ties between Germany and Spain through the Spanisch Pädagogium, a kind of Catholic charity that promoted the exchange of young talent between the two countries, and Luis Fernando participated as a violinist in the orchestra of the Royal Theater, they tried to visit Spain at least twice a year. "It is necessary not only to give alms to the poor, but also to help him learn to earn a living," the Infanta often repeated''Pass.

They did not visit Saelises during World War I because of the hardships of food shortages and the effects of losing their status after the explosion of the revolutionary committees and the proclamation of the Weimar Republic. They also had a family home in Santillana del Mar, in Cantabria, which had been given to them by their good friend, the Marquis de Comilla, Count Güell. But "Villa Paz" was their most favorite place. She practiced painting, and he spent his hours reading medical journals and composing music, away from palace duties. They often received visits from their nephew, Alfonso XIII, for whom they were deeply attached: it was in the apartment where they lived in Nymphenburg that the king spent Christmas 1931, the first Christmas after his''exile.

The estate was the subject of litigation during the Civil War and after the confiscations. Infanta Paz died in 1946 and her descendants tried to recover the property until it was auctioned in 1951 at the Court of First Instance in Tarancon and was purchased by Luis Miguel Domingueña, Spain's most famous bullfighting figure of the 1950s. The bullfighter, friend of Picasso and son-in-law of Antonio Ordoñez, a famous torero of the dynasty, met the beautiful actress Lucia Bose in Las Vegas, who was Miss Spain and starred in the movie Death of a Cyclist. They were later married in the small chapel of Villa Paz. From this marriage was born the singer Miguel Bose, who was baptized in "Villa Paz" with Lucino Visconti as godfather and''spent his childhood summer vacations on an estate that once belonged to the most noble in the Spanish royal family. Subsequent disagreements and the unfriendly breakup of their parents led to a new sale in the 1970s. Today, Villa Paz is owned by a family of cattle ranchers as an agricultural enterprise and hotel.

