Property Abroad
'Sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023'The sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023. Asset volume is resilient to market conditions.'

'Sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023'The sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023. Asset volume is resilient to market conditions.'


Sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023Sustainability of managed assets with ASG in Spain until 2023. Asset volume is resiliently resisting market conditions.

The features in 2022 were the difficulties associated with the war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the economic environment with inflation and high interest rates, which led to a growing debate in some sectors and political spectrums about the scope and timetable for sustainable finance.

Despite the circumstances, there have been''Progress has been made in the obligations of asset owners and managers, accompanied by the implementation of sustainable finance regulation in aspects such as disclosure requirements and marketing of financial products with sustainable characteristics, as well as international cooperation in reporting.

The combination and availability of sustainable investment strategies continues to improve in the Spanish market according to previous editions of the study, which was presented this year at the Spainsif 2023 Annual Meeting, sponsored by J.P. Morgan Asset Management, EY, Morningstar and VDOS, and held in Madrid at the EY Dome with more than 200 participants, 120 of whom attended in person and 80 online.

Joaquin Garralda, president of Spainsif, expressed his gratitude''To the members of the Spainsif organization for their contribution to the development of dialogue and action for the financial sector that contributes to the achievement of sustainability. He also thanked the organizations for the efforts they make each year to answer the questions, as the report presented today is of great importance to analyze and evaluate the development of sustainable investment in Spain.

Alberto Castilla, EMEIA ESG Solution Lead and Partner responsible for Sustainability and ESG at EY Spain, noted that "sustainable investments and ESG issues are among the dimensions that have evolved rapidly in recent years in enterprise management. Today, they require vision and the necessary skills for organizations to understand their impact on organizational valuation and''decisive transformation'.

The research presented during the event was based on 60 Eurosif methodology survey responses received, 33 from domestic organizations and 27 from international asset managers and owners.

Strategies for active dialogue and exercising voice have increased significantly since the last surveys and have consolidated in the 2022 data as the most common practices among the organizations in the sample, reaching 202.137 billion euros, followed by ASG integration (105.686 billion euros) and positive screening strategies (28.997 billion euros).

Mariano Arenilla, head of DWS Iberia, highlighted that "the annual Spainsif 2023 study is the most''an accurate analysis of the development of sustainable investments in Spain, presenting a series of conclusions that provide guidance for the development of this type of investment in an increasingly demanding environment of client openness and increasing regulatory requirements.'

During the presentation, Andrea Gonzalez, CEO of Spainsif, delved into the nature of the additional research regarding the different approaches to sustainable investments that stem from European regulations, and presented a methodological transformation for future editions that will take into account the dual nature, evidence of impact and level of investor ambition, among other factors.

Helena Vignes, Advisor at CNMV and Chair of the Platform for Sustainable'The European Commission's Finance Directorate, noted that during this year '\''transition finance'\'' or transition finance has been at the center of the debate on how to finance the transition to more carbon-intensive sectors as opposed to a more comprehensive analysis of how to finance an economy's transition to full carbon neutrality.

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Vignes elaborated on how the sustainable finance framework currently considers a subset of transition finance. She also highlighted the importance of the interaction and complementarity between credible and robust transition plans, alignment with the Fixed Asset Investment Taxonomy or CapEx, and targets and absolute reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. She pointed out several areas that require more in-depth''learning or improving, and shared information on the work of the European Platform for Sustainable Finance in this regard.

Trends in Sustainable Finance The Spainsif 2023 annual event included a specialized presentation on the collective engagement platform Forum pour l'\''Investissement Responsable-FIR. Grégoire Cousteau, CEO, and Justine Apollin, responsible for dialog and engagement at the French SIF, shared the goals of this initiative, from influencing companies' ASG practices to improving sustainability disclosure.

Two roundtables were held during the Spainsif 2023 annual event, focusing on advanced engagement and voting practices, as well as the evaluation of market research results. Maria Jose''Spainsif's Financial and Insurance Group; Marta de la Cuesta, Professor of Economics at UNED and Vice President of Spainsif's Service Providers and Academics Group; and Andrés Herrero, Previsión Social de UGT and Vice President of Spainsif's Trade Union Group.

