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Madrid's silent battle for land: women owners honored in favor of developer''' Madrid's quiet land battle: women owners vs. developer

Madrid's silent battle for land: women owners honored in favor of developer''' Madrid's quiet land battle: women owners vs. developer

'\''Quiet land battle in Madrid: women owners honored in favor of developer'\' Quiet battle for land in Madrid: women owners vs. developer

The Madrid administration has rejected the objections of the owners of a plot of land in Arawak, who have been fighting for twenty years not to have it taken away by a company, and approved the agreement to develop it as an "urban planning agent". This happened in the plenary session on Monday with votes against all factions - Más Madrid, PSOE and Vox - except the Popular''parties.


Beatrice Primo, one of the victims, went to the polls and as it was taking place she shouted: "Item 18 is my house! Don't vote for it!" But it did her no good: the Popular Party has an absolute majority and with her votes the text of the final document was confirmed.

The information that Pervo and Prados, as owners of a plot of land in the center of Arawaki, one of the most prestigious areas of Madrid. The 1997 General Urban Planning Plan declared the plot suitable for development, so shortly afterwards (in 2004) the family tried to develop it. To their surprise, the administration informed them that their plot of land had been selected by the 'urban planning agent' and if they wanted to build on it, they would need to participate in the''s competition with this agent. That agent was Iniciativas en Áreas de Planeamiento S.L (Inaplan).

"Town planning agent" is a legal entity that no longer exists. It was introduced in the Valencian Community in the 1990s and then came to Madrid. Its purpose was to activate the lands of private owners who did not want to do it themselves. However, according to the legislation of the Community of Madrid, which repealed it in 2007, it proved ineffective. Its functions, according to the law that repealed it, "may conflict with the property rights of many citizens.

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Henrique Climent, the economist who led the fight against this figure in the Valencian Community, defines it as: 'Urban planning agent, private''the entrepreneur, who, in most cases, carries out promotion and construction with the invaluable assistance of the administration, passes over the historical owner of the land, who, as the intended beneficiary of the benefits of town planning, bears all the costs, whether of money or of a portion of his property. A curious phenomenon occurs, reminiscent of the miracle of the loaves and fishes: an urban planning agent who, when he started out, did not own a square meter of land in the area to be developed, becomes its largest owner when it is redeveloped. "

Also in Valencia, this figure was canceled in 2005. The company won the competition thanks to this figure and the family has since found itself in judicial, administrative and entrepreneurial''traveling. Since the land remains their property but they are no longer allowed to build on it, they are at least trying to get the maximum amount of money for it. Some developers have offered them options but included a portion of the payment to the winning company.

In their 88 pages of objections, the mother and daughter disagree about the public tender, the timing - "it has been almost twenty years since the procedure began" - and the company's proposal. "The process is not justified and lacks an important regulatory decision guaranteeing property rights (...), clearly favoring the interests of Inaplan", they write. "There is no justification for the allocation of the use of the site and no report of results that would explain all the costs of the operation, leaving the assessment''normative acts or a violation of the principles of the administration's actions. As the victims explained to the newspaper EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA at the time, the objections were their hope of regaining control of the plot of land where they have a small house in which they continue to live. Since they have failed, their alternatives now are to accept the offer from Inaplan (which they consider insufficient, since the land belongs to them and is estimated to be worth more than they are being offered) or to oppose the buyout process.


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