Property Abroad
Jaume Rures: we won 20 million from Rubiales in the courts

Jaume Rures: we won 20 million from Rubiales in the courts

Жауме Рурес: мы выиграли 20 миллионов у Рубиалеса в судах

New days after it was announced that Jaume Rures was leaving Mediapro, the audiovisual company he himself founded in the 90s, the Catalan entrepreneur told El Món a RAC1 broadcast about the reasons for his unexpected departure. "The general partner sent a letter indicating that I am no longer the executive director. If the opportunity to manage is taken away from me, I prefer to go home," explained Rures.

The lack of communication between Rures and Mediapro is complete. "I usually anticipate what's going to happen in advance. This didn't surprise me. This had been dragging on for a long time and was going to get resolved," he gushed. After a lifetime at Mediapro, Rures didn't like the course of events at his departure. "Mediapro is my baby. I wanted to send''An email to staff, but the partners have classified it. They cut off my communication," he added and said that he "couldn't live if I obeyed everything. The press of the extreme right is happy to see me go. "

Without focusing on his current events, his departure and his connection to the audiovisual world, Rures did not shy away from other issues. Before talking in detail about Barcelona, he spoke about his legal proceedings with Luis Rubiales, who heads the Spanish Football Federation: "When Rubiales came in, he took away our contract. We won 20 million euros worth of litigation against Rubiales. "

"It's a lie that the partner has property" The Catalan entrepreneur also claimed to be involved in Barcelona. In 2021, he partnered with a guarantee to''Joan Laporta could become president and has invested €100 million in 24.5% of Barça Studios through Orpheus Media, a company run by Rures. 'I am not considering buying Barcelona, but I would like a discussion about ownership. Barcelona, like La Caixa, can create a fund that protects a significant part of the ownership and put 25% or 35% on the market.

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That way you protect the collective ownership," explained Rures, comparing this to Manchester United. "Now that United are up for sale, they talk about five or six million. If Barcelona is worth four, 30% is 1.2. Everything would be solved. You have to change people's mentality," said Rures, expressing his criticism of the situation. "It's a lie that the partner has ownership. Every assembly does what it thinks it should do. You can't''to let someone walk away and leave a hole of 800 million. Our problem is that we can't discuss. To have a future, we need to look for solutions, we need to get rid of the debt burden," he added.

The Mediapro founder has no intention of joining the club. "I'm not interested in the world of presidency and meetings. I would not like to be president of Barcelona," he confirmed.

Alex Pintanel

is responsible for covering FC Barcelona for Relevo. Born in Barcelona, he studied journalism at Abat Oliba CEU. At Radio Marca, he covered the 2014 Basketball World Cup. On BeIN Sports and GOL, he was a special correspondent for several Barcelona summer tours and for the Champions League final in Madrid in 2019. A lover of the world of cars, he is passionate''Formula One. The author of the book 'TRIDENT. The Magic of Champion Barcelona'.

