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Technical problems prevent the court from unlocking Sofia Clerici's cell phone.

Technical problems prevent the court from unlocking Sofia Clerici's cell phone.

Технические проблемы мешают суду разблокировать мобильный телефон Софии Клеричи.

Actor Martin Insaurralde and model Sofia Clerici continue to be in the spotlight after their scandalous trip to Marbella over two months ago. The political community continues to speculate as to why Insaurralde is still silent, not communicating and living shut up in his Banfield home. He answers that he decided to step back and relax a bit after causing a major political shock with his trip to Spain and the rental of the yacht "Bandido". Despite this, Insaurralde still retains his power in Lomas de Samor.

All eyes are now on justice, as on Friday the trial chamber of the Federal Court of Justice of La Plata restricted all assets held in his name. It''means that the former mayor of Lomas will not be able to sell real estate, cars, ships and even airplanes during the investigation, which could last many years. The same measure also affected the property of model Sofia Clerici. It was a major blow in terms of the economy, acknowledged some of the lawyers familiar with the case.

In the meantime, defense attorneys are following up with forensic tests on Sofia Clerici's phones, including an iPhone 11 and an iPhone 13 PRO MAX that was seen in a closet in her master bedroom. The Perites have already met twice this week with the Air Force's digital forensics unit, but they have been unable to find anything. The Gendarmerie's software does not allow some models of the iPhone 13 to be opened, a judicial source said.

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The Perites also have been unable to''s iPhone 11 and a laptop of the same brand. "The Mac is damaged and it is impossible to recover its contents," the court source pointed out. However, the smartphone can be opened after the battery problem is resolved. There is also a Samsung laptop that can be used for forensics. The content of the model's phones can prove, among other things, whether there was an "agreement" between those involved in the scandal before the photos were published. It could also reveal many conversations before and after the trip. Investigators are still questioning whether the seized phones are the only ones Clerici possessed. "Spending thousands of dollars on bags and not having an iPhone 14 or 15?" one investigator said ironically.

In addition, when the suitcases were passed through the scanner at Eseiza Airport, the u



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