Property Abroad
How can Russians obtain a mortgage in Europe?

How can Russians obtain a mortgage in Europe?

How can Russians obtain a mortgage in Europe?
  • How can Russians obtain a mortgage in European countries?
  • What documents are needed to apply for a loan in Spain and other countries?
  • How to get a mortgage in Germany for foreigners? All the important aspects.
  • How to get a loan for foreigners in Turkey: tips and recommendations

Mortgage for Russians in Europe

Russians interested in the possibility of investing in European real estate often wonder about the availability of mortgage loans. It is important to consider that in some European countries, financial institutions do not provide loans to foreign clients.

For example, in Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Croatia, the practice of providing loans to non-residents is extremely rare. At the same time, there are countries with a developed mortgage system where access to loans is open to foreign citizens, including France, Spain, Cyprus, Germany, and Turkey.

Mortgage in France

France is considered one of the most attractive locations for obtaining a mortgage. The process of getting a loan here is not particularly complicated. Many banks are willing to offer loans to foreigners.

Ekaterina Korraz, a client relations manager, emphasizes that most credit organizations issue mortgage loans to non-residents, who often make up 50% of the value of the property being purchased. For example, if you have a budget of 600,000 euros, you may be approved for a loan of 300,000 euros, provided you can confirm your financial capability.

In some cases, banks are willing to provide up to 80% of the property's price, but such offers depend on individual circumstances. Financial institutions in France base their decisions solely onofficial income...that are subject to taxation, and the total amount of the monthly payment should not exceed one third of the specified income.

Documents for mortgage processing in France

To apply for a mortgage in France, you need to gather a number of documents. The required package includes:

  • originals and translations of tax returns in French for the last two years;
  • bank statements for the last six months;
  • documents confirming the availability of the down payment;
  • a copy of the foreign passport;
  • information about marital status;
  • income statements for the last two years.

At Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier, you can apply for a loan of up to 70% for a term of up to 30 years, with interest rates ranging from 4% to 5% per year. Ekaterina also clarifies that the loan application process takes about two months.

Mortgage in Spain

As for Spain, on specialized real estate platforms, you can find attractive mortgage offers reaching 80-90% of the property's value. However, in practice, it's better to expect financing in the range of 50% to 70%.

The terms for such loans can be up to 25 years, and the interest rates are also in the range of 4-5% per year. Olga Naumova, a senior manager at Luxuf, notes that not all Spanish banks are open to foreign clients:

“There are indeed many banks in Spain, but we only work with the largest and most reliable ones that offer our clients favorable conditions.”

Olga also adds that, although one can approach any Spanish bank, without qualified assistance there is a risk of receiving unfavorable terms or facing rejection.

Financial opportunities when buying real estate in Spain

Naumova also points out that when purchasing real estate worth 650,000 euros, one can obtain a loan of up to 60% of that amount. Therefore, when buying property in Spain, it is important to consider:

  • features of the local financial market;
  • the choice of a reliable partner who can offer the most favorable conditions for foreign buyers.

Understanding all the details and nuances will help you successfully realize your dream of acquiring property in sunny Europe.

Documents for applying for a loan in Spain

In Spanish financial institutions, there is a need to provide numerous documents for loan processing. Among them, special attention should be paid to important materials such as a foreign passport, an annual income declaration, a certificate from the tax office confirming that there are no tax debts, and a statement from the primary place of employment with income data for the past year, indicating the position (this is equivalent to the 2-NDFL certificate).

It is also required to provide:

  • a statement from the savings account for the last 90 days;
  • a document confirming the absence of debts to banks in Russia;
  • a document from a Russian bank that will confirm the availability of funds in the account.

In addition, the foreign buyer will need to arrangeNIE- The tax number that is issued in Spain after making a deposit for the property being purchased. The more documentation and information the borrower provides, the higher the likelihood of a positive response from the financial institution.

If the property is purchased by a couple, it is best to have the documents registered in both spouses' names. All submitted documents must be translated into Spanish; the services of a professional translator will cost around 150 euros on average. Of course, you can find a translator in Russia as well, but Spanish banks tend to trust those specialists who have licenses and work locally more often.

Document verification system in Spanish banks

It is important to note that in Spanish banks, the document verification system is often not as clearly regulated as in other European countries, which can lead to significant delays in the application review process. Olga Naumova emphasizes that obtaining a loan can take anywhere from two to five weeks depending on the circumstances.

Lending in Cyprus

The situation with obtaining a loan for real estate purchases in Cyprus looks more favorable. However, after the recent economic crisis, the requirements for borrowers have become stricter. While it was previously possible to expect financing of up to 90% of the property's value, today banks are willing to provide a maximum of 70% for the primary market and 60% for the secondary market.

Typically, a borrower should prepare documents such as:

  • a copy of the foreign passport;
  • information about income;
  • recommendations from the banks where he has accounts;
  • bank statements for the last three months;
  • purchase and sale agreement.

To successfully purchase real estate in Cyprus and obtain a loan, it is necessary to have permission from the local authorities, as well as to open an account in a Cypriot bank. Many real estate agencies take on the responsibility of handling all these formalities for their clients. Larisa Tarakanova, a consultant at the Moscow office of the "Pafilia" company, reports that banks can approve up to 70% of the property's value for a term of up to 40 years, with an interest rate ranging from 4.25% to 6.5%, depending on the currency. The loan processing usually takes about a month.

Consultations on mortgage issues in Moscow

In Moscow, potential borrowers can receive mortgage consultations at the offices of Cypriot banks, such asBank of Cyprus,Laiki Bank,Hellenic BankandAlpha Bankthat allows them to obtain the necessary information without leaving Russia.

Getting a mortgage in Germany

As for Germany, obtaining a mortgage can be quite a labor-intensive process, especially if the buyer decides to go without the support of mortgage brokers or agencies. This approach can significantly complicate an already complex loan application procedure.

Therefore, many borrowers prefer to turn to specialists to ease their interactions with financial institutions.

How can Russians obtain a mortgage in Europe?

Mortgage lending for foreigners in Germany

While obtaining a mortgage in Germany for foreign citizens can be a complicated process, it's important to keep in mind the associated costs, such as intermediary fees, which can amount to around2%from the loan amount.

The situation in the mortgage lending market for non-residents in Germany is changing depending on economic realities. Different financial organizations may respond differently to applications from foreign clients. As Dmitry Kegeles, manager of the Gerrus Baufinanzierungsberatung agency, explains, there is no specific group of banks in the country that are eager to provide loans to Russians.

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While some financial institutions are willing to lend to foreigners, others may refuse. Additionally, previously approved applications may be rejected in the future.

Lending and terms

Kegel also mentions that banks in Germany can generally issue a loan of up to50%from the market value of the acquired property. For example, if the apartment is valued at500,000 eurosthe borrower can expect to receive250,000 euros.

The borrower has the right to choose the term of the mortgage, which can range from5 to 30 yearsThe frequency can be chosen every 5 years. Currently, the average interest rate on mortgage loans is4.5%annual conditions for debt repayment for10 yearsAs the loan term increases, the interest rate also rises. Most often, loans are issued for a period of10 to 20 yearsalthough there are also options for30 years.

Required documents

To apply for a loan, borrowers need to provide several key documents, such as:

  • foreign passport;
  • income statement from Russia;
  • income declaration;
  • a statement from a Russian bank confirming the availability of sufficient funds.

It is important to remember that all these documents must be translated into German. As Dmitry Kegeles points out, processing the application takes aboutmonthIn most cases, the application process goes smoothly without any difficulties. However, some banks may refuse loans to borrowers who do not have an open account with that institution.

Mortgage lending in Turkey

Comparing the situation with Turkey, it can be noted that obtaining a mortgage here also does not pose serious difficulties, but it requires consideration of certain aspects. Primarily, it is important to understand how the amount that can be obtained as a loan is calculated.

Most often, banks will issue from50% to 70%from the appraised value of the property, rather than its actual price, which often turns out to be significantly higher. The market value assessment is carried out by qualified specialists appointed by the financial institution. For example, if an apartment is sold for150,000 eurosIts estimated value may only amount to100,000 euros...which will result in the borrower receiving an amount from the bank.50 to 70 thousand euros.

Anna Iskortsova from the company New Home in Turkey emphasizes that the assessment is usually at10-15%below market price, as banks strive to minimize their risks. If the borrower is unable to meet their obligations, the financial organization must be able to sell the property for a profit.

Popular banks in Turkey

Among Russian clients, banks such as are particularly popular.DenizBankandGaranti BankBorrowers most often turn to DenizBank for loans, as this institution has a well-developed infrastructure for customer service, which significantly simplifies the loan application process.

In Turkey, the opportunity for foreigners to obtain loans is just beginning to develop, so not all financial institutions have established an efficient process for processing such loans yet. In this context, Denizbank stands out, which, according to Anna Iskortsova, is one of the most suitable options. She notes that the process of obtaining a loan in this country is quite simple, but it should be taken into account that it may take time — it is recommended to plan for about two to three months for the processing.

Necessary documents for obtaining a loan

To apply for a loan at Denizbank, it is important to prepare a specific set of documents. The main documents include:

  • income statement;
  • proof of property ownership (title deed);
  • data on regular expenses, such as current obligations or alimony;
  • information about credit history;
  • a bank statement that will confirm the movement of funds;
  • an official document from the tax service confirming annual income and taxes paid (form NDFL-2).

All submitted documents must be translated into Turkish.

Where can I get a mortgage?

As of today, the opportunity to obtain a mortgage is available in major cities such as Istanbul, Antalya, Alanya, Bodrum, Mahmutlar, Mugla, Kusadasi, and Fethiye. This is due to the fact that the mortgage market in Turkey is in a phase of active development, and according to current legislation, foreign citizens can only purchase real estate in these cities.

Loan repayment terms

It's also important to remember that it's not advisable to spend more than a certain amount on repaying credit obligations.50%from the official monthly income. Interest rates on loans in Turkey range from7%to9%annual rates, which are significantly higher than in most European countries. For comparison, fixed rates in other countries vary:

  • In France: from3.4%to5.4%;
  • In Spain: from4.3%to5.2%;
  • In Cyprus: from4.0%to7.0%;
  • In Germany: from4.2%to5.2%.

Floating rates can also vary, starting from2.6%in France and reaching4.3%in Turkey.

The loan amount and its term

The maximum loan amount can reach70%from the appraised value of the real estate, and the loan terms range from5to20years. Additionally, it should be noted that administrative fees may vary from1%to2%from the loan amount.

Recommendations for buying real estate

If you are planning to purchase real estate using a mortgage loan, there are several key points to consider:

  • Carefully work out the budget.
  • It might be worth considering the option with the longest loan term.
  • To choose the optimal conditions, it is necessary to compare different bank offers.
  • The support in the form of a payment schedule by year, provided by the bank, can help you make a more informed decision.
  • Find out in advance about any possible fees associated with lending services.

Preparation for applying for a loan

Prepare all the necessary documents in advance to reduce processing time and avoid delays. Pay attention to the terms of the long-term loan agreement, and read all the clauses carefully, especially those regarding the possibility of interest rate changes. Don't forget to clarify the conditions for early repayment of the loan to avoid unexpected difficulties during the repayment process.


In conclusion, I can say that for Russians wishing to purchase real estate in Europe, the process of obtaining a mortgage varies by country. While in some countries, such as Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Croatia, it is quite difficult to get a mortgage on terms for non-residents, there are many opportunities to obtain a housing loan in countries like France, Spain, Cyprus, Germany, and Turkey.

Mortgage in different countries

In France and Spain, banks are eager to lend to foreign buyers, offering terms that allow for financing up to 80% of the property's value. Although the documentation requirements may vary, the fundamental principles of lending remain similar:

  • Reimbursement of up to 80% of the property's value.
  • The necessity of providing a complete set of documents.
  • It is important to prove financial stability.

Cyprus, although it has imposed some restrictions after the crisis, still remains an attractive destination for both purchasing real estate and obtaining a loan. The situation in Germany is somewhat more complicated, and without the help of professionals, the process can be prolonged.

It's important to remember:
  • Every country has its own nuances and requirements.
  • Consultation with real estate and mortgage experts can be quite helpful.

So, refreshing this information in my mind, I feel more prepared for the next step on my journey to purchasing real estate in Europe. I realize that working with competent professionals will significantly simplify this process. I hope this information will help many readers when choosing and securing a loan for their desired property. Be ready for potential challenges and successes in this exciting journey into the world of European real estate!


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